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À propos de pucci

  • Date de naissance 07/08/1975

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  1. I'm trying to run Samurai Spirits Sen for NESiCAxLive using iDmacX v2.0 1) I put the iDmacDrv32.dll (x86 version) in the game folder 2) I run JConfig.exe (32 bit version) to configure the commands 3) when I run game.exe the game starts but stops at a screen that says "I/O error" Am I missing some step?
  2. we are trying to create it on a discord channel, maybe when we have something ready we will try to post it here too
  3. pucci

    Hunt Ducks 4

    it request a password to install certificate
  4. Where i can download King of Fighters XIII Climax (Nesica)? nothing for this two games? - Gouketsuji Ichizoku: Senzo Kuyou for NESiCAxLive- Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (APM3)
  5. are the dumps of these teknoparrot games available? - Gouketsuji Ichizoku: Senzo Kuyou for NESiCAxLive- King of Fighters XIII Climax (Nesica)- Shining Force: Cross Exlesia- Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (APM3)
  6. the only Taito NESiCAxLive missing are: Arcana Heart 3 Love Max !!!!! BlazBlue - Central Fiction [OLD VERSION: 304005] BlazBlue - Continuum Shift II The pieces Naimmentanpin-Doradorara~tsu miss!
  7. Arcana Heart 3 Love Max Six Stars!!!!!! not Arcana Heart 3 Love Max
  8. the only Taito NESiCAxLive missing are: Arcana Heart 3 Love Max !!!!! BlazBlue - Central Fiction [OLD VERSION: 304005] BlazBlue - Continuum Shift II BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle The pieces Naimmentanpin-Doradorara~tsu miss!
  9. BlazBlue: Central Fiction for NESiCAxLive2 released but link is dead
  10. and the only Taito NESiCAxLive missing are: Arcana Heart 3 Love Max !!!!! BlazBlue - Central Fiction [OLD VERSION] BlazBlue - Continuum Shift II Chaos Breaker for NESiCAxLive Dark Awake for NESiCAxLive The King of Fighters XIII - Climax for NESiCAxLive The pieces Naimmentanpin-Doradorara~tsu miss!
  11. now the only 2 Taito NESiCAxLive2 missing are: BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle BlazBlue: Central Fiction for NESiCAxLive2
  12. pucci

    Game Loader All Rh

    very funny answer. unfortunately I come from Italy the state that currently has had the most deaths from covid-19 and honestly I don't have much pleasure in joking about it. is there anyone who can answer me seriously?
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