Jubeat Festo HDD Data
* 2022052400 (final):
* 2021121501 (old): https://mega.nz/file/TllCWLQK#cnTS2QYqV37PmZnTW-_bR1HCefVGT4AIrSY9KSNzcJI
* kb_testmenu.dll: https://anonfiles.com/43haZ015yf/kb_testmenu_dll
* SpiceTools: https://bemani.fun/spicetools/spicetools-latest.zip
Network Services: Asphyxia, Echidna, or a similar localserver.
1. Add the following entries to your HOSTS file (`C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts`). Doing so fixes a stuttering issue. eamuse.konami.fun eamuse.konami.com
2. Grab the latest version of SpiceTools from the link above.
3. Make three new folders inside `contents`:
4. Copy the contents of the `contents\prop\defaults\` folder into `dev\nvram`.
5. Launch spicecfg.exe and set applicable options. See the below section for the important ones to check depending on what setup you're using.
6. Run spice.exe to start the game.
7. You'll get a BACKUP DATA ERROR. Press the test key to go into test mode, and use your mouse, touchscreen, keyboard, or FB9 to navigate to the GAME OPTIONS menu.
8. Next, navigate to SHOP SETTINGS, and set the Shop Name Settings and Shop Area. Save and close.
9. Head back to the main menu and select Game Mode, or just reboot the game, and you're set!