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Tout ce qui a été posté par joe555

  1. Put dgvodoo exe in your game folder open and set res in there then click apply you need all the files with DG voodoo in game folder I think there's 6
  2. Look at the top tabs the furthest right one set res in there click apply but do thru exe easier
  3. Updated my above post to play king of fighters maximum impact Fullscreen 1920x1080 Intro plus continue after countdown
  4. Not sure they could do much considering mame doesn't distribute roms maybe I'm wrong
  5. joe555

    Game Loader All Rh

    Have you tried to download 379 from first page of this thread instead of updating to it remember you need all 3 files gameloader exe gameloader config and gameloader installer
  6. so for those having trouble with intro for king of fighters maximum impact start with fresh download put newest gameloader in and jvs loader exe aswell as miracard .ini and kofmira.reg set gpu in miracard.ini dont know if miracard.ini is still needed with game loader but I have in there gameloader settings Window size select settings 1 = I put 1920x1080 you put your size make sure to click on it to activate it Loader Mode=1 Loader Settings 1=jvsemu also select your gpu for me Nvidia Loader Settings 2=d3d9 converter to d3d8=new Anistropic Filtering optional I have 16 Other 3 optional I have no admin mode cheched and do not minimize each window on desktop checked well all the top ones checked except taskbar auto hide patch and save loader settings 1 save and close open jconfig map controls uncheck sound wrapper and 3d9 wrapper Nesica Settings uncheck all except sv folder save click ok click ok close game now fullscreen 1920x1080 intro plays and can continue after count down gameloader installer exe must be ran once before intalling portable mode if you want put 0 in gameloader settings ini to get rid of version at bottom of screen Start with gameloader exe
  7. Also I have to use different settings with glarh than what they used in 303 I have to leave loader mode -1 I think because of the JVS loader
  8. Can you send me 303 please I will try not hitting continue and let timer run out to see what happens I was reading the older Post and it sounded like none before 303 and I'm unsure how long after also intro never worked with TP
  9. from emuline but I can't find glarh 303 mirror down also can you be more specific when you say game crash at game over because if I die I can hit start to continue or do you mean when you beat game
  10. try changing the name of a different game maybe fnf then put fnfsc to rawart or try newer version 3.69 first page of this thread or look on Virus-Man site it has 3.59 which might be the latest working one with TP make sure to launch with right game exe I think it's sadmenexe
  11. I use teknoparrot but if mohkerz been working than try it first than they TP
  12. Try changing your folder name of your game to the same as the XML instead of rawart so fnf or fnfc or fnfsb2 what ever the XML is for your rawthrill games than can probably move them to another drive aswell but will still have to be at the root of that drive they don't like multiple folders
  13. joe555

    Game Loader All Rh

    Does someone have a link or gameloader 303 they could upload mirror on first page down thanks
  14. Sorry never tested that far but I assume you did what the wiki said and put in your gpu
  15. I had black screen at start up to but hitting a button would go to insert coin and show screen but after putting in stew88 file I get no more black screen glarh was just to upscale
  16. You can also use resx trick with shortcut do get 1920x1080 or higher if your monitor support its
  17. Maybe they were taken from PC version also look on jconfig Wiki need miracard.ini and enter your GPU and or Nvidia or intel as well as kofmira.reg
  18. Look on of 86 under stew88 his provided file got video for me I had same black screen to Nvidia work with jconfig or TP now using gameloader to upscale 1920x1080 just can't get the patch in glarh to work for different characters thanks stew88
  19. Sorry wasn't at my computer trying from memory but if you go to nxlcore with the latest jconfig folder there's a patch in there for it
  20. If I remember there a fix in misc folder when you download latest jconfig
  21. No latest update only works with TP
  22. Also run in win 7 compatibility mode
  23. Don't use the specific version of jconfig for fighting ex use latest jconfig
  24. To slowdown wasteland racers run in windows 7 compatiability mode other wise game runs to fast and Nvidia control panel doesnt work riva tuner just slows loading time but ingame still to fast if someone could start a thread for wasteland until it gets a loader I'll post there I don't know how
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