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  1. joe555

    Circus convoy atari 2600 rom

    Supposedly each rom has it's own unique Id, so they would know who leaked it
  2. If you're not moving jellybeans with mouse, means your not pressing on them, probably because of wrong aspect ratio, so your mouse is off play area, which it is a vertical game, so if you don't have vert then need to adjust for aspect
  3. Reshade
  4. so 5th option down in test menu, than you want to set chlac, set same as my pic
  5. Zoot Zoot going to try this tonight
  6. Shoot off screen to reload, works here
  7. This isn't anything new, been playing this version ever since TP added this game, and you could play it before on other loader,
  8. Never downloaded, but you did add reshade, and also checked layer in reshade and set size of layer PNG, to 1920x1080 in reshade, if it's not , and then starting game with bat , also check the names in bat files and for PNG, to make sure it's what play is expecting, some times things change with releases
  9. Support what, a user that has been banned here, more times than I can count, banned from TP discord aswell as most other discords, plus the game has had test menu and saving for yrs, with other loaders, user above just has skill issues
  10. You can use dgvoodo, and it will show test menu , no step forward, always been able to with that
  11. Same files that standalone required used, here it's running in TP
  12. No problem here extracting it, RRZ/ Robert/ mike
  13. Been supported in vanilla mame for long while now
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