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  1. Same files that standalone required used, here it's running in TP
  2. No problem here extracting it, RRZ/ Robert/ mike
  3. joe555

    Final Fight Anniversary Edition

    Been supported in vanilla mame for long while now
  4. Test menu settings don't stick for TP
  5. Retroarch has few different cores for genisis/ mega drive, usually these type work with pico drive, tested and working in retroarch with pico drive
  6. joe555

    Primal Ra&ge 2 Mame

    Been using for yrs, since only game I use that mame for, I add bezel and curvature and scan lines if wanted, with arcade cabview
  7. No believe it has to do with network icon, so with TP will give black screen, at least with Nvidia
  8. I'm on win 10, but have since deleted the game
  9. Work good and have it widescreen
  10. Well no since older games, if you want that than go play PC games, when you upscale old arcade games, things aren't going to be correct always
  11. If you don't want the tiny screen, than play at 640x480, will start the coin screen normal and hud , speedo and stuff will be in proper place
  12. Well I set it up when was first added, so don't recall all the steps, but everything you need is with the Sega tools for it, if you scroll to the bottom of one of the pgs, has another download it tells you to grab, so it's just go slowly and read carefully and everything, it's all there, how to change language and very/ or not and so on, and what's already been posted here for info, and some things can't be shared, since some of it requires paths and such done on each user side, aswell as can't speak for others, but usually get no thanks or very little on here for sharing or helping, one of the last things I posted had over 70 downloads in 3 hours and no thank you or likes, doesn't make me want to help or share, and that happens lots here , also when people do share, someone complains and ask for re-up with different file share, there is also a user 2 or 3 up, that keeps getting banned and coming back with alt accounts, and been trying his best to harress myself and others on this forum
  13. joe555

    Aliens Armageddon install discs

    If your just looking to play the game, there free now in teknoparrot, and can grab them from archive org, just follow what it says here
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