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joe555 a gagné pour la dernière fois le 2 septembre 2024

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  1. So got it working here, I had realtek audio disabled, that needed enabled and also my firewall was blocking, so had to allow it, which wasn't popping up
  2. I'm thinking might have something to do with sound settings, I had Realtek sound disabled, since using Samsung speakers from tv, enabled that now screen pops up and stays black longer, so will continue to mess with
  3. I did that and wouldn't, got the quick pop up and close, so than tried the pvz after , but I will try shortly with your new patch and change my scaling to 100, dunno same results
  4. yes did that here, it will boot if I only run the pvz exe, but then hangs on screen, also tried admin and no difference
  5. Then your getting same results as me, and don't see what could be doing wrong
  6. mine just opens a window and closes it real fast
  7. I can't grab the, keeps giving bad gateway, and can't find it elsewhere
  8. Has instructions and tools on how to do
  9. joe555

    Circus convoy atari 2600 rom

    Supposedly each rom has it's own unique Id, so they would know who leaked it
  10. If you're not moving jellybeans with mouse, means your not pressing on them, probably because of wrong aspect ratio, so your mouse is off play area, which it is a vertical game, so if you don't have vert then need to adjust for aspect
  11. Reshade
  12. so 5th option down in test menu, than you want to set chlac, set same as my pic
  13. Zoot Zoot going to try this tonight
  14. Shoot off screen to reload, works here
  15. This isn't anything new, been playing this version ever since TP added this game, and you could play it before on other loader,
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