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Tout ce qui a été posté par Progman

  1. Thanks for clarifying! Can you further clarify what are the differences between Daphne, Singe (2?) and Hypseus Singe (which is better named Hypseus Daphne?)? Which is better for who? Basically i'm looking for one that can run the original arcade 4:3 versions of the games with bezels but also the user edited arcade 4k 4:3 versions of the games with bezels. Which emulator is best for me?
  2. Yes, i guess my search was wrong but the first link contains only 3 games and in the second link the page owner write there that hypseus singe roms are not available yet...? 😕 Also, i see that other thread link there are not only multiple .m2v files for each game but also multiple .ogg files? and the files are named differently than in @oldskool8bit youtube video guide...
  3. I searched for "Dex" and "Sirdrak" in the forum search and found no result. I'm looking for all romset files that Hypseus Singe can run. I follow Oldskool8bit youtube guide. Can you be more specific on how to find the relevant romset links?
  4. How to add full pack of game bezels to standalone emulators: BigPEmu, Demul, Dolphin? For example, Atari Jaguar bezels i want to add to BigPEmu:
  5. I tried to run with xemu but the games won't load not in .iso form and not in .xbe form, how to run?
  6. Because My redump set has one more chihiro game (mahjong) that is not in post one and i prefer to run games from redump set. I downloaded it from the late Pleasuredome tracker. The site does not exist anymore. Anyway, whatever, i use the games from post one for now and emuline is awesome emulation site, so i tried to run some .xbe files of games from post one and only VC3 seem to run with no error messages and it runs smooth. Ghost Squad for example, gives this error:
  7. Yes, i mounted the .cue file to a virtual drive using daemon tools but when browsing to the virtual drive the software won't detect a gxiso file. Maybe gxiso file is a special format? At least Virtua Cop 3 should run good and maybe other games as well, on PC. I'm using a PC. VC3 running, seems ok:
  8. Downloaded the missing .dll from here: Now the software runs but it asks for xiso file? I have .cue and .bin files...
  9. Tried to install what you suggested (gxiso) but i get error message that the file MSVCR71.dll was not found... Reinstalled the program but the same error message appears... Maybe @Harry99710 knows how to convert the files?
  10. I got a Sega Chihiro Redump set and each game contains 1 .cue file and 3 .bin files. How to convert from .cue-.bin to .xbe so cxbx-reloaded emulator can run the games?
  11. Hi, i followed the instructions and i have two issues: 1. Demul arcade boards Reshade game bezels are not showing, how to fix? 2. Reshade menu is low res with scanlines and it makes it hard to read the reshare ui, how to fix?
  12. Progman

    Game Loader All Rh

    Bump. Hopefully someone can help. ^^
  13. Progman

    Game Loader All Rh

    I need help setting up ReShade with demul07_180428. I put ReShade_Setup_4.6.1.exe in the demul folder, entered reshade, directed it to demul.exe, downloaded the default standard effects and sweetfx, choose dx10/11/12, closed the window, renamed ReShadeMod64.dll to d3d11.dll, opened demul.exe (video plugin in demul settings is gpuDX11) and run marvel vs capcom 2, pressed the home button but nothing happens, How do i make reshade effect configuration window to show? Thanks in advance
  14. For teknoparrot games, i put the files in each game folder and the shaders work now. For demul, i don't have any reshade files, what included launcher are you referring to? I do not see any launcher file or shaders in the demul folder. I really want to make demul arcade games look less blocky and more smooth, i think they need shaders even more than teknoparrot
  15. Could anyone write a short instruction on how to enable reshade for teknoparrot games and for demul games? For teknoparrot, I got reshade files for teknoparrot from the patchthe torrent upload in the link description in this great upload by @Trymado (Hello fellow, i'm a subscriber from youtube) For example, Daemon Bride has: Reshade-shaders folder d3d9.dll ReShade.ini I put these files in the Daemon Bride folder but when i launch the game with teknoparrot it just launches regularly and looks without shaders and there is no shader window. I use the latest teknoparrot version. For demul i got no reshade files. How do i get them for demul? I use the latest demul version, demul07_180428 How do i make the shaders work? Do i need to install reshade software first ? Thanks in advance!
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