There is another way to access the two tracks. Open the sdaemon in your hex editor of choice(If you don't have one I recommend HxD),and scroll down to address 33B9EC. You should see "mesa....stad....swis....volc....lop1....egyp....lost....bnus....mmes....msta....mswi....mvol....mlop....megy....mlos....bnsr....cnyn...."
Alternatively,if you use HxD you can press Ctrl+G,type in the address there,and it will take you right to it. Another alternative is that you can Ctrl+F,type in stad,and it will take you there.
This bunch of four letter strings is the track pointer code list that the game looks at when selecting a track in the menus.
In fact you should be able to make a copy of the sdaemon and keep it in the same folder if you want. I definitely would recommend doing so anyways for backup purposes.
Back to the track pointers,the first one on the list,mesa,is Thunder Mesa,and a bit down the list,mvol,is Volcano Island Flipped. Just overwrite one of the tracks you can select to mesa/mvol. I wouldn't mess with any of the periods or move anything,that will certainly mess something up. If you do mess something up,Ctrl+Z will be your friend.
If you did it right,the track select will reflect this change and you can play the tracks. By the way,ignore bnus and bnsr. The game doesn't normally load those. The cnyn at the very end of the list,I don't believe the game normally loads either.