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Tout ce qui a été posté par Machin33x
[Trad French] Project Diva Future Tone
Machin33x a répondu à un(e) sujet de nucleaireland dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Quelqu'un a gardé le patch dans un coin ? Le lien est mort -
Sinden Light Gun. New Solution! And easy configuration
Machin33x a répondu à un(e) sujet de Rocamoya dans HARDWARE
If someone care, i've made a modded version of the Sinden soft that allow outputs support for recoil. https://github.com/nixxou/SindenSoft/ For mamehooker, you will need to replace this dll : https://github.com/nixxou/PacDriveSDK/ Also support recoil for my emulators forks (just a checkbox in the option) : https://github.com/nixxou/duckstation https://github.com/nixxou/Dolphin https://github.com/nixxou/pcsx2 -
I've made a dirty PCSX2 fork for lightgun games (WIP, Not tested)
Machin33x a répondu à un(e) sujet de Machin33x dans EMULATEUR NEWS
I had made a quick video for someone else. https://streamable.com/hv8l4k So you need to have a default reshade called DefaultReshadePreset and then if you make extra profile with a game id as name, it will use it when you launch the game. The point of that, for me, outside of per game bezel is to add some reshade filter that will reduce the gun white flash on game that doesn't have a gecko code to remove them. -
I've made a dirty Dolphin fork for lightgun games (aim fix + crosshair removal + outputs)
Machin33x a répondu à un(e) sujet de Machin33x dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Quick demo (not from me) of dolphin running with recoil support : https://streamable.com/mjkb0o -
I've made a dirty Dolphin fork for lightgun games (aim fix + crosshair removal + outputs)
Machin33x a répondu à un(e) sujet de Machin33x dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Using the beta software you can set your sinden gun to use joystick mode, with that enabled when you move your gun, it will simulate a joystick movement. And you bind that for your emulated wiimote in the pointer section of the controller config. -
I've made a dirty Dolphin fork for lightgun games (aim fix + crosshair removal + outputs)
Machin33x a répondu à un(e) sujet de Machin33x dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Gun must use joystick mode (availiable for Gun4ir and Sinden, idk for the others) and you just set the axis. -
[EMU] RPCS3 (2 Lightguns - Raw input support is available)
Machin33x a répondu à un(e) sujet de Monky dans EMULATEUR NEWS
J'utilise toujours une 'vieille' version perso que j'avais modifié pour ca, mais j'avais remonté le truc a Megamouse ici : https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/issues/15059 Et d'apres ses dires il l'a implémenté la : https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/pull/15130 J'ai pas eut le temps de tester mais si j'en crois ses propos le bind des touches se fait sur les 4 dernieres manettes. -
[EMU] RPCS3 (2 Lightguns - Raw input support is available)
Machin33x a répondu à un(e) sujet de Monky dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Je le redis, fesable en mode joystick en utilisant le mode fake au lieu de rawinput. -
I've made a dirty PCSX2 fork for lightgun games (WIP, Not tested)
Machin33x a répondu à un(e) sujet de Machin33x dans EMULATEUR NEWS
I didn't test that far, keep me posted if there is any issue. -
I've made a dirty PCSX2 fork for lightgun games (WIP, Not tested)
Machin33x a répondu à un(e) sujet de Machin33x dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Yes, on the US version, i even included as optional download a texture pack to remove the smoke on Time Crisis 2 if you want. -
I've made a dirty PCSX2 fork for lightgun games (WIP, Not tested)
Machin33x a répondu à un(e) sujet de Machin33x dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Widescreen, tested quickly with Time Crisis 2, yeah it works, but not with WideScreen patch, so not really usefull since you got an ugly stretched result. -
I've made a dirty PCSX2 fork for lightgun games (WIP, Not tested)
Machin33x a répondu à un(e) sujet de Machin33x dans EMULATEUR NEWS
For silent scope, i did take a look, but that's too complicated for me. In pcsx2 1.7 mouse work in relative mode, so i would need it to work as absolute to get things done. The thing i'm doing is kinda simple, to sum up, look for the memory value of ammo, if this value decrease and the trigger is pressed = gunshot. Rewriting the whole virtual usb device is on a other level. Well, often if i did do an US version and not the EU, this is for either one of this reason. - The memory value of ammo is tricky to find, change on each reboot, and you got to find a pointer to it, so it take time. - The US version has code/patch/better aim or other things that make the EU version irrelevant for me in comparaison. Like for exemple, for time crisis, crisis zone US, i include a cheat pnach file that remove gun flash, and i don't have it for the EU version. So far, regardless of the region, all guncon game are covered. I've updated my version, now it's not usefull to switch beetween 4/3 and 16/9 for time crisis 2&3 coop, the aiming fix should apply automaticly. https://github.com/nixxou/pcsx2 -
I've made a dirty PCSX2 fork for lightgun games (WIP, Not tested)
Machin33x a posté un sujet dans EMULATEUR NEWS
https://github.com/nixxou/pcsx2/releases/tag/V0.1 Untested, not sure it works, the soft i was using for testing com port has it licence expired. Keep me posted. To sum up. Priorize US versions of games. Only for guncon2 games, It will not solve the issue for Silent Scope. Some games have build in cheats or memory save (like for exemple to enable two player mode in endgame when you normaly have to clear the game) In the gun option, it should have the option to set the guncon com port for direct connection. In the Interface it should have the option to enable MameHooker and an option "AutoBoot Save 10". If this option is enabled, and the save state 10 is used, game will boot using this savestate (can be use to bypass game calibration) Note that Autoboot on save state can crash the emulator if you your savestate virtual usb devices does not match) For 2 player Vampire Night, i had issue with calibrating 2nd gun, so you need to boot with gun 2 off, and activate it once in game. For endgame, remember that gun2 = player 1 and gun1 = player2 For RE Gun Survivor 2, you have to bypass the qualibration screen, don't calibrate the gun. Guncon must be configured in joystick mode and played in 4/3. Except Time Crisis 2 & 3 when you play in coop mode, you have to switch to 16/9 (press F6 until you do) List of game with recoil support : -
I've made a dirty Duckstation fork for lightgun games (aim fix + outputs)
Machin33x a répondu à un(e) sujet de Machin33x dans EMULATEUR NEWS
No, that's not within my skillset. Btw, from what i read, silent Scope is not playable with Mame. Didn't test it, but i saw someone that was building a scope : -
I've made a dirty Duckstation fork for lightgun games (aim fix + outputs)
Machin33x a répondu à un(e) sujet de Machin33x dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Yeah, in fact two lightgun works perfectly fine with pcsx2 in joystick mode, just the aiming that's wrong for split screen game like time crisis. I already did a project for that, but i'm redoing it because i want to implement recoil Not sure if it will works, depend if i can get those memory address, but i'm making progress. https://streamable.com/fno4dm -
I've made a dirty Duckstation fork for lightgun games (aim fix + outputs)
Machin33x a posté un sujet dans EMULATEUR NEWS
You can get it here : https://github.com/nixxou/duckstation Didn't try the recoil part, but that should work, keep me posted if you have any issue. -
So yeah, you can play Ghost Squad with 4 lightgun and get the recoil output now. https://github.com/nixxou/dolphin/ It's made for the US versions of the game, for the recoil you need to use the exact same version of the game as me. To activate crosshair removal, you have to enable custom texture. For the recoil, two options : -If you have a gun4IR you can specify the com port in the controllers options. -Or you can check the option to enable MameHooker outputs in Config -> General, i use a third party app for that so you also need .NET8 runtimes. See my reddit post here : I just added Mamehooker support, but i was not able to test it with a real gun, the one i own do not support recoil (currently) I plan to also do this stuff for PS1 and PS2
[EMU] RPCS3 (2 Lightguns - Raw input support is available)
Machin33x a répondu à un(e) sujet de Monky dans EMULATEUR NEWS
You can also just use fake instead of raw input and use your gun in joystick mode. -
[VirusMan WebSite] Liens morts et demandes / Dead Links and Requests
Machin33x a répondu à un(e) sujet de ViRuS-MaN dans ROMS & ISO
Ca vaut peut etre le coup d'uploader des miroirs sur quelques hébergeurs a peu près fiable dans le temps. Dans le genre une copie sur usenet avec des fichiers nzb et/ou une copie sur archive.org -
Un petit projet en WIP (Auto-configurateur Xinput pour Teknoparrot)
Machin33x a posté un sujet dans PAO PAO CAFE
Salut. J'ai un petit projet a coeur, vu la dose de travail, je sais pas si j'aurai le temps de le completer, je partage au cas ou pour savoir si ca interesse des gens. https://github.com/nixxou/TeknoparrotAutoXinput En gros, l'idée, c'est d'avoir un launcher pour teknoparrot qui va regarder quels sont tes manettes en XINPUT, et configurer automatiquement les touches. Ca n'inclue pas la configuration du jeu, c'est juste les touches, et ça génère un fichier xml séparé de celui présent dans UserProfile, donc ca ne va pas bousiller vos config. Voila un petite video d'exemple ou je lance un jeu avec deux controllers xinput, dont l'un est un pad arcade. Pour le moment, le nombre de jeu que j'ai traité est assez faible, et ca demande pas mal de temps : https://github.com/nixxou/TeknoparrotAutoXinput/tree/main/img Sur le launcher lui meme, j'ai encore pas mal de trucs a faire : - Rajouter des paramètres pour forcer le player 1/2 en mode Gamepad/Arcade. Pour l'instant, je detecte le mode Arcade si le pad en xinput renvoit bien Arcade dans ses parametres subtype, mais je suppose que certains sont indiscernable d'une manette xbox 360. (Apres, si ils utilisent pas le meme Vendor ID & Product ID que les manettes xbox, il y a moyen, mais me faut des infos pour ca) - Rajouter un bout de code qui met automatiquement a jour le fichier config de FFBArcade sur le device utilisé pour rajouter les vibrations. - Gerer les Sinden gun pour les jeux de tir Note : Si il y a moins de 4 manettes xinput branché et que vous avez coché l'option dans la config, le launcher va generer un pad virtual qui va servir a acceder aux fonction Test, Service 1 et Service 2 avec des raccourcis clavier. Ensuite, moi les images du pad, je compte les utiliser dans un menu de pause, mais ca sort du cadre de cet outils, c'est un truc que je fait avec un autre de mes logiciels.-
Il y a peut etre moyen de faire une sauvegarde des fichiers sur usenet par exemple ? Au total, avec tous les jeux et tout ce que tu stock sur le site, il y en a pour quelle taille ?