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Tout ce qui a été posté par Claymanblack

  1. umm no, beacuse you dont need it, and i dont think you grasp how or what i said Nesica client is its own game it then loads in the case of x2 with nxl 53 encypted volumes to make the menu each game is a volume the "ultra" game volume, is the exact same volume on the x2 and x3 they are bit for bit the same so even if i gave it to you, it would be the exact same files.
  2. of course, its on the x3, but specially the software loaded onto it, is a nesicaclient, it is just fully stripped with no menu, and setup to auto boot into ultra, the games are bit for bit identical
  3. I can answer this qusetion, they are byte for byte identical
  4. No , You have to select, xinput, then save, then bind the controls and save again, Xinput has diffrent button order, then dinput.
  5. nothing in jconfig would effect game code like a jump, thats purely due to the physics engine inside the game. the only thing that could effect this is the accleration data being slighty off, but the floating nature of the jumps is the game itself.
  6. We do not specially "fix" anygame based on if techno-parrot support it or not , we suppose them based on if the files are obtainable for the game, is the dump out in the wild, then We fix games as we see fit, out of boredom, or out of personal interest in the title. Some games, like say tekken, Iv had dumps of for a few years, so the second the game is released wow look at that jconfig for it other games, I may not always have the dumps available to us beforehand so fixing them is a matter of well this new games online do i think its worth my time. For instance, I can assure you we will not support or if we happen to they will be dead last any music title, as I deem games like miku, to be the worst kind of trash
  7. No. and yes, the exes are provided to make the game 1 click loadable, you could tech speaking inject the dll into each game exe by your own means. and games that use the same emu engine, like jvs, and idmac, work by just replcaing those dlls
  8. Lets see you compile a new loader then using it for people to play the game. with out using tp. but that still gose back to my original point your tp dick sucker and its laughable , when tp is full open source we will go full open source, untill then we are not providing any code that may help them improve there PAID emulator.
  9. You do realise, that TP dose the same thing with out being full open source right? Reavers Response what "so what i use what code i want, and i make money sue me" Aswell as that code was a partial collabe between alot of people to make monkerz loader happen as for wmnt, that dosent have all the stuff required to boot the game. if it did you could compile it and boot the game? but funny enuf i dont see anyone doing that therefore there has to be stuff missing.
  10. wmnt isnt fully open source on tp either buddy, and the raw thrills games you can find the same rio io board code, on monkerzloader page. if you knew absolutely anything bout emulation the rio io board emulated there works on every game.
  11. the main parts of jconfig, like that are opensource, as Coery released the fast io emu and the jvsemu is infact romhacks, with alot of optimization. this has been opensource for years you can find both easily by googling. as for the rest, the other main emus tp dosent have open source either if you boher to read what that code is and isnt doing. unlike tp, we dont hide and say this is or isnt that it is purely what it is i am also going to edit and add this part objectively there isnt a goddam game jconfig runs, that tp runs better our jvs emulation is faster our game boottimes are faster, so even we we did populate, and open source everything all we would be doing is aiding a shit dev team pocket more patreon money by
  12. Those are parts of it that are open source, can you fucking read? the rest of it is a pure myserty buddy
  13. Tp is not open source, your one of those dick suckers, parts of it are but the rest is inside that lil vmprotected box, not to mention every aspect of jconfig can be logged, and you can even unpack it using any upx unpacker, and get near source code if your not mentally retarded
  14. the second tp gose full open source how bout that./
  15. As i stated petje has no affiliation or connection to any of us.. As to the rest of your questions / comments I am not sure i understand what you want or need.
  16. one, the poster above is posting with out being part of us, so dont know what to say there asking him questions will get you no where 2 nesicaxlive games have a built in exit by setting user select-enable 1 in the registry this will make all games close when button 1 and start are held. I dont bowese this forum often because it sickens me the amount of reaver dick sucking that goes on . and even time i correct them a another account gets banned and the original inflammatory post stays up. so if you want to ask us qusetions our discord is the place to be. As for gulity gear i just forgot to slap its name on this list,
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