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Tout ce qui a été posté par xxOToTOxx

  1. For Daphne, it is easier: Don't forget to add bezels
  2. So close, but you didn't see this in repo: ? For the Singe 2 games you need to add '-set_overlay full' to your .bat file
  3. Looks like you have some broken sprite files. Using the repo files it should look like this: Using the Full Overlay (Singe 2) version it should look like this: All the versions of the Singe LUA, sprites etc are in the repo here: There is no GUI at this point, as it's usually behind another frontend in RetroPie/Batocera/LaunchBox - but there is talk of a launcher app.... Edit: By your screenshot colors, I am guessing you also are running an old version of hypseus. Update by just replacing the hypseus.exe from repo zip file.
  4. Not sure which version of DL2 you are running. If it's the Singe version, hit '9' in game and alter "Show Hints" and "Show Moves" If it's the Daphne version.
  5. Delete all the .dat files in the folder with the video/sound files. They will regenerated (as you saw before) when you start again.
  6. I recently posted the Daphne setup here: sirgubster9 just confirmed it works, so a good stating point.
  7. With the enhanced versions, you can't bypass the arcade boot sequences. But if you grab the regular versions of the ROMS: and (put them in the ROMS folder alongside the others). You can use the -fastboot argument and get extra versions of the games and these you can speed up like so: They use the same video and framefiles. hypseus.exe lair vldp -framefile vldp/lair/lair.txt -fullscreen -bezel lair.png -gamepad -fastboot PAUSE hypseus.exe ace vldp -framefile vldp/ace/ace.txt -fullscreen -bezel ace.png -gamepad -fastboot PAUSE Game Controller NOTE: If you enabled the gampad controller above, you will need to add -gamepad to all your .bat files, for all your games to enable the controller config. For advanced configs you can look at the tech pages at for -bank switches which allow you to alter the coin/lives settings etc.
  8. Games Get the enhanced ROM's from: - rename it to - rename it to Get the M2V files from Dex or Sirdrak pages on this forum. There are .m2v and .ogg and the .txt framefile - This is all you need from those links. No converting here, they are already in the correct format - m2v and ogg. Put them in the Hypseus folder structure like so: C:\ |-- Hypseus Singe | | | | -- hypseus.exe | | -- hypinput.ini <-- This is the controller config file | | -- *.dll + all other files | | -- gamecontrollerdb.txt <-- This file is described below. | | | +-- roms | +-- | +-- | | | |-- vldp | | |-- lair | | +-- lair.txt - This framefile must belong to the video set you d/l. | | +-- lair.m2v - These may be multiple files or single | | +-- lair.ogg | | | | |-- ace | | +-- ace.txt - This framefile must belong to the video set you d/l. | | +-- ace.m2v - These may be multiple files or single | | +-- ace.ogg Create bat files as you have done with Singe for each: hypseus.exe sae vldp -framefile vldp/ace/ace.txt -fullscreen -bezel ace.png -gamepad PAUSE hypseus.exe dle21 vldp -framefile vldp/lair/lair.txt -fullscreen -bezel lair.png -gamepad PAUSE Change the bezel path to whatever you want, I have enabled GamePad controllers here also, this is setup in next section. Game Controller setup - This will affect all games Edit the hypinput.ini file in notepad and paste/change it to: [KEYBOARD] KEY_UP = SDLK_UP 0 0 AXIS_LEFT_UP KEY_DOWN = SDLK_DOWN 0 0 AXIS_LEFT_DOWN KEY_LEFT = SDLK_LEFT 0 0 AXIS_LEFT_LEFT KEY_RIGHT = SDLK_RIGHT 0 0 AXIS_LEFT_RIGHT KEY_COIN1 = SDLK_5 0 BUTTON_BACK KEY_COIN2 = SDLK_6 0 0 KEY_START1 = SDLK_1 0 BUTTON_START KEY_START2 = SDLK_2 0 0 KEY_BUTTON1 = SDLK_LCTRL 0 BUTTON_A KEY_BUTTON2 = SDLK_LALT 0 BUTTON_B KEY_BUTTON3 = SDLK_SPACE 0 AXIS_TRIGGER_RIGHT KEY_SKILL1 = SDLK_LSHIFT 0 0 KEY_SKILL2 = SDLK_z 0 0 KEY_SKILL3 = SDLK_x 0 0 KEY_SERVICE = SDLK_9 0 0 KEY_TEST = SDLK_F2 0 0 KEY_RESET = SDLK_0 0 0 KEY_SCREENSHOT = SDLK_F12 0 0 KEY_QUIT = SDLK_ESCAPE 0 0 KEY_PAUSE = SDLK_p 0 0 KEY_CONSOLE = SDLK_BACKSLASH 0 0 KEY_TILT = SDLK_t 0 0 END You can edit this now or later for your desired setup. Finally grab the latest gamecontrollerdb.txt file to support all the latest game controllers: Save it in your Hypseus folder as gamecontrollerdb.txt (as shown in the diagram above). Start your .bat files........ you're ready to go.
  9. This is from the hypseus Discord, which has the advantage of playing either version. But as stated in the other thread, users do have their favourites. And it's hard to not be impressed by the HD upscale video in Daphne, as showcased here:
  10. Hiya, Even I don't run the Singe 2 versions of these games, I run the Daphne versions. So I don't actually have the m2v any more. So either you or I have to create them? I have an old Xeon so I'm sure yours PC will do much better than mine It's easily explained in Oldskool8bit video:
  11. hypseus plays the Daphne versions of these games, using the and ROM's with arcade emulation. The ROMS you can get the and the video you can get from Sirdrak or Dex, in this forum, both of which are excellent AI HD upscales of the Daphne games. If you are trying to use this video with the Singe LUA games, that's not gonna work. Daphne and Singe video are not interchangeable. Emulation vs fan based Simulation. Most users will convert the Singe MP4 as described in the above video, if they want to go that route, then use the Singe 2 full overlay ports. However, I have seen many users revert back to the Daphne versions after trying them. Depends what you want....
  12. Wow, word travels fast, you beat me to it.
  13. For anyone waiting:
  14. @lezzi87 - Those files are in this thread. Or use the first post and the Base64 decoder to get the links.
  15. Yep, some gun game improvements coming. Including wide borders for Sinden users.
  16. Bezels After the hiatus we have some more features coming in hypseus. Integrated bezel support: Coming soon in a release near you.
  17. Get your soldering irons at the ready:
  18. Thanks, Another coming addition will be the ability to add a hardware annunciator to Space Ace. It will be fully customizable, so you can go all authentic or create some funky new peripheral addon....
  19. Dragon's Lair USB Hardware Scoreboard Game testing:
  20. For the Arduino hackers and hardware geeks out there. A work-in-progress: Dragon's Lair USB Hardware Scoreboard
  21. Of course - If you are using RetroPie just pull the update via RetroPie-Setup from source. Other distros will be catching up on their next release. Or compile from source easily yourself following repo instructions. The Pi will not support the full resolution overlays due to it being under powered, but 32bit overlays and gamepad support are all tested and working
  22. Hypseus Singe v2.10.1 Couple of major additions in the new Hypseus Singe release. 1. SDL_GameController support, so the option to use a simplified constant MACRO driven config rather the traditional Joystick API that Daphne used (hot plugging and gamecontrollerdb.txt supported): [KEYBOARD] KEY_UP = SDLK_UP 0 0 AXIS_LEFT_UP KEY_DOWN = SDLK_DOWN 0 0 AXIS_LEFT_DOWN KEY_LEFT = SDLK_LEFT 0 0 AXIS_LEFT_LEFT KEY_RIGHT = SDLK_RIGHT 0 0 AXIS_LEFT_RIGHT KEY_COIN1 = SDLK_5 0 BUTTON_BACK KEY_COIN2 = SDLK_6 0 0 KEY_START1 = SDLK_1 0 BUTTON_START KEY_START2 = SDLK_2 0 0 KEY_BUTTON1 = SDLK_LCTRL 0 BUTTON_A KEY_BUTTON2 = SDLK_LALT 0 BUTTON_B KEY_BUTTON3 = SDLK_SPACE 0 AXIS_TRIGGER_RIGHT KEY_SKILL1 = SDLK_LSHIFT 0 0 KEY_SKILL2 = SDLK_z 0 0 KEY_SKILL3 = SDLK_x 0 0 KEY_SERVICE = SDLK_9 0 0 KEY_TEST = SDLK_F2 0 0 KEY_RESET = SDLK_0 0 0 KEY_SCREENSHOT = SDLK_F12 0 0 KEY_QUIT = SDLK_ESCAPE 0 0 KEY_PAUSE = SDLK_p 0 0 KEY_CONSOLE = SDLK_BACKSLASH 0 0 KEY_TILT = SDLK_t 0 0 END 2. 32bit full size overlays in Singe games. Scanlines enabled: 32bit overlays will be default now in all Singe games, existing and in the new full overlay versions that will follow. You can run 8bit sprites on a full overlay if you really want some nostalgic fun Use: -8bit_overlay To update your existing Hypseus install, just overwrite the hypseus.exe file with the new version from the zip.
  23. This is really good stuff. I have two things that spring to mind about doing this, I suspect more will arise as games are created. 1. The hitboxes should, as you have stated, be aggregated the largest box areas to minimise the checks in the code, we don't want to create large lists of if/else statements in LUA. Not only for the inefficiency but also due to the resource consumption it will cause, particularly on smaller CPU devices like the RPi. Which leads me to the next point. 2. The overlay size these hitboxes are created within. All the original gun games were created by RDG on a 360x240 overlay (if I recall correctly). i.e. half the 720x480 original video resolution. All the existing gun games are created with this overlay scale, including the HD versions thanks to Karis's magic in the LUA. This again has the advantage of keeping resource consumption low and making game decision execution faster. The overlay size in Hypseus is based on original Singe 1 codebase, this is the reason is works so well on the Pi currently due to the 8bit nature and restrictions on the overlay size. If overlay sizes are increased then more resources are required, I know this has even affected some PC CPU setups on large resolution games. So, and I admit there is a vested interest in keeping new gun games playable on the Pi, I think using the current overlay size would be a benefit if you want these games available to a wider audience (The Sinden Pi guys will go crazy for a new Singe Gun Game). This would probably also aide your calculations in the algorithm as it would have less pixel area to concern itself with, maybe at the loss of some finer control, but hey these are lightguns, accuracy is only so "accurate" Throwing open to discussion here.....
  24. I probably should have posted a .bat file example - sorry. Most generic games use the traditional /singe/ subfolder. You can of course change the MYDIR variable at the top of any of the main .singe files to change the path as desired, but by default this one will be: hypseus.exe singe vldp -framefile singe\arcadex1\arcadex1.txt -script singe\arcadex1\arcadex1.singe -sound_buffer 2048 -fullscreen
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