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Tout ce qui a été posté par xxOToTOxx

  1. @FP125 The Singe 2 games on are outdated. Grab the latest Singe 2 version of the games, from Karis, in the first post of this thread:
  2. @FP125 Unfortunately, the original Daphne cannot support higher resolution for most games, except lair, lair2, ace and tq. This was an early experimental feature with OpenGL in obsolete SDL1. So Roadblaster/Cliff Hanger etc will never be available in Daphne in higher than the original resolution. I still use these excellent @sirdrak remasters for lair and ace in Hypseus, as there is little point in trying to improve. Hypseus allows us increase this range of games as it uses modern SDL2. When you reference "the large files which Hypseus Singe uses", are you referring to the file size or resolution ? But just to be clear here, Hypseus can use any file size or resolution. If you don't want the full 4k video, you can easily resize these videos with ffmpeg I quickly converted the 4k sdq video to 1080p within about 10 mins on an average PC using: ffmpeg.exe -i sdq-4k.m2v -an -qscale:v 4 -b:v 4182k -vf scale=1440:1080 -codec:v mpeg2video sdq-1080.m2v You can alter the bitrate (-b:v) or resize (scale=) to whatever you want with parameters. I got the SDQ file down from 2.8Gb to 1.6Gb with the above command. If you don't want to re-code, you can always use the -x and -y parameters to ask Hypseus to resize the resolution for you, otherwise SDL2 will figure out how best to display the resolution on the screen display automatically, particularly with -fullscreen. Any of these resolutions will work in Hypseus. Use the 4k files as the highest quality source available for re-coding to whatever you would like, including 16:9 cropping if you really want to do that. If we had only provided 1080p Hypseus files, someone would have asked for the 4k versions. You can't cater for everyone unfortunately. At least if you start at the highest quality, it is easier for anyone with 2c of interest to downsize (without remastering) using simple tools....
  3. Mad Dog 2: Typing Edition A Singe curio, which is a conversion of Mad Dog 2 to a typing game a la Typing of the Dead.
  4. Resurrection of a Singe Curio:
  5. I wished I could give a config file that worked for everyone, but everyone's setup is different, and Windows is worse than Linux in this respect. You need to configure your joystick config, either through something like or using joystick to keyboard mapping utils such as xpadder for your setup. I have made hypinput.ini simpler to configure than the original Daphne dapinput.ini, but it still requires you to invest some time... But once it's done. you can copy the .ini file to as many places as you have Hypseus.
  6. You can either use something like xpadder, or alter the config file 'hypinput.ini' file in the same folder to map joystick keys. The default control keys are: [KEYBOARD] KEY_UP = SDLK_UP 0 0 -002 KEY_DOWN = SDLK_DOWN 0 0 +002 KEY_LEFT = SDLK_LEFT 0 0 -001 KEY_RIGHT = SDLK_RIGHT 0 0 +001 KEY_COIN1 = SDLK_5 0 0 KEY_COIN2 = SDLK_6 0 0 KEY_START1 = SDLK_1 0 0 KEY_START2 = SDLK_2 0 0 KEY_BUTTON1 = SDLK_LCTRL 0 0 KEY_BUTTON2 = SDLK_LALT 0 0 KEY_BUTTON3 = SDLK_SPACE 0 0 KEY_SKILL1 = SDLK_LSHIFT 0 0 KEY_SKILL2 = SDLK_z 0 0 KEY_SKILL3 = SDLK_x 0 0 KEY_SERVICE = SDLK_9 0 0 KEY_TEST = SDLK_F2 0 0 KEY_RESET = SDLK_0 0 0 KEY_SCREENSHOT = SDLK_F12 0 0 KEY_QUIT = SDLK_ESCAPE 0 0 KEY_PAUSE = SDLK_p 0 0 KEY_CONSOLE = SDLK_BACKSLASH 0 0 KEY_TILT = SDLK_t 0 0 END Further details are here:
  7. You would need to edit the .bat file(s) in the game folder and add these arguments.
  8. You can use -x 3840 -y 2160 and it will scale to your (wide)screen display. It will loose the original aspect ratio and be a little stretched, but at least you will see all the original content unlike cropped 16:9 Hypseus will by default adhere to the aspect ratio of the source video, so if the video is 16:9 it will display it as such - another enhancement over the original codebase. You can force a rescale with the -x and -y arguments if you are that way inclined:
  9. These 4k files will not work in Daphne, only Hypseus Singe. To use: Download the relevant 'Windows Template' for the game, grab the m2v video from the separate link and place in the relevant sub-directory. Run the .bat file. Only 4:3 versions of these videos have been made to ensure that all the video content has been preserved, as per the originals. I am not an advocate of cropping the video of the games.
  10. Firstly, a bit of history and heads up. Work on Hypseus began to run on Linux and Raspberry Pi (which had no easy to implement Singe support). These systems have several frontends for Retro gaming setups. These Retro gaming platforms all utilize start scripts (i.e. bat files) that call hypseus with the arguments required for the specific games. Therefore there was no need for a 'Frontend' as it is all handled in gaming platform 'scripts' (bat files) and config. The Windows port of Hypseus was first suggested by LizardKing in this forum, and would in essence provide a standalone emulator that required the same arguments. There are of course Gaming frontends for Windows: LaunchBox and HyperSpin that in essence do the same thing as RetroPie or Recalbox in Linux. It is initially assumed therefore that Hypseus be setup and run within these environments, and a knowledge of Daphne arguments may be required to do this. Personally I do not use Windows, and have little knowledge of those Widows based gaming platforms. There is nothing that prevents you running Hypseus from .bat files as standalone games. I will detail below as best I can. Standalone setup in Window: As anyone who has used Daphne is aware, it requires some experimentation of the arguments to get things 'just right'. And everyone's 'just right' is different. So generic settings are provided in the repo batch files to be used as a starting point. The provided .bat files are setup to run within the directory you install Hypsues. Let's say: C:\Hypseus Singe When you are within that directory, the paths to the ROMS and video files make sense. Look at an example .bat file for 'lair': hypseus.exe lair vldp -framefile vldp_dp\lair\lair.txt As you can see, the 'vldp_dl' sub-directory has to exist within the directory you are starting from in order for this to make sense. So, if you want to run the .bat file from some other location, there are a couple of things you could do to ensure it knows where things are: 1. Easiest (Add a 'cd' to the home directory at the beginning of the bat file): cd C:\Hypseus Singe hypseus.exe lair vldp -framefile vldp_dp\lair\lair.txt -fullscreen -bank 1 00110111 -bank 0 10011000 -fastboot -volume_nonvldp 5 -volume_vldp 20 -fastboot PAUSE 2. Far more work (Provide the full path to all the arguments, you will probably also need to change the paths to video in the framefiles): C:\Hypseus Singe\hypseus.exe lair vldp -framefile C:\Hypseus Singe\vldp_dp\lair\lair.txt -fullscreen -bank 1 00110111 -bank 0 10011000 -fastboot -volume_nonvldp 5 -volume_vldp 20 -fastboot PAUSE There may be better ways, as I say I am no Windows developer. Hypseus is based on the original Daphne codebase, which has very specific requirements in video and audio. This includes the original Singe 1 games that were a plugin to Daphne. Although Singe 1 games will run unaltered (most of which you can grab in this forum), Singe 2 games will not run in Hypseus without porting. There is a dedicated Repo on this topic here: This is an option in the .bat files: Remove/adjust the following arguments to adjust volumes: -volume_nonvldp 5 -volume_vldp 20 The best versions of non-hypseus game video, are linked by @maabus here. If I'm nice to him he may link Hypseus in there too The original Daphne had experimental OpenGL (now mostly deprecated) for some titles, lair, lair2 and tq. So very nice upscales of these already exist. The 4k versions in this thread will only work in Hypseus Singe, which made the jump from now long deprecated SDL1 to SDL2 and can support UHD video. Note: There are some other 4k videos linked on the first post in this thread.
  11. Use: -x 3840 -y 2160 -nolinear_scale -fullscreen New Windows Template here: This will remove the side bars, but not the top and bottom, that would require a recode, but is as per original.
  12. Handheld Hypseus fun:
  13. @DarkVoid666 encoding presents: Cliff Hanger 4k: Windows Template:
  14. Can you provide (full) logs when it fails? Would be useful to see what arguments are being passed to Hypseus also ? I am not familiar with Hyperspin. But I found some examples of daphne.ahk and daphnesinge.ahk, and they look sane. If it is starting up then failing, it sounds like a late stage failure, maybe not locating the fonts. Did you install the Hypseus 'fonts' directory to the Daphne home? If you can provide some logs, I will be able to debug further.
  15. Again all the credit goes to @DarkVoid666 for the encoding. This was a particularly tricky re-code due to the dire condition of the source material, but here is: Esh's Aurunmilla 4k: Windows Template:
  16. With a massive thanks to @DarkVoid666 for all the work, and @Nit3H8wk as technical adviser Super don Quix-ote 4k: Windows Template: There are two sets of .bat files within the Windows Template. The default will enable SDL2 bilinear scaling, the other will disable this feature.
  17. Not without considerable rewriting of the underlying engine. This is a port of Daphne VLDP, and this has always used MPEG2. I suspect that the issues of changing codecs would break Daphne far more than Singe, but then we have Singe 2 which already has those enhancements. I also think most people will want to use their existing video for Daphne, the 4k is probably only for enthusiasts. I'm sure it could be done, but I very much doubt this change would be anywhere near trivial. The project is open source, so anyone is welcome to attempt, but for the above reasons, it would need to support both the original and newer codecs with auto-detection between them. Note: Some audio specs are very specific in Daphne, so this would also have to be taken into account in introducing new codecs: // frequency all our audio runs at. // In order to change this value, all .wav's and .ogg's will need to be // resampled, which // is quite involved. Other parts of the code may assume the frequency is 44100 // too (such as ldp-vldp-audio.cpp) static const uint16_t FREQ = 44100;
  18. Whichever gives the better result. The frame counts and FPS will be the same if used in Daphne, but obviously the resolution will be SD, as the original Daphne couldn't support those title in HD. We have tq, and ace and lair, lair2 in higher resolution, as they were supported in original opengl, albeit not 4k. As you said, some experimenting..... Don't feel you have to go to 2880x2160, 1440x1080 would also be a huge improvement.
  19. I would suggest, 'esh' or 'sdq' might be good to play with ? Others that we don't have are: bega, cliff (for Daphne), galaxy, gpworld, interstellar, mach3 or uvt
  20. Thanks @Nit3H8wk for info. Basically, you need to maintain the same Frames per Seconds (FPS) and aspect ratio as the original video. In Windows: this tool might be useful. View -> Tree Debug -> Advanced Mode Look for 'Duration', 'Frame Rate' and 'Frame Count' Look to keep these as close to the original as possible. Beyond that, you need to look for filters that clean up the video, (only a few) have tried this before, so try and see what looks good..... ffmpeg: The final conversion from MP4 to M2v would use something like this: ffmpeg.exe -i <original>.mp4 -an -b:v 21400k -codec:v mpeg2video <game>.m2v Maybe force FPS with: ffmpeg.exe -i <original>.mp4 -filter:v fps=29.970 -an -b:v 21400k -codec:v mpeg2video <game>.m2v Alter bitrate (-b:v) as appropriate.
  21. I haven't performed this myself, but from @Nit3H8wk I believe is the software used. I also think that decent GeForce RTX can be used to offset the CPU usage in the latest versions. I'm sure slower capacity systems will also work fine, but just take longer to process the video.
  22. Disclaimer, any advise given should be taken as purely that: Advise. Please do your own research Any on them would do what you want. I'm not sure what the marketplace is like where you are, but eBay might give you a better price on these refurbished deals. Especially for the GT 710. It depends where you want to put the PC, this will dictate what form factor of the case, is better for you. For Retrogaming you are emulating very old hardware, so don't need much CPU. But if you start adding 4k video into the loop, then you have to have the means to deal with processing and displaying it. Hence the GT 710. But any i5 (or i7) processor of 3rd gen or newer will blow the RPi out of the water. Edit: I would look for one without a hard drive and Windows, then put a decent SSD and install Ubuntu, save yourself a few bucks.
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