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Tout ce qui a été posté par MrThunderwing

  1. That's interesting to know about the 'Boot ID' thing, thanks, that's got Virtua Cop 3 working again at least, but OutRun 2 Beta now throws up a different error message. Unfortunately, my PC is way too old and creaky for Xemu (I had setup it up, prior to having to do a full destructive Operating System restore, and everything ran in slow mo. It was tricky enough to setup I never bothered trying again after I fixed my PC and got it working again). Like I mentioned previously though, no biggie, I've tons of other ways of playing different versions of OutRun2. I just like to check in on the Chihiro version from time-to-time because of it's completely unique Testarossa design compared to all the other games.
  2. They were (but not perfectly), but not anymore. No idea how long ago an update broke them (them being OutRun 2 Beta and Virtua Cop 3). CXBXR used to just bypass the bios screen and launch straight into both games. Now the games won't launch without the bios, but get stuck after booting. Edit: Hrrrm, the main developer of CXBXR doesn't seem to have updated his Patreon page since 2023. Looks like this is likely never going to be fixed. Best keep hold of your old versions of it!
  3. I haven't tried any new versions of CXBXR in years, just downloaded the latest version and was getting the error message about no chihiro media board but fixed it with the advice above (thanks for that!). Now I'm getting an "Error 22 Communication error occurred between main board and media board" error. In old versions it would just load straight into the game without issues. Anyone encountered this and found a fix? The Googles are revealing nothing. (No biggie if not, I just wanted to see if Outrun 2 worked on it now without the last couple of graphical bugs it had).
  4. Thanks dude. I realised after I posted this you could just get PacMan Museum Plus on the PS4 for dirt cheap now, which has got tons more games and Battle Royale doesn't have the big border on it (plus it's less of a faff to get 4 controllers working than using x360ce), so I just bought that. Thanks for the reply though!
  5. Hey gang, I'm a bit confused by this instruction above. I'm playing on a big screen TV not a cocktail table, so I want the non rotated version, but the instructions are saying to rename these .dll files to the same name as .dll files that already exist in the folder when I unpacked the RAR file. If I remove either .dll file the game just loads normally, rather than straight into Battle Royale. If I try to rename d3d9-norotate.dll to d3d9.dll, it wants to make a copy called d3d9.dll (2). Does anyone know what you need to do to un rotate it, please?
  6. Someone's made a new 1980's style arcade racer for the Atari STE. I thought it really looked quite impressive, so much so I decided to download an Atari ST emulator and try it out and then do a little mini review of it.
  7. Do you like the idea of some traditional pinball at home, but for a fraction of the size and price of a real table? Welp, the Pac Man Arcade Pro Pinball Game may just be of interest to you then, I was pretty pleasantly surprised by it.
  8. I was recently contacted by someone who's developing a game called Grand Shooter, a lightgun shooter, very much in the style of Virtua Cop, with a bit of Time Crisis thrown in too. It works great with my Aimtrak lightgun. The game is still in a trial version and is still receiving updates and improvements. The plan is for a Steam release.
  9. Absolutely loved this game on PS2 with my Guncon 2. I never played it in the arcades (although I think there was one at a retro arcade I went to not long ago, but I just didn't get around to playing it). Is there much difference between the arcade and PS2 game? The graphics would probably be on a par on the home system with the arcade by this point?
  10. You absolute ruddy legend!!! That's fixed it for me. My old version of the game read the save from a totally different location directly on the C drive, I hadn't noticed the "Save" folder in the actual game folder. Stuck the bin file in there and all is now working, DLCs and everything. thanks for you help with this mate, it's really greatly appreciated
  11. Thanks, I'm trying some experiments at the moment. Can you let me know what your path to the save file is please? If I can match up the steam folder number in C:\ProgramData\Steam\ I might be able to bypass the Saving error that way.
  12. OK, the game still crashed if I try to create a save file, buuut, if I continue without saving I can get in game and I can see that Ryo is there, so that's worked. @stuart2773 can you show me what the path to your save file looks like please? I'm wondering if I just manually create a folder with the right ID and put the save file bin in it it might just work that way... the path to my old one looked like this. C:\ProgramData\Steam\RLD!\212480\storage Just, FYI, this is what my folder with the files transferred across looks like. There's some additional files in there that aren't in my old version. Do any of these extra files need to go anywhere else?
  13. Hrrrm, first try at getting this working has been unsuccessful. I saved it to the default location on the C drive it wants to go on (my other version's on a backup drive). Microsoft Defender tried deleting the Steam API, but I undid that and made an exception for the folder to stop it doing it again. Swapped all the bits from the ZIP into the same folder with the EXE. Initially me double clicking on it was doing nothing, but right clicking and run as administrator got it up and running, but when it got to the 'create new save file' bit the game crashed. I deleted my old Save file folder in case that was causing an issue, but same thing happened. Just trying again with another installation of the ISO to my back-up drive instead of C
  14. Bam! Amazeballs! Downloading as we speak, thank you! Did you just manage to find this today with a bit of Google-ing? I've been searching high and low for it with no joy at all.
  15. Cheers. The Afterburner course is just one of the regular stages in the base game. I can't recall off the top of my head if it's instantly playable or if you need to unlock it, but if that's a screenshot from your game, you should have every stage in the game unlocked if you've got all those characters.
  16. Hey, would anyone be wiling to share (or know where I could 'acquire') a version of this game that includes the Ryo Hazuki DLC character included, for PC please? I legitimately bought the game and Outrun/Metal Sonic DLC on PS3 when it first very came out and 100% unlocked all the characters, but I also ended up downloading a dodgy free copy of the PC game quite some time after this after I found out it was 60fps and higher res and also found somewhere to get hold of the Outrun/Metal Sonic DLC again too. I'd really like to get my hands on that Ryo Hazuki DLC character as well though, but owing to the dodgy nature of the PC version I've got, I can't just load up STEAM and buy it on there (and as the game is 12 years old now, I don't feel bad about enquiring about this DLC here). My Google searching so far has been unsuccessful, found several sites that say they've got a complete package with all the DLC included, but once downloaded it turns out to only be the base game, hence why I was wondering if one of you lovely people might be able to help a brother out here with a share? Cheers.
  17. Howdy, I had to update my operating system recently with a full destructive reinstall (from Win 7 to 10), so I've been in the process of slowly getting my games up and running again. One I'm having trouble with is AB Climax. I can recall this being a pain-in-the-arse to get working the first time around and I think I could only ever get it to work windowed, but this time it's not working either full screen or windowed. I'm using the 1080p patch, but the default one doesn't work either. I've tried running TP as Administrator just in case that helps, but no. The game looks like it's about to open (see screenshot) but says something about an 'ack SYNC error' and then just closes down again. Is there something really obvious I'm missing here? My GPU's an NVIDIA and non of my hardware's changed between the OS updates, so presumably I should have all the right patches and stuff,. FWIW, if I can't get it running, I'm not too bothered as I've still got the game on PS3, so I'm not going to invest heaps of time into this... would just be nice to get it running on my PC again too.
  18. @mamefan2018 Nice one geezer! That build's sorted it out for me, thanks for the help! Edited: And just got Monster Ride working too, thanks for all the work you put in with all the codes. Bonkers to be playing F-Zero AX Monster Ride on my ancient PC 😵
  19. Edit: NVM - I tried an earlier build someone else linked to further back in the thread and it's working now (phew). Looks like the newest builds have got some issues. I'm still interested in finding out what the patch codes are for the D and E ISOs so I can manually add them in, if anyone could share them with me please. (original post) Okay, going back further in the thread I found a code to patch the revision C ISO, which I did and was finally able to get in game properly - but the graphics are absolutely fucked once I do, it looks like the old buggy Triforce build that ran AX about 10 years ago. I can navigate through the menus OK, but once in game proper the controls do nothing. I tried running in Direct 3D and OpenGL and they both look the same. Uggh, this game's proving to be a real ballache to get working properly... Any help on this gratefully received! (apologies for the double post)
  20. Howdy all, I'm a bit late to this party as I've only just, in the last few days, upgraded from Windows 7 to windows 10. I've obtained the F-Zero AX D & E BIN files from the above link and converted them to ISOs. There's no tick box option in the 'patch' tab to bypass the 'motor initialising' screen on either and I keep getting stuck on it. I thought I read somewhere else that the D and E ISOs were pre-patched? I've looked back through the thread to see if there's something I need to do to manually add the patches in myself but I can't find anything (I must admit I haven't gone through every single page - this thread's bloody huge!). Can someone tell me what I need to do to get past this bloody 'motor initialising' screen please! Edited: The original link in this thread to download the emulator doesn't work anymore BTW, I got mine directly from Crediar's Github page. I don't know if that makes any difference or not?
  21. Edit: Nevermind, figured out how to edit and sort it. Anyone know how I can fix the thumbnail not showing up in the 'Emuflix' index? I thought you just needed a picture in the thread to make it show up (this seemed to work earlier in the day, but not now), but having said that, I notice all the other videos here are displaying their thumbnail correctly without anything else in the opening post... Also, how are people making their embedded videos so big? Thanks in advance for any answers!
  22. Arcades are still around today. But the experience of going to a modern arcade is vastly different to the experience you would've had back when I was a kid. So, what exactly was so great about arcades in the 1980's & 1990's? 
  23. Ahhhh, nice. I've been meaning to look into how to get the Switch tunes into Cannonball, but if you've already done it that's awesome.
  24. Intel core i5-2310 @2.90GHz - 8 GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 - 2 GB. Great back in the day, but over 10 years old now, (GPU's a few years younger). Still using good old Windows 7 Home Premium. I've never been bothered about trying rpcs3 before - I'm just a huge Deadstorm Pirates fan is all and never ever saw the Special Edition in the arcade, hence why I wanted to give it a whirl. I'm accepting of the low frame rate I'm obviously going to get, it is what it is and I'm happy playing it in slow-mo. It'd just be nice if I could get through both levels without the controls suddenly giving up the ghost halfway though. I wonder if the dual monitor set-up I'm using might be what's causing the game to lose focus if my mouse cursor goes too far to the left? Kind of weird though, if that is the case, that just clicking back into the game doesn't fix it.
  25. OK, thanks for the reply WildWolf. I had a couple of quick goes on the 2 extra levels in Deadstorm Pirates Special tonight, that weren't in the PS3 game (at about 15-20fps). Both times I tried, I was able to get part way through the levels, but at a certain point my in-game mouse controls stopped working altogether. I tried tabbing in and out of the game window in case the emulator had somehow 'lost focus', but that didn't fix it. The game was still running , so it hadn't crashed and the mouse was otherwise acting normally. Anyone else had this and managed to get the controls working again or sussed out what makes them stop working in the first place? Just FYI, I'm using a version of the emulator and game that came all pre-configured and ready to go, there's no Demulshooter involvement.
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