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  1. Hey! Thanks again for releasing all this info! I'm having a issue that I've run out of ideas to regarding the shifter(using a G29). I've noticed it seems to not even matter what I put in in the segattools.ini (perhaps hardcoded like the arrow keys?) for the shift options. The paddles always pick 5/6 gear and the Tri/Square/Sqr/X all goto a specific gear(even if I leave them unbound in segatools.ini) ; Button mappings for the simulated six-speed shifter. shiftDn=6 shiftUp=7 ; Button mappings for the positional shifter, if present. gear1= gear2= gear3= gear4= gear5= gear6= Also the cars always switch back to AT from MT(if I goto a gear itll goto MT for a second or two and then go back to AT). I read earlier in the thread this was caused by autoNeutral=1, however I changed it to autoNeutral=0(assuming 0 is off) however the same thing happens. Cheers!
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