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  • Hardware
    core i 9 9900K @ 3.60GHZ, RAM 32 GB, motherboard Z390 Aorus Xtreme, GPU Gigabyte RTX 2080TI Aorus Xtreme

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  1. thank you so much! I'll try!
  2. Hello everyone and happy new year! I hope anyone can help me! transformers human alliance crash at the third level, after London specifically, has anyone managed to overcome the problem, or should I look for another dump? please help!
  3. Hello everyone! I'm on win10 1909, let's go jungle works perfectly on various versions of teknoparrot, let's go jungle special instead no, it depends on the release of teknoparrot, the best thing to do would be to keep various versions of teknoparrot, depending on the games we are interested in. That said, what are the differences between let's go jungle and let's go jungle special? I would be tempted to keep only the first, which works really well, apart from the fullscreen, which I can't get.
  4. Solved without Game Loader! according to the demulshooter wiki, I created the right resolution for dual screen in my Nvidia control panel, after that, just run the exe file, no game loader!
  5. same problem here, even if you select "Gundam Dual monitor Mode" in doesn't work....have you solved?
  6. lay72

    Game Loader All Rh

    Hi to all! has anyone managed to get the dual screen with gundam spirit of zeon? option "Gundam Dual Monitor Mode" in Gameloader, seems doesn't work! any suggestion please? EDIT: Solved! according to the Demulshooter wiki, I created the right resolution for dual screen in my Nvidia control panel, after that, just run the exe Game loader!
  7. Hi There! about this game, I don't remember what i did last year, but the game works out of the box, without any loader, set your desired resolution in the ini file and find Fearland patcher v4...i hope this can help.
  8. Man! Thank you very much! it works like a charm on my Aimtrak, it's a pity that second player still doesn't work...i hope argon fix it soon....anyway...thank you again!
  9. you have to wait until the end of this month...argon will update demulshooter and solve our problems
  10. Hi to all...Here is what I did: 1) installed Lost Land Adventure english tried the fullscreen patch, but I didn't know how to use it...and what I had to rename... the exe? the file bat? so I didn't use it. 2) Downloaded Trymado's launcher v3 (pasted in \LLA\Binarie|Win64) 3) Downloaded Dome's fix and followed instructions exactly Done! Run the game with Trymado's need Gameloader, all working like a charm! fullscreen and mouse too. Now I'm waiting for demulshooter update to play with my aimtraks. thanks to all the people who with their work have allowed this to happen!
  11. ok....I updated 1 seed....better than 0!
  12. ok Mate...I try to redownload it!
  13. unfortunately...the torrent is very seeds... I only selected the games that interested me ... for a total of 85MB and I hope get it...soon or later
  14. I'm Downloading right now...I keep you updated about Music Gun Gun 2... Thank you mate!
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