nd start the game from the game window, but you still need to put in coins at the shell window. Even set to freeplay i still have to put in coins or start the game from the shell window.
got it working now ty u = coin up when its loading game ty for that 1 BRAINZZZ!
just tested latest play! 058 105 jan 6th
cobra = black / white flashing screens ,
time crisis 3 crashes
all games that semi prelim worked now run
sc2 sc3 tekken 4 = more choppy below 30fps and are pretty much more broken. ?
same results on my end rtx3060 - no audio, - no cursor , - no res upscale , lve feed missing skipping fmvs/avis - does eventually load ingame but will crash in attract and ingame .
ah yes well it seems its not all there yet. it seems there are some default keyboard bindings ive found atm
0= walk straight line = lol game over .
back space = roar
enter = eat
thats all it seems to be mapped as is tried hooking settings to controller but no luck at the moment 😕
i check this one on mame regularly hoping for it to be playable since that video of mame 145 man that was a long time ago glad this game has been given some lovin.
yea just tried this followed it to the t
and first it came up error as said then waited then relaunched it then the DVD error message added the mod for that and now i launched it up again and now nothing ?