if you have tested the model files in my reply such as 1101,1234?
because models between 1101 and 1200,first appear in DT12, and DT 13 has the same files.
so,the model with problem exists in both 12 and 13.but,not all models with problem,some seems no problem.
i am not sure where the problem came from.
and as i try,3DS MAX 2013 32bit also has the some peoblem.same as 2012
well,2014 and after ,only 64bit 3DS MAX exist.
so,if you have a computer 64bit,you may install a 3DS MAX 2014 or after then test.
then,we may find the problem comes from the script? or the old 3DS MAX?
(if we know the time disc 12 was made,it will be easier to test;or new 3DS MAX may take less time)
if reason not the scrpt, there exists no problem with you indeed (but with me ,sad... ).
if it is the script error,,,we shall wait...