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    I5 6th gen

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  2. Hi Great Lightgun build, any chance of providing new links for the Namco system 357 all the ones listed below are now dead, would be much appreciated!
  3. Hi this looks like the best collection of gun games so far ! Just wondered 2 things is the author working on a new version of this pack (as i thought i saw it mentioned somewhere here) and also is there a torrent download version available as some people have mentioned broken links on some files ? I have a dolphinbar setup and wondered if there is alot of configuration required to get all these games working ? Thanks for your reply in advance Yes to get gun bullets working you need to connect 2 mice up and change config file watch this youtube video - works perfectly afterwards once you have configured both mice in the game and saved the game. go back to the config and set the config raw back to original setting 0 take mouse out and wii gun will work and bullets will register in game now. video here
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