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[Arcade PC] The Swarm (Global VR)
Tiberius a répondu à un(e) sujet de nosoucy62 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Aren't the iso images in the hidden contents of the fist post already? Also they can be found via https://archive.org/download/arcade-games/GVR/ The zip file in the first post seems to be an incomplete Pc version of the game rather than the Arcade version? The link below has more info https://www.myabandonware.com/game/morphx-fjh as does https://www.legendsworld.net/shooter/game/2157 This has also been mentioned before in which can be found below The original quoted posts are no longer showing though. People can try to install the PC version from the above links but be careful as mentioned about the "If you use the Russian DVD, be careful as it contains the infamous Starforce protection, which can brick your computer." But the original Pc version wasn't an on rail shooter. Plus it was also ported the XBox360 and is meant to be "playable" in Xenia for those that fancy it. Otherwise I think the arcade version will be waiting patiently for the 4in1 version mentioned earlier which appears to be related to https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/4000395501702.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2nld or https://yugamemachine.com/products/4-in-1-gun-shooting-machine Cheers -
[EMU] RPCS3 (2 Lightguns - Raw input support is available)
Tiberius a répondu à un(e) sujet de Monky dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Thank you for bringing this to people's attention. Had a play last night and got two Wiimotes using Touchmote and Wiibar on Mode 4 recognized as two separate lightguns. Only tried in Time Crisis 4 (as part of Razing Crisis bundle) but on several occasions it wouldn't finish booting into the game and hung when using "fake" as the move handler. However as two player is something we couldn't do before it's a good step forward and can hopefully only keep improving. -
[Emu] PS2 & Namco System 147 / 148 / 246 / 256 Emulation on Play!
Tiberius a répondu à un(e) sujet de Shin Endymion dans EMULATEUR NEWS
https://github.com/jpd002/Play-/actions/runs/4877995174 Above is link Below might be the Windows x64 Installer zip if it worked Play_Windows_x64_Installer.zip -
[Emu] PS2 & Namco System 147 / 148 / 246 / 256 Emulation on Play!
Tiberius a répondu à un(e) sujet de Shin Endymion dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Did you also use the ahk that I gave? Plus did you try changing the click co-ordinates as suggested? This is what should happen when launched for LaunchBox Play! will load in a window mode covering the whole screen The ahk will wait for it to be Active and then click on the words Virtual Machine It will wait 1 second and then click on the words Fullscreen Mode which makes it Fullscreen As you have a different resolution the click points might be different You can use WindowSpy from ahk ~(use Client for Mouse position as better option) to get the click coordinates If you don't have that Fullscreen mode option then download the latest version of namco_system_256 - no need for a specific gun version anymore Your other issue - No idea - my computer is an old potato and struggles with this emulator so everything is slow and garbled for me -
[Emu] PS2 & Namco System 147 / 148 / 246 / 256 Emulation on Play!
Tiberius a répondu à un(e) sujet de Shin Endymion dans EMULATEUR NEWS
In Launchbox - if you import the arcadedefs files from the arcadedefs folder in play and then tick remove quotes and remove file extension and folder path you can put a default command line of --arcade and not need to put the game name in as that will be taken from the imported file In regards to full screen the Master build now has an ability to toggle with Alt&Return that hasn't been added to the Namco Arcade build Someone more talented than me might be able to make the changes and build it or maybe wait and see if it gets added to the Namco Arcade build sometime soon You could try something like below - which sets the play window to be full screen and set in the upper right corner - obviously change 3840x2160 to your resolution The in Running ahk you can put the below - again you may need to adjust the numbers after click to be correct for your screen resolution and the sleep depending on computer - I did only try this without start up screen but should work with them if you get the delays correct CoordMode, Mouse , Client WinActivate, ahk_exe Play.exe WinWaitActive, ahk_exe Play.exe Click,369,35 Sleep,1000 Click,487,517 Esc:: WinClose, ahk_exe Play.exe ExitApp -
[Emu] PS2 & Namco System 147 / 148 / 246 / 256 Emulation on Play!
Tiberius a répondu à un(e) sujet de Shin Endymion dans EMULATEUR NEWS
The command line options can be found from within the emulator via command line - however here they are So assuming using a bat fie command line structure (I don't use attract mode front end), and starting from within the actual folder containing the exe and using cobrata as an example it would be; Play.exe --arcade cobrata Yes it is two dashes with no spaces between them, however there is a space in between arcade and cobrata Cheers -
If you are using Touchmote then MameHooker sees the Wiimote as an XBox 360 controller and not a Wiimote So using Alien 3 :The Gun from Mame as an example You would make the ini file look something like this; [General] MameStart= MameStop= StateChange= OnRotate= OnPause= [KeyStates] RefreshTime= [Output] Player1_Gun_Recoil=xip 1 %s% Player2_Gun_Recoil=xip 2 %s% The xip is for XBox 360 controller The 1 or 2 is for controller player 1 or 2 the %s% is to make it recognise whenever there is a change in the output (eg on or off) The ahk for vibration I am still playing around with and at the moment can only get to work on trigger buttons and not sure if working correctly but will share when better You could just google "make xbox controller vibrate ahk" and its then adapt what you find which is what I am doing Ignore the ahk that I had put up it was rubbish so I have removed it.
Using Wiimotes, Demulshooter and MameHooker where applicable offers this. For Mame it can also be done with just MameHooker. I hasten to add I use Touchmote with my Wiimotes as lightguns so can say works with those. Also you can set up AHKs to rumble Wiimotes if they are recognized as Xbox controllers using Touchmote. Eg have it rumble whenever you fire. It might be possible with other software and options but I don't know that way. Not sure how you are doing it so might not be any use to you.
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
Tiberius a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
I thought you could set the pedal keys in JConfig directly? To comment them out just add a ; to the front of the line - so you can copy and paste the below into the correct part - we need to stop the game thinking that the "arrow" keys put the game into slow mo, debug etc - so make lines 45 to 50 look like below ;.Bindings=(Name="Up",Command="DebugPauseButtonPressed") ;.Bindings=(Name="Down",Command="DebugSlomoButtonPressed 0") ;.Bindings=(Name="Left",Command="DebugSlomoButtonPressed 1") ;.Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_LeftShoulder",Command="DebugSlomoButtonPressed 1") ;Bindings=(Name="Right",Command="DebugSlomoButtonPressed 2") ;.Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_RightShoulder",Command="DebugSlomoButtonPressed 2") and if you cannot set pedal keys in JConfig then change lines 27 and 28 to .Bindings=(Name="Left",Command="StartPedalL | OnRelease StopPedalL").Bindings=(Name="Right",Command="StartPedalR | OnRelease StopPedalR") If you want to PM me your Defaulinput.ini then I am happy to make the changes for you This is all assuming you want left and right on nunchuck to be left and right pedal. -
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
Tiberius a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Yes you can use Nunchuck for pedals. What are you playing it on, TecknoParrot? Jconfig? Standalone? With Demulshooter? Without Demulshooter? If you have Wiimote in Mode 2 then the Nunchuck pedal is seen as arrow keys. So you can change the key layouts in config file - below are my original instructions from way back for standalone before TP/Jconfig Mode 2 as a mouse and no Touchmote 1) Go to the following folder Time Crisis 5\TC5\TimeCrisisGame\Config 2) Make a copy of DefaultInput.ini (or don't if you like to live on the edge!!!) 3) DefaultInput.ini is read only - make it so you can edit it -uncheck the read only box in properties 4) Change the keys you need to change here to save having to use ahk's later I have made some assumptions here as MODE2 limits the key options, if you don't like my assumptions then change them, and if you get the "HOME" key to work then even better Change the following lines 27, 28, 31, 101, 104 and 122 Line 27 change to .Bindings=(Name="Left",Command="StartPedalL | OnRelease StopPedalL") line 28 change to .Bindings=(Name="Right",Command="StartPedalR | OnRelease StopPedalR") line 31 change to .Bindings=(Name="RightMouseButton",Command="NextWeapon") line 101 change to .Bindings=(Name="Down",Command="ToggleCrosshair") line 104 change to .Bindings=(Name="Enter",Command="DebugAddCredit") line 122 change to .Bindings=(Name="Escape",Command="quit") Comment out the following lines 45,46,47,48,49,50 (some of these may have already been commented out-I cannot remember) This gives the following layout on a Wiimote - well it did on my Wiimote with a Nunchuck attached-if you don't have a Nunchuck you may need to make changes. Trigger B or Z Left Pedal Dpad Left or Nunchuck Left Right Pedal Dpad Right or Nunchuck Right Next Weapon A or C CrossHair Dpad Down or Nunchuck Down Coin/Credit Plus Quit Minus Now you might want to make change for coins/crosshairs etc but hopefully an good start point. -
[Emu] Yuzu : Premier émulateur de Nintendo Switch sur PC
Tiberius a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans EMULATEUR NEWS
It is possible to "play" with an actual mouse - tried it with wiimote on mode 4 emulating a mouse but it is too jumpy. Works on yuzu not tried on ryujinx You just need to change it to right stick in game options as set up mouse panning in yuzu. Haven't spent a huge amount of time on it so changing some settings might make it better, and even using a normal mouse feels likes dragging it across the screen -
[Emu] PCSX2 v2.2.0 / 2.3.XXX DEV - émulateur PS2 sur PC (HD/4K)
Tiberius a répondu à un(e) sujet de Fox dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Game was also playable with a mouse - In the past managed to get it to work using Nuvee plugin and a Wiimote emulating a mouse - So might be possible with a Sinden as well. Wasn't a great experience, but that might have been because using a wiimote - far better on actual PS2 so didn't waste much time on it. Had to use PCSX2 version 1.6 rather than the dev build of Version 1.7 In theory might be possible with the Dev build as setting that up to use a mouse in game seems to work, but as the Wiimote emulates a mouse PCSX2 doesn't recognise it as it uses rawinput, whereas I think that Sinden might actually be recognised as a system mouse so could work. Good luck with it -
Scroll down on above page until you find Operation Ghost and in the hidden contents there is a resoution changer zip file that you can download and then use.
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
Tiberius a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
First of all an apology from me. I thought I had answered you. I read this thought..... Yep that sounds about right.... And then forgot to actually type the reply. So sorry for being a complete numpty. But to answer your question I am pretty sure that I changed that and the added the bit about mouse speed in the same way as with TC5. It's not perfect and still moves around like it is on a dome, if you manage to fix that then please feel free to share. -
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
Tiberius a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Changed that and something else in another file. Cannot remember which one and what exactly as did a while ago. Apart from the discovery of the mouse speed part everything else I did would have been from the information in the game thread as already had it using a mouse but was too fast and all I did was control speed. So try having a read of both threads and see if that helps as the info will be in this one or the actual game thread. -
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
Tiberius a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
I think most people with Aimtrak are now using Demulshooter as it gives a better experience. There is a link for it a few pages back. I don't have one so cannot be sure, but hopefully someone with Aimtrak will chip in and give some correct information rather than my guess. I know Wiimote can use Demulshooter in Mode 2 and people are saying more accurate than my way, but that means messing around with my set up just for one game which I cannot be bothered to do. Truthfully I got it working, put it on here, played a few games and haven't gone back to it since so not really best person to ask for accuracy. @oroborus77 put different values in their pack and another member cannot remember who (sorry to whoever it is) put their values up which where different for x and y which makes sense I suppose if on 16:9 but again that will mean looking through the thread. -
Looking for Time Crisis 3 (ps2 iso) Chinese Version
Tiberius a répondu à un(e) sujet de Nostradadu dans ROMS & ISO
PCSX2, wiimote and nuvee plug in do all work together, at least it does here. @nohero fantastic guide on how to use the command line part of Launchbox, using it correctly does reduce the chance of something going wrong with automated file copying and moving via ahks and such like. -
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
Tiberius a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Cannot answer for the jconfig bit, but for my part you can either change it back or use the copies that I suggested making and delete the changed ones and rename the copy ones. -
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
Tiberius a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
To be far I never said it was perfect I said it was working and playable...... Which compared to 24 hours ago is far better As explained in write up sensitivity/speed can be changed, you should have seen how bad it was in my previous attempts. This is why I didn't upload premade Inis because everyone's experience and wants will be different so by following the guide you can change what you need to change for speed and such. -
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
Tiberius a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@ginzu I can control the mouse, but yes it is looking as if it is on a dome, its not moving flat across the screen I tried playing with the DefaultGame.ini which has settings for the dome but it was beyond my understanding-I know @ducon2016 was looking at it when it came out but said it was a nightmare to make flat so that the cursor acts as if the game was flat I also discovered that if you change [DomeShooterGame.DomeShooterEnemyPawn] HeadShotDamageRate=1 You can actually kill the snakes and such rather than getting killed whilst trying to figure things out Basically increase the number to be higher to cause damage, making it 20 makes it a one shot kill - not fair really in the spirit of the game but does make testing it easier. Good luck -
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
Tiberius a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
I started playing with the dome layouts and the ini files for it last night to try and see if I could make it "smoother" on LLA but it was late and my brain was fried. It works on both the dome and "flat" version to a point, hopefully someone who knows what they are doing rather than using my brute force attempt might be able to figure some stuff out on it. -
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
Tiberius a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Yeah I discovered the Lost Land thing also yesterday, but as it still gets effected by the dome aspect was going to keep working on it. Glad it is working for you. -
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
Tiberius a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Thinking about it might need to use ahk actually for an arcade cabinet if the buttons are recognised as joypad buttons rather than keyboard keys or xbox controllers. At the end of the day all that matters is it works and more people can play the game. As an aside have managed to get Lost Land Adventure to be more playable with lightgun now with the exception of the dome element. Will keep working on it and post anything I achieve on that thread rather than fill this one up with rubbish. -
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
Tiberius a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@bdiederichs Glad to see it is working, and thanks for the thanks. I see you have copied the instructions onto your YouTube page-which is fine. Are you using ahk to map to your arcade buttons? Just wondering as the bindings instructions aren't on your page. So just wanted to let you know I don't mind if you want to share the full instructions on your site in case anyone needs them, or just link them to here? -
[Arcade PC] Time Crisis 5 (Namco System ES3)
Tiberius a répondu à un sujet dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
So the video didn't happen because I decided to write the how to guide - It is long and sarcastic so you have been warned - why is it sarcastic? Because people don't like to read things and ask questions that have already been asked so I am just making it very clear that it works for a Wiimote and it works here - I have done it 3 times from the start for each mode and each time it works - I have followed my own instructions and it worked - so if it doesn't work your end I don't know why. I haven't uploaded any Pre-Done ini's as different people like different button selections and this way you can set it up how you like rather than having my choices forced upon you. Enjoy the game TC5 wiimote instuctions.txt