Has anyone had any luck running this on real hardware? No matter what I try throwing into the startup script the game doesn't get past 8/16 startup check. I've got it running properly on a VM oddly enough, but my Bemani PC just doesn't like it. If anyone has the equipment or know how to test that'd be great.
EDIT: Somewhat of an update, it seems like the game likes to start when I don't inject the ddrhook1.dll into ddr.exe, but then I get a security bad error. So whatever is in the ddrhook1.dll makes the game bypass the security check, but also seems to make the game crash on real hardware. I don't know if this release was just an un-htpec or a proper crack, probably just an unpack. So TLDR, this won't work on my setup. If anyone knows who released this please let me know, I don't have access to my sows account at the moment to check.