i am just gonna say this once, sharing the links with friends etc is fine, but if you are gonna post this on YouTube where someone could directly get access to it, that is a big no. I don't want anything bad to happen to this forum, crediar, dolphin etc, just please use common sense in the future.
(Dolphin Emu Modified)
After a long time, tatsunoko vs capcom has now been dumped and playable for the public to enjoy!!! Thanks to crediar for all their hard work on getting this dumped and playable!!!!!
To launch the game, boot dolphin, go to tools, and click "Launch Wii Menu" and enjoy!
A new dump of rev a for lets go jungle! It should have fixed audio for stereo setups.
New dump of the non extreme edition ver of Hummer!
These two are now free on TeknoParrot!