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famawizard a gagné pour la dernière fois le 11 décembre 2019

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    i9-9900k 32Gb RTX2070 Gaming 27" ViewSonic Elite XG270Q

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  1. Excuse me, I was offline for some days (relax 🙂 ). Looking here and there I noticed those commands, but, as you said, whitout documentation. Some time ago, for this site, I converted some LD games (Starblazers, Freedom Fighter, Platoon). For better converting StarBlazers, I needed commands for drawing lasers and other stuff (I would like to have a command for drawing polygons (filled or not), at least triangles, and better sprite commands for Freedom Fighter. Now I read that Santa is bringing gifts.... documentation! THANKS, really 🙂
  2. Well... I want to say you a very big THANK YOU for your work!!! I would like to see graphics commands and improved sprite implementation 🙂
  3. It would be possible to add additional video decoders other than simple mpeg-2?
  4. Hi, in the archive of my version of this game you will find the right daphne/singe version. Please, use that version.
  5. Yes, from my experience, upscaling causes this problem...
  6. Hi. I am the author of FreedomFighter, among other games. Swapping old singe with the new version is not enough... In these days I have very litle time to spend on my old games so I don't know what's the problem. FF, Platoon and StarBlazers use sprite and mouse commands (and other lua commands) and I am not sure if their syntax is changed... When I will have more time I will look, but the point of changing to singe 2.0 is thew possibility to use hi-res videos, that I don't have (ask karis, poiu, etc.. for these ones). My original videos of these games are of very poor quality and programs like TOPAZ AI fail in these conditions.
  7. It's a problem with realtek only. Using an external usb sound card there are non problems. Same thing happens with one of the latest scummvm version...
  8. Hi, probably this was caused by two events occurred too near to each other. It's one of the weakness of singe, which doesn't happen very often. It is pratically unavoidable.
  9. The link is valid
  10. I'm sorry, the game has moving targets that require mouse or lightgun 😔
  11. Crosshairs must be visible... Do you have loaded the archive before the last modify? It's not possible to hide crosshairs... of course if you haven't changed the folder's structure, but even in this situation it should give an error message. Have you changed samething in the configuration?
  12. Yes, check if you have downloaded it before the date of last edit.
  13. It's all included. Unpack the archive, do not touch folders and file locations, execute the freedom fighter.bat. The structure is the same of the other two games. If you want to modify the files location you must follow the simple instructions that I provided, or modify the script files. Do you have downloaded the final version, with all the files included? For comparison, the games provided in the singe's thread are in multiple archives...
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