To fix the file corruption error, use DBManager to delete the songs with codename koii, roki and siru, since these songs do not have audio files. To fix the songs crashing the game (DDR A american licenses, Rokuchounen and only my railgun), make sure to select "decide for each file" before replacing files from the base game with an update, and uncheck the dummy files in the update for the _jk.arc, m2v and xwb files. You'll notice they all have the same file size (320 bytes, 74.7kb, forgot the other one) which is significantly smaller than the previous ones. This is because those songs have been removed from the official games via updates, but you can still keep and play them by doing that. Be careful as some have different file sizes and you should replace those with the updated ones since those aren't dummy files. As for white jackets in the song list, use jacket_thumbnails_ja_15.arc and jacket_thumbnails_ja_17.arc from a previous version. Someone on this thread uploaded jacket_thumbnails_ja_19.arc with jackets for all the new A20 PLUS songs.