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Tout ce qui a été posté par witherzombie222

  1. Bumping this thread as I've discovered something pretty interesting regarding Dino Dash. I tried launching the game from the dinodash executable as an experiment but to no avail. I discovered that, in order to run at all, the game requires you to move everything from the ART folder into your D drive and the SOUND folder into your E drive. Not the folders themselves, just the subfolders. And I managed to get the game to actually work (without controls). It opens into something called "DINO-OS" and tells you an IO board is missing. Repeatedly pressing the Z key causes the game to get out of "DINO-OS" mode and loads in attract mode. Never before have I seen an arcade game do this. Very odd... I wonder if installing a Virtual Serial Port Driver will fix the IO error.
  2. Does anyone happen to have the cracked version of Crazy Speed by UNIS? VirusMan's site is down and I can't find it anywhere. Thanks in advance Nvm found it
  3. nvm sadly you need files from JP's hard drive to play the game, isos are useless so we will have to wait until someone makes those public
  4. regarding the release of Jurassic Park on TP, I'm downloading a massive torrent right now (eXoDOS) and once it's done i'll download the ISO for jurassic park and see if I can extract it, concatenate the game files, and post it as a TP-ready dump If anyone else wants to do this please go ahead and do so
  5. Blast It is a DOS-based redemption game made by LazerTron (same people behind Quake Arcade Tournament Edition). Unsure if the game needs a dongle. I cannot get this to run in DOSBox-X as it shows the following screen whenever I try to run it: I don't know what this game recognizes as a "test button". I've tried pressing anything on my keyboard that it might recognize as a test button but it still shows this screen. Could have something to do with the IO being missing? Anyway, here's the dump for those who want to take a look at it (use to decode link) aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L01yQU1CVWlC
  6. I'm now discovering that the game seems to use some sort of ancient HASP dongle, based on the BAT files it comes with. Keeping this here though in case TP devs want to work on this or if anyone else is interested in working on it.
  7. Kick It is a DOS/Win9x based soccer arcade game created by Interactive Light (same people who made Savage Quest) and Global VR in 1997. Game files appear to be located in the "KI10" folder. The game uses a HASP dongle with a "verification code". If anyone would like to try getting this working in a DOS emulator such as DOSBox, DOSBox-X or PCEm (or any of its forks) here it is: aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L2NLWTNhcTJz (link is encoded in base64, use to decode the link)
  8. Does anyone have the cracked dump of Wasteland Racers I posted? I don't have it anymore and the mega link is down. Thanks in advance
  9. I need some help with extracting a certain file. So I'm attempting to extract the game dump from the ISO of Wheel of Fortune version 1.20 (as i'm unable to find an iso of 3.0) and I can extract the "WOFL_v01.20_Prod_Data1" file with 7zip to get to the first section of the game files. However, I cannot get to the second part of the game files as I cannot extract WOFL_v01.20_Prod_Data2 with 7zip. Does anyone know how to extract this?
  10. For Dino Dash: I extracted this game from an ISO on, appears to use the HASP Sentinel dongle and is Windows-based. Does not work atm, hopefully someone can either patch this or the TP devs can add it. Extracted game files: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvZHZFQ0ZhN0kjTEp4MTZ0Rmd0YTJIUXdXNVZlOVZUbTU3LTlBenZWTHlLQ2JIU1E3TmVQdw== Full recovery ISO (extract the RECOVERYSDI.SDI file using 7Zip to get to the actual game files themselves): aHR0cHM6Ly9hcmNoaXZlLm9yZy9kb3dubG9hZC9pc29jZC1EaW5vZGFzaF8yMDEyLnppcC9EaW5vZGFzaCUyMDIwMTIuemlw The links are encrypted, use to decrypt them. The ISO will definetly be useful to someone as it contains some important game files.
  11. I assumed that was part of the OS, plus 7zip wouldn't let me open any of it. If anyone would like to install all the discs on a VM however, be my guest.
  12. I've managed to extract the game files from this. The game is still encrypted and requires a dongle dump but here are the game files and executable ripped from the ISO: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvQXZzd3lEQUQjQXo1NmJ4Y29fYzk3cVlKdjRvSzJtc2QweGJlX19KQThBQUVqQjg1alNocw== Use to decrypt this link. Please reup this!
  13. Can you provide a link to your dump with DGVoodoo applied? Both links in the page are dead
  14. Mega link has been dead for a while. Uptobox is down at the moment due to issues with their servers so you'll have to download it from the TeknoParrot full set from atm Will be working on a reup
  15. they are already on there
  16. controls are broken atm for some of the games Sure, here you go (links are encrypted, use base64decode) Incoming ISO: aHR0cHM6Ly9hcmNoaXZlLm9yZy9kb3dubG9hZC9pc29jZC1Wb3J0ZWtfSW5jb21pbmcuaXNvL1ZvcnRla19JbmNvbWluZy5pc28= Vortex Install Discs (3 of them, packed with all the games above): aHR0cHM6Ly9hcmNoaXZlLm9yZy9kZXRhaWxzL2lzb2NkLVZPUlRFSzNfZDEuaXNvCmh0dHBzOi8vYXJjaGl2ZS5vcmcvZGV0YWlscy9pc29jZC1WT1JURUszX2QyLmlzbwpodHRwczovL2FyY2hpdmUub3JnL2RldGFpbHMvaXNvY2QtVk9SVEVLM19kMy5pc28=
  17. Managed to extract it from an ISO before finding out there was already a thread about it here and apparently there are 2 versions of the game, 3pack and 5pack. I don't know what the differences are between these 2 versions.
  18. Geniune question, are you a bot or do you have some sort of mental illness that causes you to do this?
  19. Someone should try SiN with this as that game originally used a VR headset.
  20. There isn't one. Heres what you actually need to do (from the original 8chan post): You need dosbox (0.74 works). Extract the folder and mount it as C:\ (ex. MOUNT C E:\Downloads\folder\2001C) Then goto C:\ in Dosbox and run GO.BAT. Play Shanghai and Find-it, or some of the random card games. Then go back to a modern game on your bigshot pc . Key S goes to a setup menu. Space exits to Dos. It's set to free play. No idea how to insert coin. Mouse is hacked to emulate touch screen, no idea how it's done. Maybe you can tell me. 2007UNC folder contains a partial 2007 update dump with only Shanghai EXE included. If you are good in DOS 16-Bit hacking, maybe the 2001 cracked menu folder is an inspiration, and you can help crack the FP2007 update (and others?) for release. Enjoy! BTW the 2001C folder can be mounted anywhere. It doesn't have to be in C:\Downloads\folder. The instructions given on this post must have been the result of Google Translate.
  21. Here are several Vortek V3 arcade dumps that I managed to extract from an ISO file, some run with/without controls, and some crash. This was a VR arcade system made by Global VR, and one of the first arcade games they ever made. Sadly you will not be able to play this with an actual headset (yet?) Credit to Hunteazd2021 for the original Beach Head dumps Some of these games are already on Emuline (the Beach Head games, but the ones on this page I fixed because some were broken) but I managed to find several more. Here are the available games and their status, as well as download links: Beach Head 2000 STATUS: Working with Controls Download: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvTktVaFZJNUIjSkxxQk9CRmFSSkhzNUFvZzQyR3FvNlF4N3Vfa1Zja08zT19Ua3hKZjNfNA== Run Beach16.exe Beach Head 2002 STATUS: Working with Controls Download: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvRkNNMVJESUwjakJwUTBRdHBCUklKSFZJVDBfY2hDeE1IT0tFSXpjQWtBbEJYNk9QRi01dw== Run BH2.exe in Orion/bh2002/ Beach Head 2003: Desert War STATUS: Working with Controls Download: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvVkg5VERMeEEjY2h5MHBadWdaeWQzSkYxalQyYmpib0RLb2NCX05XRjk5MWhtTTNxOEFIVQ== Run desertwar.exe Incoming STATUS: Crashes on Boot Download: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvdFQxQmtCcUsjVVFrNGFaRkFvSHRybmExQjh0YXJVLWdCTmJJQUVVNmhsUUVTaTdpeXNwVQ== Run incomrel.exe inside incoming folder Desert Gunner STATUS: Works with Controls Download: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvZ1hWUkNDQksjTU1jQVBzYVJXajkxeDNuUndpdlVqaExCVVdtOWRzckxFMmItUWxOZ1lBTQ== Run arcadeparams.bat NOT desertgunner.exe! Heavy Gear II (credit to Hunteazd2021 for sending this to me) STATUS: Works without Controls (Mouse somewhat works) Download: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvQnZ0QlhZYUQjcUtOV19JSExzQVp3TmVQYnE5RkZEaGhSOWJPdTdjTnhnSTNXZ3ZXWjRudw== Put Orion folder in the root of your C Drive and run hgx.exe Invasion Earth STATUS: Works without Controls, Can't Close Game (try using Task Manager or Command Prompt if you have a second monitor) Download: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvOGE4aXdBaEQjN1RwbmxnbXFTaklxVVFCa1RpRklIaE9jUmRKZnFXTnBnaEF6MmJ0R3RVdw== Run Invasion.exe Operation Blockade STATUS: Works without Controls Download: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvaERraFdRb1ojREFrQWRERkdjNTBGMUNSbDVLWkhabGlDeWZRODFYeTJUZW00eUJDVUNodwo= Run StartGame.bat in opblock folder Sky Bandits STATUS: Works Without Controls Download: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvNENOSEJRSUojYU1WSXJ2YllYTTRXRkFqTVdxWC1RR0ZzMXkwV1BkWFJaMVZndXBMWW1BOA== Run FOGViewer.exe The links are encrypted with base64, use to decode the links. Currently most of the games don't have controls and one doesn't boot at all. If anyone would like to make a fixed version of these with control support as well as fix Incoming so it boots I will update this page with the fixed version. Beach Head 2000, Beach Head 2002, and Beach Head: Desert War were all posted to Emuline by Hunteazd2021, I just updated his versions by adding the missing Global VR DLLs which fixed Beach Head 2002 and Desert War not booting at all. There are a bunch of other Vortek games, these are all the Vortek V3 ones. Currently, the only Vortek V1/V2 games we have are SiN, (which is available to play with TeknoParrot), and Heavy Gear Extreme (completely unplayable and does not boot) Please mirror these as much as possible! -- Mirror: Beach Head serie's Sky Bandits = Desert Gunner = Invasion Earth = Operation Blockade =
  22. I found out from the game files that "Fruit Ninja" is actually Fruit Ninja FX2, the sequel to Fruit Ninja FX Someone may want to update the post
  23. How did you get this to work?
  24. It's closer to the PC version than it is the arcade, there are a few missing features that are not in this version IMO you're better off waiting until the arcade game is cracked if you want the arcade experience with the attract mode and everything
  25. Bumping this to see if anyone is still interested in working on it
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