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  1. Thank you so much everyone! I got mine working and is having a BLAST! Now that we have one working one, and one that is updated (and REALLY updated, like it has significantly more songs all the way to 2018 it seems), can anyone figure out a way to take those files and use it to update the old one I posted and get it to work so we can have ALL the songs? If anyone can do that, this would make the game PERFECT and allow everyone to play it with no problem :3 Can't wait to see what someone comes up with! I've been trying myself and it keeps giving me the texture error.
  2. Sorry guys! I was having a busy week (happy late Halloween!) Here is where I found the game files. I still encourage ItzJChan to post their location as it could be an updated one for all I know. Evolution Arcade Data (Requires Kinect!!)/ Tell me exactly how you guys get it running! Still need help with that plugs stuff.. ;_;
  3. YES! This is what I was looking for! Does anyone know how to fix the security error where it says "e-amusement plug is not connected. Security plug is not connected". That's the only problem...once I get this solved, I'll explain how I got it working for future reference. Will also upload game files/share download location when I can too!
  4. Thank you for this (and the ppxlink) but there wasn't much least on how to fix the security error...I wish someone would either make a new PDF or at least give some general information on how to successfully start it Edit: THE PDF IS ON THAT PPXLINK BUT IT WONT LET ME SIGN UP FOR THE FORUM AGHHH ;3; any ideas?
  5. I was able to find the game files in the depths of the internet but REALLY need the PDF.. I keep getting the "security cord and Konami cord" error where it says they aren't plugged please... Anyone upload or have the PDF?
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