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piotr25691 a gagné pour la dernière fois le 11 janvier

piotr25691 a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

1 abonné

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  • Hardware
    AMD RYZEN 3600 3.6 GHZ
    32GB RAM

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. You got me, these pads are extremely real looking
  2. Bizarre cuz they are Lua stages so they should work as long as you got DanceStages and Characters folders in your installation of StepMania
  3. and this video really is recorded from a PC inside a ddr cab running SN2 in the emulator?
  4. well that limitation is still there it has been artificially masked by adding bottom margin to folders please select: APPEARANCE > MODE = OFF CUSTOM OPTIONS > GAMEPLAY BACKGROUND = DANCESTAGES optionally change CUSTOM OPTIONS > CHARACTER = [any character] CUSTOM OPTIONS > DANCERMATE 1 = [any character] CUSTOM OPTIONS > DANCERMATE 2 = [any character] CUSTOM OPTIONS > DANCERMATE 3 = [any character]
  5. can you please provide the XXXX value to use in place of 0000 in 0000:0008?
  6. try fiddling with 0000-7fff, and 8000-ffff separately, this value is a signed 16 bit integer 0000-7fff = 0 to 32767 8000-ffff = -32767 to -1
  7. damn i love PCSX2 latency make you GREAT! GREAT! GREAT! in DDR SN1 and SN2 lol i don't recall what is the value and it may be hard to pinpoint the hex values
  8. The dance stage files I have a vendor of them on the GitHub main branch folder DanceStages, you need to get them to display the stage
  9. i see what you have here - to see dan level, choose your dan display level in custom options - mismatched score and displaced i will check - this wheel bug existed since forever and it seems to be a stepmania limitation and cannot be fixed
  10. Then you have to lose the magic I did and go back to the upstream version from Curilang
  11. well @Don_Padoliit took me sometime but the patches I made are in the theme, good luck and enjoy your arcade accurate courses
  12. wait really? they add the data for "future use" several updates before the related events actually begin? the more you know EDIT: they do! I found menu music from DDR World in a dump of DDR A3 version 2024052200 despite it not being DDR World yet
  13. New Omni update: this is a 2025020400 omni. note: P2D means that songs from Infinitas are included 2025020400 Omni FULL: You can do that, but scores obtained on old plugins won't transfer over if the databases incompatible, plugins may have various compatibility problems, there isn't one unified plugin for the game
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