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piotr25691 a gagné pour la dernière fois le 24 septembre

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  • Hardware
    AMD RYZEN 3600 3.6 GHZ
    32GB RAM

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Fun fact guys (yes it's related to the game but not the dump, sorry moderators) I have actually implemented working FLARE gauges for StepMania among other DDR like modifications. This is how FLOATING FLARE works on the fork (also reimplemented): implemented: FLARE, CLASS, DDR-like NORMAL gauge event mode doesn't fail out, freeze arrows act like DDR
  2. the place where all hdd dump crack is born
  3. it makes sense you probably have to update your musicdb to support all songs. songs that are missing won't show up on the music select screen
  4. in most cases this is because your dump doesn't cooperate with the server that isn't sending the mcodes to the game please get the correct plugin, I'll also send mine when I get the opportunity.
  5. New omnimix guys:
  6. Yeah I think you have to either wait for a later patch, or play Epolis final version
  7. WORLD, and it is available. Go look in this thread for data links.
  8. You also need absolutely 44.1khz as not setting this can cause crash when booting up IIDX
  9. The DirectX 9 on DirectX 12 feature, which is related to graphics, doesn't work on Epolis. The graphics renderer cannot handle you playing songs. To be able to play, please turn the -9on12 flag off by unticking the checkbox in `spicecfg.exe`.
  10. Assuming you have used and, you should already have a clean A3 FINAL dump, the 8-part dump before might have been a dirty version.
  11. then the mods slap you with a warning for THANK YOU haha
  12. man i do love violating the "thank you" rule lol please don't risk it
  13. why is the cabinet letter D what happened to the other letters
  14. There may be a UAA of Pinky Crush as Konami has done a location test in the US
  15. Be aware, it's gofile it will expire pretty fast
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