I'm gonna have a font problem (not enough resolution) and mute/unmute issues. I can technically dump the numbers and shove them onto an existing font file of the right resolution to fix it, though
don't expect to get on Konami's encrypted servers, likely all the machines have some kind of secret authentication token that lets them download patches straight off of Konami, and if you don't have that (not a dongle, that's for the RSA decryption) you get 403 Forbidden
Now working on course transitions, DDR style!
I found a way to pause the game for the transition and resume after the transitions are complete, BREAK TIME also will be added.
StepMania does a lot that you can't see otherwise.
The screenshot below is a WIP, fonts will be replaced.
the node only shows output when the game accesses the wangan terminal and looks like line has crashed? cuz there's no "NU Next Generation" window that opened up
Interesting, the Line loader comes with the right DLL and it successfully patched the Linux file to run on Windows, and WMMT4 launches just fine on my end (even supports Banapassport with extra set-up)
Strange, probably you have a weird issue. I have packaged clean unmodified data with compression and the Windows loader (so you don't have to subject to Linux), and it is a 1.10 dump known to work.