yes very unclean it's not just dirty it's straight up not even an update it's just as if i put the songs into stepmania that's what your frankenpack does, it adds songs to DDR WORLD's engine as if it was stepmania
the date indicated by the game in format LDJ:J:A:A:2024100900 is indicated by your ea3-config.xml
please edit the lines similar to the following:
<model __type="str">LDJ</model>
<dest __type="str">J</dest>
<spec __type="str">A</spec>
<rev __type="str">A</rev>
<ext __type="str">2022103100</ext>
and specifically the <ext __type="str">2024100900</ext> to read <ext __type="str">2024121000</ext>
your game is otherwise already updated and you just have an outdated ea3-config.xml file in your dump's prop folder
You need to connect to your local server and when it says GALAXY PLAY, set it up by pressing the test button and going where the game wants you to go to enable it. Then select GAME MODE to reload into the game and now you can play the game.