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piotr25691 a gagné pour la dernière fois le 24 septembre

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  • Hardware
    AMD RYZEN 3600 3.6 GHZ
    32GB RAM

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. A3 with WORLD preload data (Pixeldrain reupload): 2024061000, 2024061203 (DDR WORLD pre-release data):
  2. more Omni data from 1cc guys this is a "mini" for 1105 so it may not include everything full version:
  3. Probably no difference, the final version being 2024052200 I read it on
  4. I fixed that displacement and the DEMO part is supposed to show like that
  5. Use these. (DDR A20 PLUS final base pack) (DDR A3 final update)
  6. RandomMovies has been remuxed and the theme fixed small bugs. Indeed, it won't play MP4 RandomMovies.
  7. Note that this isn't technically Gold mode as it has been removed from WORLD. This solely is to change the machine type from a 32-bit (white A cab) to a 64-bit (gold A20 cab) model
  8. Only for A3 there was a Cabinet Type 6 (Gold). DDR WORLD has no gold cab option. If you're trying to patch DDR A3, turn on the Force Cabinet Type 6 option. For DDR WORLD there is no such option.
  9. Yes we should as it's getting off topic this is only partially related
  10. You imply I should add a custom announcer engine?
  11. To change the settings, you need to select the blank option in the service menu, press enter, go to Appearance Options and change the theme, and re-enter the service menu. This is done to match the service menu to the arcade game. in the Custom Options, if you changed it to be RandomMovies (accessible via blank option in the service menu), change it to RandomMovies and install some random movie files in the RandomMovies folder. Examples of such files are available on my repository:
  12. Yes as Enciso's dance stages are the main background that matches the theme I uploaded another update that adds region fonts, fixes the 0 more coin(s) needed bug and reworks guidelines and extra stage stars to be more correct
  13. - You need to set it to "only dedicated menu buttons" - In the custom options you can change DanceStages to something else
  14. It now works, not yet for both players but the appearance and disappearance timing is arcade accurate. The texture can't be changed outright cuz the theme uses Metrics for Guidelines (in this case it's NoteField bars) and I'd have to wrap Lua around the metric values.
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