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Tout ce qui a été posté par ginzu

  1. Intéressant surtout si on peut se passer de demul et jouer aux jeux Naomi. Faudra que je test. Merci
  2. Hey guys, I have done a video tutorial to play rambo and 2 wiimotes. If you are interested in. Take a look:
  3. Oui! et il y a un sérieux offset! (décallage de la visée)
  4. @oroborus77, sais tu comment régler le problème de décalage de la visée dans hotd4 Rev c lindbergh a tout hasard ?
  5. Salut @oroborus77, Merci pour ton partage. Je suis lightgun fan comme toi, par contre je joue avec des wiimotes. J'ai une question: À quoi sert le fix vcop3 exactement ? Et une autre question: arrives tu a jouer à lost land adventure avec ton aimtrack ? La dernière fois que j'avais essayé, le domefix rendait impossible le déplacement du crosshair au milieu de l' écran....
  6. This is the correct wii mayflash dolphin bar: The one you use is correct for playing in accordance with touchmote and demulshooter.
  7. Good recap! I know that thanks!
  8. Ok, so, you confirm (maybe), what I thaugth. We mustn't bind any keys for each games in tp and the most weird part here is the fact we use touchmote to fake 2 gamepads(xinput) but we must uncheck the xinput option in game setting too.... Really a non sens for me... Anyway thank you very much!
  9. HI, I received my second dolphin bar. Great with Mame emulator! Now, yesterday, I tried them with Rambo and golden gun but I didn't managed to make them work. Could you tell me what are the correct settings to play 2 wiimotes with 2 dolphin bar in mode 2 with tp games? I also tried again with one dolphin bar (mode 4) + touchmote but I can only start player1 and player2 in Rambo (for example), I can't shoot or reload even with xinput checked/unchecked.... What's wrong with my setting? I'm really wondering... It work by the past.. (I used demulshooter 8.7.0). Thanks if you know..
  10. Ok, cool. I think I will buy the second bar so. Thx
  11. OK, thanks for sharing. I have a question: If I play with a wiimote + mayflash dolphin bar (mode 2). I can play MAME one player perfectly. If I connect a mouse, player 2 work perfectly too on mame. If I use touchmote and make my wiimotes as pad, there is a terrible offset when playing on mame games. If I make my wiimotes as mices with touchmote, mame can't see the inputs from the wiimotes.. How could you play perfectly with 2 wiimotes on mame without touchmote?
  12. ginzu

    Borne arcade BOUTONS

    J'avais acheté un encodeur xinmo, Ça se comportait comme une manette de PlayStation. Donc xinput. Ça convenait pas à mon projet mais ça fonctionnait bien.
  13. OK, but are mouse buttons recognized differently by emulators? Mouse 0 x, mouse 0 y, mouse 0 A, mouse 0 B Then on the second wiimote: Mouse 1x, mouse 1 y, mouse 1 A, mouse 1 B? This is the most important point. Thank you Edit:my question is not only for hotd4 or to play with demulshooter.
  14. Hello @SuperMagoAlex I have one question. Do you have 2 dolphin bar? If yes, did you try what you said just above.? I ask you that because I'm wondering how the buttons of each wiimotes are configured when 2 dolphin bar in mode 2 are connected at the same time? You probably don't ignore that the buttons are hard-coded on the wiimote when on mode 2. So, are the hard-coded buttons are different for each wiimotes or like I think, they are the same? Thx.
  15. Salut, juste une question aux pros de la gâchette, Est ce que quelqu'un sait si il existe le mouse support pour l'emulateur cxbx (vcop3)? Merci
  16. Hello @defre1976 Which Is windows are you using? Which version of windows are you using? If I remember correctly, touchmote was done for win7, win8.. I am on win10...
  17. Hello @defre1976, As a user of wiimote lightgun, I would like to share my opinion and a little knowledge on the configuration of wiimotes with emulators. It would be a good idea to combine our experiences on this subject to improve our overall knowledge on this subject. What do you think of that? I have used touchmote in the past in conjunction with demulshooter. I managed to get them all to work together ... But I also had a lot of trouble adjusting all my emulators and if I gave up touchmote, it's for 2 reasons: My pc is running Windows 10. - I frequently crashed touchmote (1/2) ... Touchmote had been developed for windows 7 and has not been maintained for several years now. I think that’s the reason why it crashes so often on my config .. The second reason is that emulators are generally programmed to use a mouse in lightgun games (I say well in general because, a good number of arcade games work with an analog lightgun which has nothing to do with a mouse). In short, I decided to make my life easier this way: I use a mayflash dolphin bar in mode 2. The wiimote is recognized by my pc as being a mouse. As a result, I no longer need a touchmote. And the configuration of the games is greatly simplified. I have not yet finished configuring all my emulators but I already play perfectly with: The lindbergh, ringedge, ringwide, pcsx2, model2, demul, mame and wii games. For wii games, the only obligation is to switch the dolphin bar to mode 4. And for the problem that you have to meet with the id of the controllers, it is relative to Windows which assigns a new id to each controller. And even that adapts to each change if you remove a controller. What I do with mame: I configure mame and when I have assigned the keys of my wiimote I put the default.cfg file (within the cfg folder in mame) in read only, so that my config does not jump every time. To summarize: My configuration is simpler and above all more stable because I no longer use touchmote. On the other hand, I cannot play in 2players because I no longer use the demulshooter which I cannot manage to operate if we have mice rather than pads... At the moment, I am concentrate on playing perfectly with one player. We'll see later for another headache on how to play two wiimotes perfectly. Maybe I will do some videos if I can.
  18. ok, i updated now! i bought manual transmission ingame but . the game keep running my car with AT ....... is that a bug? I test my DFGT at the moment. it's not so bad. Just missing FFB and i must found how to play in MT now.... EDIT: OK for single stick when using my joypad MT works if I create a new car and select MT as default transmission.
  19. I am using files from the plugins.7z given by sky2310 (tuto). I don't know for the version. I will look asap.. Thx anyway
  20. HI @Onkel, I tried that : singleStickSteering=1 But it's not working for me.... Any idea? Thx
  21. i think we could get the answer if we ask this question to @sky2310, I think he's got two mayflash dolphin bar. i 've got only one of these dolphinbar from my side. hope he confirm that !
  22. Ok, i just give a try ... and it seem that i am stuck here... it's like my pc want to download something but when i monitor the activity of my wireless card, there is nothing... what i can see in the last start.bat. i use the idz content from the plugin you gave us @sky2310... any idea ..... ? greatly appreciated! :D
  23. Oops, I have to try quickly. Now that you say it, I remember that this game can be run without any loader .... I try and tell you if it works. Thx
  24. hello, a few question : i use jconfig to play OG, well, it works.... but even with the following setup (see screen capture), the mouse is less precise as I move it on the sides. the mouse is too much fast and it generate an offset with my real aiming (i use a wiimote with the mayflash dolphinbar). if i reduce sensitivity for dinput, the mouse is uncontrolable! any solution?
  25. pas de soucis! je sais que toi ou quelqu'un d'autre vont bien finir par trouver comment améliorer encore un peu tout ça!
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