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[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
On my to-do list. But I am very busy (family, other professional projects). I will do a tuto for pcsx2 next time. I never tried Elevator action yet. Sorry. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
HI, I don't know anything about this PowerA Wireless Ultra Sensor Bar. But if I saw correctly, it is a wireless sensor bar right? Does it have a mouse mode like the mayflash dolphin bar? Something that make your wiimote act like a mouse directly? It would be simpler for you to play your games. Anyway, regarding pcsx2, I am not able to make it works with touchmote. Even after having followed some youtube tutorials. On the other hand I can play all my pcsx2 shooters using mode 2 (mouse) with 2 wiimotes and 2 mayflash dolphin bar. The only problems are: For time crisis 2, when playing 2 players, the calibration become bad. It's due to the split screen. And lot of my games are 50fps too. It's not perfect on that point. Regarding mouse patcher, it's working very good but it's not possible to play 2 players with it unfortunately and like you said, it's only working with some version of each games ( time crisis 2 usa for example). -
if your game is launching, set your credits to the service buttons in TP controllers for this game. then start!
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
C'est surtout quand tu passes à la 10.0.0 qu'il y a de gros changements : ## [10.1.3] - 2020-06-04 - Added an option to set a virtual LeftMouse button for mouse controllers in DemulShooter_GUI.exe ## [10.1.2] - 2020-05-28 - Fixed another DemulShooter_GUI.exe bug where you couldn't see available HID axis in the lists. ## [10.1.1] - 2020-05-28 - Fixed some bugs on DemulShooter_GUI.exe ## [10.1.0] - 2020-05-25 - Fixed "2 Spicy" autofire. - Added Windowed mode support for "SEGA Golden Gun". - Added an option to invert Axis for HID devices. - Added some more outputs. - Added possibility to use the -v option with DemulShooter_GUI.exe ## [10.0.1] - 2020-05-22 - Fixed DemulShooter.exe and DemulShooterX64.exe crash when no explorer.exe is running. ## [10.0.0] - 2020-05-22 Complete rewrite of the software core, please be carreful of changes : - ! Beware ! : Old config file is not compatible anymore, please set up DemulShooter again. - Added support for Gamepad, Joypad, Analog Guns and - in theory - any HID device (See DemulShooter Wiki for usage). - DemulShooter_GUI.exe updated to a new version to be able to choose new supported devices. - DemulShooter_GUI.exe is now a separated program and can be run at the same time as DemulShooter or DemulShooterX64. - DemulShooter.exe is now "command line" only. - DemulShooterX64.exe is now "command line" only. - DemulShooterX64.exe compatibility is now limited to the games it has been designed for. - DsDiag.exe updated to a new version, to be able to test new supported devices. - Added MameHooker-compatible outputs, see Wiki for usage and the list of games/outputs (more games/output will be added later). - Added support for "Let's Go Jungle Special" for Teknoparrot. - Fixed "Ninja Assault" bug with Demul(triggers were not working with XInput controllers). - Fixed "Golden Gun" bugs. Still no support for Windowed mode. - Changed "Golden Gun" hack : Autofire is now enable by default. Disable it with "-noautofire" option. - Changed Model2 hack (See DemulShooter WiKi for necessary modifications). - Changed "Silent Hill Arcade" hack for a better one (Usage stays the same). - Changed "Friction" hack to support v1.0,v2.0 and v3.0 VsIoboard.dll (Usage stays the same, dll version is automatically detected). - Changed "House Of The Dead 4" hack to support both original binary (Rev.A) and the Rev.C binary (Usage stays the same, game version is automatically detected). - Changed "Rambo" Lindbergh hack to be able to remove crosshairs with "-nocrosshair" option. - Changed "Reload" hack to add support for another binary. - Changed "Heavy Fire 3" and "Heavy Fire 4" command line requirements (See DemulShooter GUI or Wiki for usage). - Removed deprecated "-ParrotLoader" option for RingWide games. - Removed support for "Aliens : Extermination" old HASP-Protected release (-rom=alienshasp). The de-Hasped release of the game has been out for a long time now and is the one to be used. - Removed Support for Dolphin4 (-target=dolphin4). Dolphin 5 has been released now for a long time and is the one to be used. lorsque tu choisis ton périphérique pour P1 et P2 dans la liste, tu vois directement si tu as le bon device en main grâce à un systeme de test de boutons.. Tu peux maintenant aussi allouer le trigger sur une touche du clavier.. Et plein d’amélioration dans les jeux cités dans la liste ci dessus. j'ai remarqué un autre truc aussi mais j'ai pas cherché encore à provoqué ''un bug" si on peut dire pour m'assurer que ça ne me gênera pas dans le choix de mes guns mais : le soft detect automatiquement ton périphérique (je ne sais pas comment ça fonctionne) il faut s'assurer que se soit bien un + et pas une fonctionnalité qui inverserai les guns de temps en temps. (pour moi, ça pourrait être un problème). au cas ou, j'en parlerais à Argonlefou. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
yes, I'm a little short of ideas there.......... Because V10.1.3 is really different from V 8.7.0, i recommend you to retry testing each devices seen by Demulshooter, maybe you missed them... (lots of weirds devices are shown in the demulshhoter devices list for my part.). -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
looks good! i just retested demulshooter v 8.7.0 and i had also issue (the opposite of you) i was able to use rage only ..... then i tried with this version : DemulShooter_v10.1.3 and everithing is ok now. I don't know what's happen! something between TP updates and Demulshooter update, you were unlucky. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
@ark216, Your ahk script is perfect and must do the job from the time you are sure that you have checked virtual mouse button (C for P1) and (V for P2) inside the concerned version of demulshooter you call this demulshooter : E:\TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140\GAMES\Rambo\disk0\elf\DemulShooter_v8.7.0 look carefully (as i said before) if your virtual buttons are checked in demulshooter. And in TP : just set start for P1 and P2 only....! (do you changed your setting when passing from the touchmote setup to the 2 dolphin bar setup) ? normally you must reassigned the keys. edit : this picture is from a touchmote configuration but what is important is what's circled in red when you are using mouse mode. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Okay. Do you have multiple other Xbox 360 pads on you pc? (real or virtual)? What can happen is your lightgun (pad created by touchmote) as changed of ID because you have added or removed another xbox360 pad. My next video will be very important because it will be a comparison between methods with 2 dolphin bar (mode2) and the method one dolphin bar (mode 4). You will understand why I prefer the 2 dolphin bar method definitively. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
To have these special buttons working: Virtual buttons must be checked in demulshooter in order to being mapped later an ahk script. Example (from what I remember, I am away from my arcade cabinet): You checked the middle mouse button in demulshooter and the corresponding key is on 'C' for the player 1 configuration. Then, in your ahk script: Left::C Now, when you play rambo, Dpad Left will launch the P1 rage action. -
@Anjiro76 I advise you to read the following carrefully: http://wiibrew.org/wiki/List_of_Working_Bluetooth_Devices Look if your Bluetooth device is listed here. Then if you plan to play with touchmote, the best is you read what the developers said: NOTICE New Wiimotes (S/N ending with Z-C4, Z-C6 or C-C4) will not work with Microsoft Bluetooth Stack. We recommend you to get a Wiimote manufactured before November 2011. To get the newer Wiimotes to work you have to use the Mayflash DolphinBar or similar..
As recommended by @SuperMagoAlex, the mayflash dolphin bar is the best solution because Bluetooth is integrated in it. In your case, the first thing to do is not touchmote. You must have your wiimote recognized by windows through a Bluetooth device first. Maybe try another Bluetooth dongle. And regarding touchmote, they recommand to use a wiimote made before 2011 yes.
Hello, First off, What is your hardware? Do you have just a Bluetooth USB dongle or do you have the mayflash dolphin bar? If you just have a USB Bluetooth + an USB dolphin bar, The first operation is to sync your wiimotes with you Operating system (windows). Beware : avoid other PC Bluetooth too close like on another pc. (I had this issue one day). To sync your wiimotes you can go to peripherals and printers pannel on windows and look for add a device. This link should help you: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/15290/windows-connect-bluetooth-device
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Do you have several versions of demulshooter? In any case, each demulshooter must know each wiimote device for P1 & P2. I am giving you another tips: Put a different stickers on each wiimotes and use always the same Wiimote for P1 and for P2 (because of demulshooter configuration). And the last thing: never forget to give admin rights on the demulshooter exe. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Yes , it's sound like it's the problem ( the param you pass to the shortcut target seem not correct or your path to the shortcut is incorrect or both!) here, what is in my target shortcut for rambo: (be careful you must write Rambo with the 'R' in uppercase.) F:\Emulators\TeknoParrot\TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=Rambo.xml Are you sure of the path you define too? because when you launch the ahk script, if it is only a problem of params in the target, it must launch the TP Ui anyway. (the TP Ui start at least if it is only a problem regarding the params in the target. EDIT : i advise you to create a folder name like the system. then inside you put all your shortcuts with the correct params (one for each games) , then you can rename the shortcut the name of the game only. : And it's better to have one version of demulshooter than one in each game you want to launch. (but you can also keep different version of demulshooter somewhere but rather in a single copy. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
You must point to the windows shortcut you have just created before with the correct target parameters and not directly the '. Elf'. windows don't know how to launch an elf directly. For the question relative to the resolution and the games with Teknoparrot, almost all my games are launched in 1920x1080 when it's possible but sometimes I must launch some games in a lower resolution (this is the case for Rambo). I haven't got any offset on my games and I haven't any solution myself to improve it at this time. If someone got a solution.... And from my side, star wars is working fine. I haven't any black screen but I read that there is a bug at the end of the game and I haven't played till vador recently. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
F3, F8 but you can change these buttons as you prefer in the supermodel.ini file in my AHK script, Lnk file refers to windows shortcut. do you know that you can launch the Teknoparrot games just using a windows shortcut? You must create a shortcut of the TeknoparrotUi, then go to properties and in 'target field', you must add the following params: --profile=rambo.xml (for example) Then in my AHK, I point the path to this shortcut (the lnk extansion file). Is this more clear for you now? -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
HI, No, you are totally right on what you said. If you use touchmote and wiimotes as pads: - need only one mayflash dolphin bar. - you can set whatever buttons you want - but cursors are not as precise as in mode 2 on some emulators or games. - and you absolutely need to run touchmote which is adding a step to be able to play. I prefer the second method with 2 dolphin bars in mode 2 because: - aiming is better - setting 2 players is more easy (very compatible with Mame, pcsx2, model 3....... But also those compatible with demulshooter). On the other hand, the biggest default is the fact that some buttons are shared between each wiimotes when using this mode. I am totally agree with you. But as you can see, if you set your buttons correctly, it does the job very well. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
I just gave it a try right now. It's working perfectly for one player using MouseEnabler.exe + mayflash dolphin bar in mode 2. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
My Alien Extermination ahk script for touchmote usage ( dolphin bar) #SingleInstance SetWorkingDir, F:\JEUX\TTX GAMES\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA ;2p support Run, F:\UTILS\DemulShooter_v10.1.3_Touchmote\demulShooter.exe -target=globalvr -rom=aliens ;Run, "F:\JEUX\TTX GAMES\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA\Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe" Run, "F:\JEUX\TTX GAMES\Alien Extermination\PC\aliens\DATA\aliens dehasped.exe" ;Bouton CREDIT P1 3Joy7:: Send { LCtrl Down} Sleep 100 Send { LCtrl Up} Return ;Bouton START P1 3Joy8:: Send {1 Down} Sleep 100 Send {1 Up} Return ;Bouton grenade P1 3Joy6:: Send { MButton Down} Sleep 100 Send { MButton Up} Return ;Bouton CREDIT P2 4Joy7:: Send { LCtrl Down} Sleep 100 Send { LCtrl Up} Return ;Bouton START P2 4Joy8:: Send {2 Down} Sleep 100 Send {2 Up} Return ;Bouton grenade P2 4Joy6:: Send { MButton Down} Sleep 100 Send { MButton Up} Return Escape:: Process,Close,aliens dehasped.exe Process, Close, demulshooter.exe Run,taskkill /im "aliens dehasped.exe" /F ;Run,taskkill /im "Aliens_MouseEnabler.exe" /F ExitApp return My touchmote profile : The only problem when using this setting (touchmote), is that when i calibrate the gun in test menu, i can't go completely to the right or the left etc... of the screen... Mode 2 is absolutely better (more accurate etc....) but it's working too. I don't understand what's going on on your side @ark216 if you have only one wiimote and one dolphin bar, i advise you to use mouseenabler.exe + dolphin bar using mode 2. it's really better. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Solutions: For one player only: dolphinbar mayflash in mode 2 Use Mouse enabler.exe Use Alien dehasped.exe Or For one or 2 players: dolphinbar in mode 2 use demulshooter (with admin rights) Use Alien dehasped.exe For one or 2 players: dolphinbar in mode 4 use demulshooter (with admin rights) Use touchmote (pad profile) Use Alien dehasped.exe (from what I remember). -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Use a classic mouse and do: Middle click+ right click Then Right click + left click. I know, this is weird... -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
I've heard that some people can change the in-game cursor for many emulator using rocket launcher. I don't know if it is easy to set up but I would like someone to explain how to do that too. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
It's on my to-do list of course but I had a busy month and I am on something bigger too... Just hope I'll managed to do what I am doing. -
[Emu] RPCS3 (Console) v0.0.35 - Emulateur PS3 sur PC / MacOS / Linux
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de Darage dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Oui, je pense que je vais me prendre un I7 9700K car ça m'évite de changer tout le reste de ma config. Ça reste cher, et je préférerais passer direct à une config I9 9900k mais ça devrait le faire avec ce cpu 8 coeurs/8threads. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Salut STF, oui j'avais du utiliser ma trackball pour pouvoir passer cet Ă©cran....