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Tout ce qui a été posté par ginzu
WOOOOW! mais c'est énorme alors!!!!!! je me souviens avoir utiliser reshade mais, ça ralentissait considérablement le lancement du jeu. est ce le cas avec ces shaders ? promis, après je t'embête plus, je test! merci
salut @Houb, @ducon2016 , Faut il installer reshade pour utiliser ces shaders? désolé, pas sûr d'avoir bien compris... ? par contre : chapeau : ça en jette un max!
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Wow! Thank you Mr Pooterman!!! 👍😄 -
[Arcade PC] Aliens: Extermination (Global VR)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de sonic323 dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@POOTERMAN We need a wheel for this game too! thankx!!! -
[Arcade PC] Road Fighters All Decrypted (Konami)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de lokofer dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
@Pooterman hi Pooterman, is there a nice wheel for this game somewhere? thank you -
@robertnz01 Je récupère ça ce soir après le taf ! Merci à toi. Super!!! hormis que le jeu surf chez moi entre 25 et 60 fps, c'est nikel!
salut, merci d'avoir répondu, c'est bien l'un de ces 2 fichier rar que tu as utilisé? => vcop3-512.zip ou Virtua_Cop_3_512 il n'y a pas de dossier media dans ces archives, je viens de regarder....
Salut, Je rencontre un soucis pour lancer le jeu vcop3 : J'ai fait ce que tu as écris et j'ai récupéré les sources dans les liens que tu as fournis. cependant : J'ai essayé avec la version vcop3-512.zip et Virtua_Cop_3_512 quelqu'un sait? première fois que je tente cet ému! il à l'air cool maintenant .....
DAYTONA USA 2019 HD Textures pack by stf999 (ElSemi's Model2Emu or Nuexzz hack)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de stf999 dans ROMS & ISO
Look nice! ☺️👍 -
[Taito Type X/X2/X3/X0/X4.. | E-Amusement | Ex-Board] | Arcade PC
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Thank you @crossfitfail2019 What is the special input for haunted museum? Thanks -
visiblement il faut utiliser joytokey ou xpadder pour mapper les touches. j'ai testé vite fait au clavier... c'est bof
Hi. Thx Mokerz! I didn't see this post till now. It's a good thing because I own a happ motor from a wild hog. I bought it long long time ago and I never made the cab project I would like at this time. Maybe this year... Who know 🤔? Otherwise this game is not a must to what I know but I really want to try it. Thank u!
[Arcade PC] Road Fighters All Decrypted (Konami)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de lokofer dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
anyway, thank you boomslangnz -
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Okay! Thank you for the tips! -
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
A little question for any experimented one with rpcs3 here. How could we have a different setting for each game without editing it each time? Thx -
Tutorial: How to build the most accurate Light Gun (VR users only)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de nokaktsawa dans TUTO
Ok, thank for your feedback, but how look like your lightgun? How much it cost? Htc vive is really expansive. Do you have some pictures to show us.? Thank you. -
[Arcade PC] Road Fighters All Decrypted (Konami)
ginzu a répondu à un(e) sujet de lokofer dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
espérons que ce jeu soit a ajouter dans TP prochainement avec prise en charge du volant en Dinput et rêvons même un peu, si au passage les Dev de TP nous pondent un truc pour la sauvegarde ce sera encore mieux. pour finir notre vénérable @Boomslangnz , nous ajoutera son petit plugin ffb bien cuisiné et tout sera aux petits ognons... on peut rêver!! , ça fait pas de mal!!! -
ah....j'avais oublié, pout info: v1.3.0 - September 8th, 2018 Added Window size option. Support for SSCTL audio channel register (What's Shenmue). 16:9 aspect ratio for using widescreen hacks on non-16:9 monitors. Changed Introduced heuristic to detect and fix numerous issues that result in visible seams on the edges of polygons when upscaling games. These seams are commonly seen in user interfaces and most 2d games. Improved handling of bad vertices that were discarded by the PowerVR (Soul Calibur intro, Mortal Kombat Gold). Improved accuracy of floating-point operations, fixes numerous bugs in multiple games. Common issues were bad vertices in Soul Calibur models, bad animations in Sword of the Bersek and physics issues in Sonic Adventure - light speed dashing out of the sewer is now a breeze. Refactored texture cache, improving the performance of many 2d fighters, in particular the King of Fighters series of games which really thrash the cache. On some machines, these games went from single to triple digit frame counts. Fixed Hang On now runs. Powerdrift now runs. Atelier Marie and Elie now runs. Intermittent South Park Rally load hangs. Crash in D2 during initial hunting tutorial. Shenmue 2 releases with widescreen hacks now run. Sonic drifting left in Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. Background flickering in Alice's Mom's Rescue. Background plane parsing (Sega Worldwide Soccer 2000). Handling of invalid CDDA sector reads (many CDI images). Handling of Maple RESET pattern. Handling of invalid VMU block accesses. Bumpmap calculations (Death Crimson OX). Regression with raw framebuffer write support (Neo XYX). Serial communication interface interrupts (diagnostic discs). Shadow volumes parsing errors (Daytona USA, Virtua Fighter). Clamping of intermediate blends when using per-pixel blending (Virtua Tennis). Sorting of multi-disc games where the product name / version hash is different between discs.
thank you but the only thing that work for me is borderless gaming and nothing but this resolution --> 1024*576 EDIT: in fact, you are right! :D it work! i try with 1920*1080 under the Window PositionX and Y to 0 : Window Width =1920 Window Height = 1080 the only thing is that we have the border like on windowed mode. so the render under borderless gaming is better. EDIT2: also, i forgot to mention that your tips does not make the game running at a better resolution. It is just the size of the window we want to enlarge.
Hi, @argonlefou Thank you for the answer! I am going to try demulshooter soon. Does the purpose of demulshooter is to give 2 players playable or demulshooter do more than that? I promise : no more question after that one
Hey @dex77, I am totally excited by this project too.. I really hope they will implement naomi and atomiswave in the project.i really like the way, this project is evolving. I have nothing to do with theire project but i really appreciate it. I am a big fan of dreamcast/ naomi system but i am not really happy with demul ( resolution in d3d11 is bad, theire are stuttering in some game for too long time ago now. Always the same bug when you have a wheel conected.etc... I have more hope in redream now.
Hi backgamon, No it is totally different. You can use the free version of redream if you want .you are not going to pay for it. Now, if you are really interested by it and if you would like to use the HD/4k feature, you can pay it one time and that's all. ( not like a patreon that you can support each month). Without this work done by people like redream devs : no games at all! Cheers . Or use another emulator ( reicast/ demul) if you prefer.
Hey! Thank you @dex77, I appreciate your share!
@argonlefou Salut argon, hi! Are we forced to put our games in C drive as i read somewhere to being able to use demul shooter? My games are in f: jeux/ROMS_Emu.... Thanks
@ark216 it is 5 dollars only. And you only paid one time. I encourage you to pay the devs for the huge work they have done if you really like this emulator.