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ginzu a gagné pour la dernière fois le 8 mars 2022

ginzu a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

4 abonnés

Profile Information

  • Hardware
    [CPU] i7 9700K @3.6Ghz
    [RAM] 2x4GB(GSkill)
    [SSD] 250GB Sandisk
    [HDD] 2T (western digital)
    [GPU] msi 970 GTX nvidia 4G Gaming
    [MBOARD] ASUS Z390
    [OS] Win10
    [Controller] (PAC-LINK x 2) + (gamepad xbox360 x2) + dfgt wheel

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Super bonne nouvelle ce build 😉
  2. no, unfortunately, mouses coordinates are not well taken into account when playing with lightguns and wiimotes. I succeeded in configuring the axis of the wiimote using lichtknarre with the vjoy plugin but this game use relative coordinates which are not what we want to play with any lightguns that are using absolute coordinates..... Otherwise, you can play it with a joypad.
  3. ginzu

    Wiimotes as light guns

  4. ginzu

    Wiimotes as light guns

    i am not patreon myself but i am in the process of doing a video tutorial on how to configure Jconfig and 2 mayflash dolphin bar because peoples ask for that.
  5. ginzu

    Wiimotes as light guns

    I don't know how to add different crossair but from what i know, with the first Jconfig version for Scaret Dawn , the windows cursor is visible by default. So, i think with each myflash dolphin bar you must get a cursor (but the same color and same shape). i didn't tried with the mayflash dolphin bar , i just tried with the gun4ir.
  6. salut @Houb, Je voulais ajouter le shader à rastan saga nesica et j'ai suivi ce qui est écrit dans le readme de l'archive mais pas moyen de lancer reshade via le bouton origine... Tu sais pourquoi ça fait ça? merci EDIT : mon Reshade.ini est bien à la racine du jeu et ce chemin indique bien ou est le fichier CRTGeomMOD.ini PresetFiles=.\sv\reshade-shaders\Presets\CRTGeomMOD.ini
  7. Hi! I tested many solution and here is what i can told from my experience: If you play with a wiimote + mayflash dolphin bar you can have a good experience but the aiming would never be perfect asif you use a Sinden or a 4-Led system ( gun4ir or Lichtknarre) . On the other hand, I can imagine that not everyone is able to make stuffs with soldering or electronic. so, this is the inconvenient because these system are not end products apart the Sinden. but i agree you need to configure lot of stuff with the Sinden before playing with it correctly as well.And if you play with the dolphin bar and the wiimote, you will need the cursor ingame to be precise.
  8. ginzu

    Death live rail shooter game

    Hey! 😉👍 Thanks! Never heard of it! The lightgun in the video look huge and weird.
  9. It's my most awaited game!!! Would be awesome to play it on windows!
  10. Salut, Pour dolphin, je configurais qu'une dolphin bar en mode 4. Elle gère les 2 wiimotes. Dans dolphin, tu met real wiimote pour chaque wiimote. C'est vraiment pour dolphin que les mayflash ont été faite. En + t'as directe les boutons ou il faut, la vibration est prise en compte etc...
  11. @CALDEIREN, @paquito85, Salut, Perso j'utilise toujours la version de TP et Je me souviens que c'était un bug lorsque les devs étaient en train d'élaborer la compatibilité des lightguns/wiimotes avec le rawinput. j'espère qu'ils n'ont pas réintroduit ce bug avec les dernières releases... (pas testé). je vais poser la question sur leur discord pour savoir si ils ont eu des plaintes à ce sujet... EDIT: Le dev m'a confirmé qu'il devait corriger ce bug..
  12. Yes, it's normal. We must wait (and hope that harms (dev of rawinput feature) could fix this behaviour....... Also, i noticed that the crosshair in operation ghost is moving very badly (very fast and with an offset).... just set the first wiimote for the first player and you will be Ok with rambo.
  13. Hope someone could do something.
  14. ginzu

    Wiimotes as light guns

    Just touchmote
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