Daemon Bride Addtional Gain for NESICAxLIVE Challenger And here's another one for you fighting game fans! The NESICA version of Daemon Bride Additional Gain dumped, cracked and playable! >Download link https://mega.nz/#!GddkUKoZ!N0Zngw9WK...O6_MPxd0I6dMdQ You'll also need this DLL for the game to launch, put it in the game directory https://mega.nz/#!KMFBSLLD!-GNYom3l-...mTQcBjzSqbLlNI Controls are hardcoded as follows >Buttons 1-6 are A S D Z X C, Start is 1, Service is 2, Test is T When launching the game if you get a message saying "vcruntime140d.dll is missing from your computer" then download these two dll's and put them in the game directory https://mega.nz/#!ZpRhUBya!5Bj3TRDrN...2EKrtHR648TVqk Fonte: http://8ch.net/1cc/index.html