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nanometrovovo2 a gagné pour la dernière fois le 14 février

nanometrovovo2 a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

À propos de nanometrovovo2

  • Date de naissance 10/04/1978

Profile Information

  • Hardware
    AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.7Ghz 32GB DDR4 Nvidia GTX 1660 super Windows 11

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nanometrovovo2's Achievements


Collaborator (7/14)

  • Very Popular Rare
  • Conversation Starter Rare
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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Always happy to help: Taxi 3 High
  2. Hyperspin theme for Mighty Moto to be added to UNIS collection:
  3. Hyperspin theme for GTLive2010
  4. nanometrovovo2

    alien disco safari

    How do you apply the patch? Do you install old ADS.iso first and then apply the patch in the same folder? I'm getting black screen when start the game
  5. Errrr...nope yet. I will try with a clean setup again and lets see
  6. nanometrovovo2

    Santa's Great Gifts

    what is it? what is it? Halo? Kingkong? TMNT? Supercars 2023? Superbikes 3? After Dark? Teratoma? Cooper's 9? IGS games have been decrypted? C'mon, it is Santa! everything is possible 😛
  7. Hyperspin theme for cabinet integration
  8. Are you guys getting the following msg after run? You have to push atl+tab to get back to game when run. Not too pretty in machine integration. I'm using the following ahk: Run, Shooter.exe Esc:: Sendinput, !{f4} Process,Close,Shooter.exe Run,taskkill /im "Shooter.exe" /F ExitApp return Since the "Esc" key during the game is in use, may cause issues
  9. Dude, I think that it is something you have to deal with your hardware. This game works correctly under TP. Tell us more about your hardware and we will figure out the issue you are facing. Cheers from S-Pain
  10. Hyperspin theme and medias
  11. The game works properly with mouse as well. I was wondering if it is possible to show mouse someway. I tried from RocketLauncher, the configuration is correct but game hides mouse icon anyway.
  12. Hyperspin theme + alternative bezel with 10 bosses
  13. Hyperspin theme + bezel
  14. ok, I have just sent the link to Reaver and requested to add to Teknoparrot Thanks a lot @WildWolf 😄
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