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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Does someone mind sharing the golden tee link please?
  2. Cheers will give it a go tonight
  3. hey guys, wondering if you can help. On Snocross it load fine, and I can get to the stage select. I cannot seem to select any tracks. When I hit brake or start, it puts a number in the middle of the screen counting up... Any ideas? Heres my Jconfig and image counting up...
  4. Still happening, any ideas?
  5. awesome, thanks @linglang works perfect!
  6. Hey guys, got it working using spice tools but it refuses to accept any mouse input so i cant select the konami pass button.. any idea?
  7. Does anyone have a copy of Cyber Diver? The Mega link is dead, cheers!
  8. Hi @linglang do you mind sharing the link as well please?
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