trying to download links from virusman site.... all of the nonTeknoparrot games do nothing when I click on them..
TP and patreon TP games are working when I click on there but Im after a few nonteknoparrot games that I have missed in the last year.
Can anyone help as to why links on the site for nonTP games only not working thanks?
Game launches just fine and I can get into a song but no matter which song I choose when the audio finishes there are still drum taps coming on screen and just keeps scrolling, never sems to come to the end but there is no music playing... Hope this makes sense and somebody can help with a fix. thanks!
They both boot fine and run pretty good for me on windows 7 but on windows 10 I get a message with something about DVD fatal error and dolphin crashes, this happens for both games.
I followed the full process with the patches, using build 309 & 315 with save state to F1 etc but only working with win7 which is strange
hopefully ffb can also be worked out at some point
has anyone figured out how to get ffb working with a wheel for MK GP 1/2 at all?
When I change the controller from AM baseboard to steering wheel the game either wont boot or wont respond to controls if I change it when in game...
another problem is I cant get either game to run on windows 10, will only run on windows 7 which is ok as I have my pc setup for dual boot but would be nice to have it working with Win10 if anybody knows a fix thanks
Game crashes as soon as I hit start button, Ive tried a few different dumps and same result with each..., any help appreciated thanks
(nevermind, moving game folder to root of the drive solved the issue)