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À propos de supernova1982

  • Date de naissance 01/01/1982

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  1. The solution is setting -> mouse activate But this needs a specific version of jconfig made by someone(forgot the author name sorry) here JConfigMG2.exe
  2. I can't find mouse option anywhere, help appreciated! PS:Solved
  3. Hi linglang, did you mean the Arcade edition? Thats the one i'm using, i want to change english voice to japanese
  4. For Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV, i can't change the language setting of the game, there is no such option in test mode. But when i browse through the game folder, there actually subtitle for both english and japanese. I'm using the Taito Type X version by Game Loader
  5. Hello i found out about this cool site because of emulation, i'm a 37 years old die hard retrogamer I own nearly every consoles My favorite genre of game are Fighters,Beat Em ups,JRPGs,Surviving Horror and more. For game franchise,i love resident evil,silent hill,tekken,street fighters,metal gear,final fantasy,capcom beat em ups,streets of rage etc as far as pill goes, i guess i'm red
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