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    RTX 2080

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Hey Blaze do you have Duel Terminal 7 English or Duel Terminal 14 Japanese?
  2. Ah I was told to use SPICA, and it's been able to open them
  3. Thanks! do you know how to open these?
  4. Is it possible you could extract models from the english dt? I want to know if these are corrupted or not.
  5. Could you upload the Zexal World Duel Carnival models so I could work on them? I can give you some Aquaactress and Dark World Models i've made in return
  6. How's the progress on your thing so far.
  7. Link to lotd models, i don't think these are link evolution but they havent been decompressed.
  8. this is a chat i'm intending to keep public, because otherwise the thread will be dead, and I want interest to be here for a bit. If anyone would like to join the chat, they are welcome, this is an open forum.
  9. Is it possible you could send me what you have for Duel Carnival so far?
  10. Oh this is how duel terminal's ended up as thats good to hear galaxy-eyes is looking fine here.
  11. aight i'll do what i can to help
  12. Can you check on the Meklord Models, T.G. Models and Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon model? I tried them and their vertices were broken.
  13. Oh cool, that's good to hear, as for the vr game, there is actually a Yu-Gi-Oh Vr game at the moment, that's why i'm here in this thread, it's for getting models for them. Here is their discord, i'm currently in it at the moment, if you actually come here, look around for me since i'll be in that server.
  14. ok thanks for the answer, i'm looking forward for it.
  15. Do you have an updated list of these models you have collected as of now, including those others you mentioned that were unreleased?
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