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  1. hahaha.... my "gift" was no good then.... Sorry about that 😞 I thought the shock arrows were not showing. I would have to check the source to see if there is something missing in the steps. DP doesn't show me the shock arrows like in SP.... now I'll check if something is missing in the SM or if it's really the ssqtool I have 😞 Yes... like the DP CHL has an error or a wrong value in the steps. That's why it doesn't take them when converting.
  2. What I could see in the image is that the "arkmdxp4'' file does not match the new data and if I remember correctly, it was not uploaded in the data from 2023103002. You shouldn't try to update an original arcade data with a trolled data. I hope you did some backup.
  3. Officially Asphyxia supports DDR up to A20 because as far as I know, they have not made a plugin for A20+ much less for A3. The supports provided for A3 were for plugins modified by third parties. It is recommended to use Monkey Business following the steps in the github.
  4. I modified: All Default / bg (SD-HD) / change a parameter .Arc to .m2v, which prevents playing the background videos... but I still can't make progress and have "black screen".
  5. Everything I try to modify gets me nowhere. I wish you could give me a guide as to what fields you modified in this dll. or if someone would also try to decipher this file.
  6. It's no easy. All the tests I have done have failed. All credit to the programmer who has us working with these DLLs. And that I have not looked at the arkmdxp3.dll.... But I don't think I can handle it. At least I'm trying to clean it up so I don't ask for the clean dll.
  7. I think it is because gamemdx is modified and that is why it does not accept any startup.arc. Also, if you launch this game without this file, it runs normally.
  8. That is very easy to convert. For the gamemdx file I'm going to spend more time to see if I can make it work.
  9. Partly because without modifying the trolled gamemdx, it did not start the game by forcing the Gold Cab. It only starts with the Blue Cab. On the other hand, if the gamemdx was unpolluted, with the Type 6 hex, it would start gold... It is trolled so that it can only be used in the Blue Cab.
  10. Because as I understand (and I know nothing about programming) this gamemdx is a sequence of actions. If you run the .dll trolled, it doesn't show the warning screen according to the MDX location, the Konami logo and e-amusement, the other stuff, the licensed songs, the default BG and everything else. Now then. I tried with the patcher to force the Gold Cab which is the one I always play, but this one doesn't load..... So something we don't know what, is damaging the original sequence of the game.
  11. What I am trying to interpret is that whoever modified gamemdx was so smart that he changed the whole sequence, from the Warning screen to the demo songs and if one tries to "clean" this to leave it as it should be, there is a probability that the .dll will be damaged, because the wildcards are not identical between build versions. For example, in the September build, it may be an at sign, but in the October 30 build it may be another symbol.
  12. I've been at it for another 4 hours today, cracking my head off.... But I have found the following: I modified a parameter where it says "popup_1140lang" to Default, I added the BG SD and HD because in the trolled gamemdx there are only dots as if they have replaced them with these characters. However, since everything is chained together, I still get black screen!... I was looking for the sequence of the demo but I didn't find anything weird. Now I'm looking at LicenceSequence but I think it's missing a character.... Better said. No matter how smart we are, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.
  13. I said it..... We always have to be grateful for the new data, but we will have to learn to program, to clean what the author has the right to modify in his releases. This person who made the troll is very smart and has us breaking our heads hahaha.
  14. I know, the video troll issue doesn't bother me. It will be days before these unedited files (possibly) will be released (either internally or on some Discord server).
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