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Tout ce qui a été posté par B4SH-T

  1. That what I'm asking too, the game just crashes after confirming your user
  2. I can't run that game, how did you managed to launch it in the first place?
  3. In your DDR folder, there's a prop folder, open the ea-config with notepad or notepad++ (you may have in the first part of the file a JAA written) change the J to an A and you'll have an "AAA". Save it of course, and play. Why? E V E R Y O N E LOVES the announcer... *In your DDR folder go to data/sound/win AND make a backup of the voices files, replace only this file
  4. If someone else wants to change the jacket, this is a little edit 👌 Only if you're on a server or set butterfly to DARK on the database
  5. That's because it's a shitty dump tbh, looks like a frankenstein experiment because almost every file is very similar to the 0422 data. The only thing to rescue are the songs, btw there is a fix to the tiny combo display
  6. In the ea-config file, instead of having JAA or AAA, use UEA and in Service menu, go to network and disable E-Amusement
  7. Forget about reinstalling a clean OS. And the DDR (it doesn't leave any residual data instead of one or two things in the register) Can you take a pic of the ddr folder? For what you mention, need to register the dll for videos and run the "launcher" as admin. Btw, to make a ""clean install"" of ddr, just unpack all the files to a new folder
  8. Not sure, but I think someone made a LOOONG tutorial of that here I guess, if not, it's easy, just create a text file starting with E004AB????? Inside the text(for example: E00409104EE74835) and in the Keypad options choose your text files and select your keyboard. In game press the + in the num pad and you're ready to go. Btw: 1) What do you mean it's not working? Does the games goes maintenance mode or something instead of "ONLINE"? 2) Check the ea network on the service field is http://localhost (if you're using spice, the gamestart at the end should be: spice -io -ddr spice -io -ddr -arkmdxp3.dll
  9. An offline server. Like EA local.
  10. Don't worry, it's the same data, the only difference is that you need to enable more than the cabinet type to play them. Can't remember which options were, but there're like 6 options to enable Check this options: - Song Unlock - Unlock Options - Force Cabinet Type 6 - Force Endymion bg - Skip A20 menu bg loading - Enable cabinet lights for cab 6
  11. Looks like you haven't enabled the A20 songs, go to mon's patcher to enable those songs (You will need the April's data)
  12. So what are you expecting? This data only has the ace - endymion background, this was just a beta for A20. The real golden bg just came in future releases 🤷‍♂️
  13. The obvious reason why this happens is because you haven't registered the dlls. BUT if you say you can watch the background videos for songs during the game, maybe: 1) You haven't enabled the option in mon's patcher: "Force ENDYMION menu bg" and "Skip A20 menu bg loading" *I think you need to check "Enable Cabinet lights for cabinet type 6" option too 2) The file doesn't exist in the movie/background (which references the one from Endymion). *Do you have the one which the clouds are red and they are super fast? 3) The gamemdx is referencing another video for the cabinet type 6 which you don't have
  14. Go to service and adjust the clock (doesn't need to have an accurate time, just enter the option and save it) then go to GAME MODE to start normal. I know some people have it, tbh in February could be a perfect date to leak some data 👀 Why are you people still having trouble get this working? I find it very weird, because it's not just one person, it's a bunch of people. Btw, without a server, you can't get the game working (you should try spice with " -ea " to play the game) The only difference with butterfly, is that's a local server which allows you to save your scores as a user. Hope you get butterfly working tbh ✌️
  15. You can use butterfly for that I already made a guide in the A20 post
  16. Kinda easy to use, you need your text file with the ID (your ea card) to play 1) Download and place the butterfly jar on desktop and then create a text file, put this line in the file: java -Ddb_path="C:\Users\XXXXX\Desktop\db.sqlite" -jar butterfly-1.1.0.jar *(Where XXXXX is the name of the user on your pc, ex=Bob) 2) Save the file as a .bat file and name it (ex=Server.bat). Then start it. (It will display a cmd prompt, it will be okay when "server started" appears. DON'T CLOSE CMD) 2.5) For the config of the game, in the ea_config file, you need to set the server url to: http://localhost Also remember to enable the Numpad on spicecfg or btools config, also referencing your ea card location 3) Run the game and press the + in the numpad, register your username, pin and location and let's DDR 😏
  17. Thanks a lot mate, a "remember" to the DDR series
  18. Thanks a lot mate, I was wondering if this song was available. Thanks again for sharing
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