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À propos de lewlew65

  • Date de naissance 5 septembre

Profile Information

  • Hardware
    Dell Optiplex 780 with a Dual Core Intel Pentium, 16GB of Memory and a GeForce GT 710 (I don't need much).

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. So I've managed to get Jubeat Qubell, but how do I run it? Do I use SpiceTools or Bemani tools? and if so, how?
  2. Just curious, why doesn't more more more show up when using the unlock all songs DLL anyway?
  3. Where do I look for the Unlock all music DLL? I can't blatantly see it. And also where would i get a stock dll? I'm don't think I have one
  4. No I didn't. I downloaded it and the game worked straight away. The DLL might already might have already been active when I downloaded the file. How do I disable it?
  5. I know I'm probably really late getting on to this but how come the song 'more more more' can be played in the easy mode (or Happy mode whatever it's called) of the game but I can't play it in the pro mode of the game as it doesn't show up on the song list to be selected. Any help? I'd love to play this song as it's one of my favourites.
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