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Tout ce qui a été posté par oroborus77

  1. Nice news dude !
  2. Mise à jour / Update: Section "ADDONS" ajoutée ainsi que Time Crisis 5 (!!) et Time Crisis Razing Storm pour ceux qui ne l avaient pas déjà. Main post updated. Time crisis 5 and Razing Storm added.
  3. just wait some days for Demulshooters. Sure it will work fine with it.
  4. Simply amazing ! Thank you truly.
  5. Guys i really think you should create a new topic about Pcsx2 and wiimote stuff... there are 3 pages about this now.. the thread is about RetroFE and lightguns crisis pack and was intended for Aimtrack (or similar) users.. Sure what you are talking about is interesting but its not about lightguns crisis... PS: i dont think its possible to manage split screen games playable with wii mote neither aimtrack because of calibration for 2 players on the same screen would need a lot of work, and probably third party programs to get it work. No one did it so dont expect to be able to make it work without third party program..
  6. Thank you! i appreciate :D i ll give it a try.
  7. oroborus77

    Captain Tsubasa is back (:

    And this is the french version , here its called "Olive & Tom"
  8. oroborus77

    Captain Tsubasa is back (:

    i m also waiting for this game :D Hope it will not be disapointing.
  9. @Tiberius Nice ! will give it a try. Edit: No luck for me.. i still have the "Trying Primary Port Local" message and the game close when i try to launch new game... Dont know what i m doing wrong or what is "bugging" ? The new have to be copied in main folder as "config.cfg", "backup.cfg" ,config.old.cfg" "default.cfg", so we have this file copied 4 times right ?
  10. bof pas tant que ça, mais si tu n es pas très familier avec retroFE, ça peut l être.. Passe me voir sur le discord d emuline si tu veux, tu me montreras ton dossier "collection" je te dirais quoi faire.
  11. si tu copie et colle LGC dans ton retroFE tu risques d effacer des fichiers nécessaire à ton con ops.. ça demanderait un peu de taff pour faire ça proprement..
  12. Coin ops c est rien d autre que RetroFE avec des packs de roms /artworks inclus. Coin ops n est pas un front end, c est RetroFE le front end. Donc évidemment tu peux intégrer tout ça à ta version.
  13. nglide is installed ?
  14. Changing the name folder and moved it to c: root didnt resolved,for me, the new game issue " Now the only issue remaining its to find a way to save the keybindings as every time we exit the game gors to the default arcade machine we have to setup all over again " i dont have this issue. Controls are correctly saved and i dont have to remap controls each time i launch the game. maybe the problem is on your side.
  15. i ve set z,q,s,d to move , mouse button left to shoot , right button to jump. you can change keys config in game ( in settings)
  16. Right click on "glquake_decrypted" , click on "create a shortcut" Right click on the "glquake_decrypted"'s shortcut go to properties then in "target" window add -nogci you should have : "...Quake Arcade Tournament Edition\glquake_decrypted.exe" -nogci Or use this bat (Put it in your Quake ATE folder where .exe are) Quake Arcade tournament Edition.bat "New Game" seems to doesnt work. Use "Load Game" instead.
  17. Are you using a shortcuts with -nogci arg ? Try to load a game instead of "New Game"
  18. Quake Arcade Tournament Edition Pack: including Nglide setup / .chd for mame / and Patched .exe 1) You have to create a shortcut of "glquake_decrypted.exe" and add "-nogci" to parameters line 2) Install Nglide Setup (included) 3) Run game Tested on latest Win 10
  19. oroborus77

    Roms FR / Jeux FR rares

    Why not ? merci
  20. oroborus77

    Roms FR / Jeux FR rares

    Il n y a visiblement pas de langue FR dans ce jeu.
  21. oroborus77

    Roms FR / Jeux FR rares

    Ouaip M'sieur !
  22. oroborus77

    Roms FR / Jeux FR rares

    Liens mis à jour.
  23. Je reposte ça au cas où certains ne l auraient pas vu... Bonnes Vacances.
  24. try to put this in your main teknparrot folder to launch the game via a batch. @echo OFF TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=Rambo.xml exit try this instead : TeknoParrot_1.0.0.140\TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=Rambo.xml
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