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[Arcade PC Mod] House of the dead 3 Chihiro/PC
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de rullo dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
https://mega.nz/#!LFhDCYCY!mat_VPlfl0ssLi8W2aBedgxox0l5E3U-n_Jnx2abAbQ -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Rajoutes ce dossier dans CO Lightguns pour les que les paramètres fonctionnes. (Advanced Configs) Alors désolé je ne sais pas comment t aider pour HOTD 1, regarde sur internet si il n y a pas une solution à ton problème, car cela doit venir de ton PC. Advanced Configs.rar -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
you mean you cant install the dxwebsetub i attached ? 2. Lorsque je lance TIME CRISIS 2 ~ 3, seul un écran noir apparaît. Remplacez le bios par 2.0 et il devrait fonctionner correctement. So did you tried to change bios ? pcsx2 is already setted up so i think issue is on your side. Check your direct x updates -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
it s probably an issue with old direct x not working anymore on win 10 try the old direct X i ve attached and let me know if it works after installing this. dxwebsetup.exe -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
2 Spicy ajouté. A décompresser dans votre dossier CO LightGuns. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Ajout de Rambo en version Addon. Extraire l archive à la racine de C: ou copiez les dossiers "collections";"emulators" et " layouts" dans votre dossier CO LightGuns. Unzip in C: root or copy collections,emulators and layouts folders in your CO LightGuns folder. Prochain add : 2 Spicy. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
CO Lightgun 0.5 dispo. Merci d avance pour vos retours. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
News: j ai terminé la structure du dossier, refais les raccourcis pour fonctionner sur le Disque C comme prévu. il me reste encore quelques jeux (6) à paramétrés et qui me donne un peu de fil à retordre... mais j y travaille. I finished the structure of the folder, redo the shortcuts to work on Disk C as expected. I still have a few games (6) to configure and which gives me a bit of a hard time ... but I'm working on it. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
C est gentil mais dis plutôt merci une fois que ça sera fini et bien fonctionel -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Qu entends tu par thème ? les images en arrière plan ? si c est cela oui il suffit d en faire un et de le mettre au bon endroit. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Hello ! thank you for your interest. Yes i will use uptobox again and probably megaup.net. Make space on your C: Drive, the file is huge: ~ 80GB -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Merci j y travaille en ce moment même. On ne pourra pas ,à ma connaissance, utiliser CO Lightguns sans modifications si on l installe ailleurs que sur le disque C: mais bon ça sera déjà ça et j expliquerai à nouveau la marche à suivre qui assez longue mais pas complexe pour l installer sur un autre disque. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Forget about it and erase your Co Lightguns folder because i m making a new one would be easier to use on C drive. I made mistake ,it s not on your side. My bad... Trying to release new version this week end. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Forget about it and erase your Co Lightguns folder because i m making a new one would be easier to use on C drive. I made mistake ,it s not on your side. My bad... Trying to release new version this week end. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Aliens3 Aliens Extermination Area 51 Beast Busters Carnevil Confidential Mission Crisis Zone Dead Space Extraction Death Crimson Endgame Ghost Squad Wii Sega Golden Gun Gunblade Haunting Museum Haunting Museum 2 House of the Dead 1 à 4 + Overkill Wii Lost World LA Machine Gun + Gunblade Wii Lets Go Jungle Lets Go Island Lost Land Adventure Luigi Mansion Arcade Lupin The Shooting Maximum Force Maze Of The King Ninja Assault Ocean Hunter Operation Ghost Operation thunder Operation Wolf Operation Wolf 3 Point Blank 1 et 2 Railchase 2 Resident Evil Darkside Chronicle Star Wars Trilogy Target Terror Time Crisis 1 à 3 Transformers Human Alliance Vampire Night Virtua Cop 1 et 2 Virtua cop 3 ( ne fonctionne qu aléatoirement chez moi..) Ducon2016 si tu veux bien me laisser le temps de refaire une version clean du front end, je me sentirai moins con, là c est pas encore au point malheureusement.... D ici ce week end j aurai le temps de refaire ça proprement. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
change : "H:\CoinOPS Forgotten Worlds 3 PACKED\collections\Wii\roms\Resident Evil - The Darkside Chronicles (Europe).iso" par ""C:\CO Lightguns\collections\Wii\roms\Resident Evil - The Darkside Chronicles (Europe).iso" I m making a fix with roms missing, i ve probably forgot to add them when packing CO. Upload coming in next minutes -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Non c est normal. Quels jeux sont en cause ? -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Si. Vérifie les raccourcis des jeux -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
ouvre le raccourci du jeu en question en faisant un click droit de ssus et "ouvrir avec notepad" vérifie que le raccourci pointe bien vers là ou la rom est installée. Mais normalement tu n as que les jeux teknoparrot qui ont besoin de cette manip. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Can you explain more ? i dont understand. If you mean that Endgame doesnt launch in fullscreen , change this settings in PCSX2 not to your ISO. H:\CoinOPS Forgotten Worlds 3 PACKED\collections\PS2\roms\Endgame (USA).iso" this is my directory on my computer so its useless to use it. -
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Tu as bien 10 liens ? quelle taille fait ton dossier Co lightguns une fois décompréssé ? -
Maybe if you do a quick search on the website you will find it...? Maybe here ? ---> ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER Create a thread only to ask something easy to find on this site is a bit useless... next time do the effort to search before to ask...
[FrontEnd] RetroFE LightGuns Crisis v2. 2023(w.i.p)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de oroborus77 dans ROMS & ISO
Hi ! You will have to change the directory of the game's shortcuts, especially for teknoparrots games. So for exemple, right click on Operation ghost shortcuts ( located in collections/roms ) and select PROPERTIES, then you wil have to change the" target" and "start in" with the location of your CO LightGuns folder. exemple: in "Target" "D:\CO Lightguns\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\roms\Operation G.H.O.S.T\Game Loader All RH.exe" in "Star in" "D:\CO Lightguns\collections\- Arcade Rail Shooters\roms\Operation G.H.O.S.T\Game Loader All RH.exe" That s all ! Remember the only important thing is to have the correct path of the shortcuts ! Do the same for all Teknoparrots and AlRH Games ! Demul Games and Mame Games dont need this. Now for 4k Resolution i m really not sure... i know how to change resolution but i dont know if all backgrounds and video will fit well... MAKE BACKUP OF ALL FILES YOU WILL HAVE TO CHANGE !! So lets give a try ! In your CO lightguns root folder , open settings.conf with notepad++ Line 15 and 16 you can see resolution setted on 1920 x1080, try to change it to your resolution. If that do the trick, perfect! if not, we will have to change settings in the layout i guess? -
This is a LightGuns games pack for RetroFE. Optimised for 1080P screens. Controls: You can navigate trough menu with mouse, joypad or keyboard. Keyboard: - arrow keys to navigate - Enter or 1 to select a collection/game - Escape to go back - key A or key Q to qui LightgunCrisis Joypad: - D-pad or Joystick to navigate - A button to validate - b button to go back Mouse/LightGun: - Trigger to select - Button 1 to go right - Button 2 to go left Open controls.conf in root folder if you need to modify controls keys. *********** MAME: Don't forget to setup your lightgun in MAME ! MAME'S BEZELS: Games are running in 4/3 format with Sinden Bezels by default. If you re not using Sinden Guns you can find alternates Bezels in "\LightGun Crisis2\emulators\mame\artwork\2 No SINDEN Bezels\" delete content in "\LightGun Crisis2\emulators\mame\artwork" and paste content from "2 No SINDEN Bezels\". RESHADE: Reshade with white border is applied to all games if needed for Sinden Users. Open Reshade's menu with "HOME" key (the key between "PageUp" and "Insert") Enable / Disable Border with "INSERT"/"INS". If not needed you can disable Reshade Border, open menu (Home key) and untick "Border.fx" and if needed "Layer.fx" (layer.fx is not used in mame) DemulShooter: (v 10.15.0) You can find DemulShooter folder inside "LightGun Crisis2/collections/DemulShooter/" Don't forget to setup your guns ! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First download the BasePack then download Addons you want and extract to root of LightGun Crisis2 : ***** Base Pack: ***** (8.09gb) LINKS : Qiwi : https://qiwi.gg/file/wrZs6215-LightGunCrisis2 Pixeldrain : https://pixeldrain.com/u/k1hm7e5K (Mame Games Included): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ***** ADDONS: ***** Add all addons into "AllGames" Collection : extract in "LightGun Crisis2/collections/" Links : https://pixeldrain.com/u/Bd3YCJfn To manually add Sub Collections to "AllGames" collection, simply a "NameofYourCollection.sub" into "collections/AllGames" Folder for example : LightGun Crisis2/collections/AllGames/PS3.sub to add the collection named "PS3" and all his content into "AllGames" collection. ****** Installation : Extract archive in root of "LightGun Crisis2" folder. PC Arcade Games (Base Pack): (8.81gb) Gamelist : Links : PixelDrain : https://pixeldrain.com/u/veC8fuj5 Qiwi : https://qiwi.gg/file/39Zb9849-PCArcadeADDON Castlevania the Arcade + Lethal Enforcers3 (noTP) : REMARK: Reshade has not been applied on these games. (PCArcade base pack NEEDED / Extract to root of LGC2) Screen Ratio : 16/9 Castlevania = 2 Players LE3 = 1 Player only. LINKS: (7.5 gb unzipped) PixelDrain : https://pixeldrain.com/u/wyFWo4YM Qiwi : https://qiwi.gg/file/xqd34927-PCArcadeADDONCastle ********* TeknoParrot Games : (PCArcade addon recommended) By default all Teknoparrot games will be available in "PCArcade" collection. Follow the instructions in the text files included if you don't plan to add "PCArcade" Addon. Some games are using GLRH, if you don't turn off antivirus before extraction, some files will be deleted. Check Operation Ghost folder and Lost Land Adventure folder. Backup folder with necessary files are inside. Just extract it where they are located. Gamelist : Links : (75GB) PixelDrain : link 1 : https://pixeldrain.com/u/pL9TwXH8 link 2 : https://pixeldrain.com/u/zDQD97iB link 3 : https://pixeldrain.com/u/i6hdUVYd link 4 : https://pixeldrain.com/u/SSdQnjQ2 Qiwi : part 1 : https://qiwi.gg/file/sMA58691-TEKNOPARROTADDON part 2 : https://qiwi.gg/file/c8W83128-TEKNOPARROTADDON part 3 : https://qiwi.gg/file/dUcb2946-TEKNOPARROTADDON part 4 : https://qiwi.gg/file/i9H52946-TEKNOPARROTADDON ********* Sega MODEL 2 : Emulator : Model 2 Emu Screen Ratio : 16/9 2Players OK No Reshade Gamelist : LINKS : (305mb zipped) Extract in root of LGC2 PixelDrain : https://pixeldrain.com/u/dCZPuc5P Qiwi : https://qiwi.gg/file/5VfM1118-SegaModel2ADDON ********* Sega NAOMI : (1.4 gb) Gamelist : Emulator : RetroArch Screen Ratio : 4/3 with Bezels 1P / 2P mouse options. Links : Qiwi : https://qiwi.gg/file/mq8R7891-SegaNaomi PixelDrain : https://pixeldrain.com/u/m5RzTrRy ********* Namco System 246_256 : (7.1gb) There is a folder called "Extract this in MyDocuments.rar", extract it to : "C:\Users\UserName\Documents\" Emulator : Play! 0.60.22 Screen Ratio : 4/3 with Bezels (choose "fill screen" option in Play! video settings and disable Reshade Effects for Fullscreen) Reshade - BEZELS options : Open Reshade menu ("INSert" key) untick crtGeoMod.fx or Layer.fx to enable/disable white border. Bezels are in 1080P , adjust its size in Reshade menu (Layer section / "layer scale" at the bottom of the menu) 1 = 1080p 2 = 2K 3 = 4K Includes : Cobra The Arcade Time Crisis 4 Vampire Night (Time Crisis 3 is included but not activated because there are no mouse support yet. Instruction included in the readme to activate TC3 in LightGun Crisis2 menu.) Links : (updated 07/08/23 - fixed launchers) Qiwi : https://qiwi.gg/file/gyRP9620-LGC246 PixelDrain : https://pixeldrain.com/u/PuNes8ZZ ********* Namco System 357 : (18gb) Emulator : RPCS3-357 Screen Ratio : Fullscreen Includes : Dark Escape Deadstorm Pirates SE Sailor Zombie Links : Qiwi : part1 : https://qiwi.gg/file/xtCh0338-SYSTEM357Addon part 2 : https://qiwi.gg/file/7ovR4532-SYSTEM357Addon part 3 : https://qiwi.gg/file/uiZq4813-SYSTEM357Addon ********* Laser Disc : (17gb) Emulator : Singe Screen Ratio : 4/3 with Bezels Links : PixelDrain : https://pixeldrain.com/u/nG31YSuA Qiwi : https://qiwi.gg/file/ffrM2778-LaserDiscAddon Gamelist : If you are using other screen's resolution than 1080P, you can choose Bezels adjusted to your screen in "LightGun Crisis2\collections\LaserDisc\roms\Singe\Bezels\Bezels 720p 1080p 4K\" folder. Copy the desired Bezels from 720P,1080, or 4K folder and paste in "LightGun Crisis2\collections\LaserDisc\roms\Singe\Bezels\". ********* PC Games : (18.8gb) Gamelist : Links : Qiwi: part 1 : https://qiwi.gg/file/3tmb2455-PCGamesAddon part 2 : https://qiwi.gg/file/xvAU6575-PCGamesAddon PixelDrain : part 1 : https://pixeldrain.com/u/U1Hwx1hU part 2 : https://pixeldrain.com/u/i2Smikue ********* PS1 : Need some tests... ********* ********* PS2 : (around 7gb) Gamelist : (Screen Ratio : 4/3 ) To disable Curso/Crosshair : go to PCSX2 interface settings and check "disable cursor in fullscreen" Qiwi : https://qiwi.gg/file/agtR1470-PS2ADDONS ********* Nintendo WII ( 32 gb ) Screen Ratio : 16/9 Emulator : Dolphin Gamelist: Link : Qiwi : https://qiwi.gg/file/pRX78692-NinwiiAddon ********* Xbox_Chihiro : (461.45mb) Emulator : Cxbx Screen Ratio : 4/3 with Bezels ( Include Virtua Cop 3 ) Links : Qiwi : https://qiwi.gg/file/fXsL1900-XboxChihiro PixelDrain: https://pixeldrain.com/u/23CR46o9 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Official website: http://retrofe.nl/ Themes: http://retrofe.nl/download/download-themes/ Themes Credits : Aeon Nox : Pieter Hulshoff : Main RetroFE theme. Animatic : Floyd : http://retrofe.nl/SMF/index.php?topic=46.0 Ergo Proxy : Ryuuji : http://retrofe.nl/SMF/index.php?topic=14.0 Flatio 16x9 : ?? : http://retrofe.nl/download/download-themes/ Game Room : Ryuuji : http://retrofe.nl/SMF/index.php?topic=12.0 Glados 16x9 : TonesMalone : http://retrofe.nl/SMF/index.php?topic=23.0 Pandora's Box HD : Ryuuji : http://retrofe.nl/SMF/index.php?topic=13.0 TwistedCurve : OSEretro : http://retrofe.nl/SMF/index.php?topic=365.0 Forum: http://www.retrofe.nl/SMF/ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THERE IS ONLY ONE LAYOUT FOR NOW (Aeon Nox) You have the choice between 8 differents layouts for retroFE. not yet... A little setup to do before to enjoy the pack: (There are many modified files and cracks so disable Anti virus before unzip // Add "LightGuns Crisis" folder in your AV exceptions to avoid deleted files.) - Unzip BasePack at root of any drive. - Unzip addons in root of LightGun Crisis2 - Demulshooter is used for many games and need to be setup (very fast to do) - Check Redist Folder to install software/drivers needed to run RetroFE if the program doesn't start. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ KNOWN ISSUES : _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I want to thanks every people that have made all this games playable and all people making RetroFE a such good front end! I ve made this as a "community pack". Its far from perfect, but anyone will be able to ameliorate it and if you re kind enought, to share it. Credits:
- 753 réponses
[Arcade PC] Lost Land Adventure (Namco System ES3)
oroborus77 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Ducon2016 Président ! Un grand merci !