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Messages posté(e)s par UKARCADE$

  1. tall the low fps and the audio stuttering is due to the incompatibility  - at the moment this play!  it's still very wip so there are areas that for example aren't fully emulated i class cobra as ingame status - time crisis 3 and 4 in game for example - the cobra stage 1 casino area is full of garbled bloom and lighting effects that tank the fps to under 30 fps ive tested on rtx3060 12gb - after that first zones clear it pops straight up to 60fps so its defo just needs more compatibility work done to  all of the games. 

    also dont get too invested with any  full playthroughs on this emulator yet as the nvram/ high scores do not save after play  so they will disappear after close :0 

    other than that is looking very good

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