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  • Hardware
    i7 3630qm
    8gb ddr3 1600mhz
    GT 630M DDR3 Version

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  1. Well , I am trying to change some settings via the configbank of startup.arc and my game wont take any changes , so not sure if I am missing something
  2. Hey there , I am trying to make some.changea trough the config bank but it seems like the game is no taking those changes , has anyone faced this issue before? Any idea of where to look? Wow , such a nice edit , would you mind sharing your files? Hehe
  3. Hi there , i am having the network error , and this in the log "[2021/05/15 21:42:41] W:pkglist: ea3_pkglist_open_internal: no list." Any idea of what can be going on? thanks!
  4. To switch to blue cab , with your hex editor change 0x0e118 from 0xEB, 0x71 to 0xFF, 0x24
  5. Sorry I thought the S.l.u.t Version was different from the 2020-02-03 , In regards your issue it seems that you are trying to use arcana , and the game was not able to establish a connection , have you tried with localhost and butterfly instead?
  6. Hi there , do You have the link for the ddr s.l.u.t? Ty
  7. After all it was not related to any config file or something like that , It was just the permission folder and running butterfly normally , Thank you very much for your help.
  8. By the way , Do you know how can I import the songs? And possibly how can I import the entire songs and arrows like from stepmania?
  9. After sometime I realized I had 2 errors , 1ST ONE I was executing butterfly as Administrator , 2nd I forgot to uncheck the read only, Now , do you know how to enable the extra stage , encore extra stage , and I want to create a online server so I can play competitive with some friends , do you now if there is any guide / requirment for me to setup my server? Thank you
  10. So , I followed exactly the same steps and still no progress , I set up the spicetools exactly as the FAQ , when I open butterfly I dont see any error an actually looks like the video , but still unavalible , it takes like 1 minute on the e-amusement check , any idea of what can be happening?
  11. I followed the tutorial and did everything exactly like the vídeo ,the Game starts and everything else works fine , My only issue is that i cant play :'(
  12. Hi there ,thank you for your help , so I tried with the swap card function , tried inserting coins and pressing start , but none of these seems to work , am I missing something maybe from the settings? Also on the bottom of the game it says Unavailable
  13. I tried this as well and apparently doesnt work :(
  14. I bind all the keys for P1 and P2 and still not working , what do you mean by swipe the game to start? Can you please explain? Thank you!
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