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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. I was also trying to get it going with pcsx2 yesterday 😄 What is the correct native resolution to set? If i set it to 640x480 the scanlines don't match up and look too tiny. If i leave it at default the scanlines are too big.
  2. TP just added support for COB2 for non-patreons!
  3. Cool! Would love to see it working!
  4. Thanks for the great write up houb!
  5. Hi! Houb, could you make a tutorial on how to get the best results and find out the native resolution of a game? I often don't get it perfect, texts in the games gets a bit blurry as if the scanlines are not correctly aligned, but I have seen that you get super sharp results most of the time. Maybe a video tutorial on how do setup a windows pixel game that doesn't get perfect with the default settings?
  6. Thanks, i'll download that one instead then!
  7. Has anyone manged to get arccabview to hook "Devilblade Prototype"? It's a doujin game.. i can't get it to work.
  8. Gekitou Pro Yakyuu Gets stuck at the region warning for me.
  9. How do I set up the retroarch core? Where does the defs files go etc? I tried but it's not launching any games. The standalone emu works fine.
  10. yea, i found out, awesome, and thanks anyway!
  11. Can controls be reassigned per game? To fix the virtua striker issues i mean.
  12. Can someone upload working roms? it would be fun to follow progress.
  13. Hmm i ran into an interesting problem... In Sol Cresta the bezel changes color briefly, when i get hit and that makes the pixel test fail. So every time i am hit the crt effect gets disabled... could an optional delay be added to the pixel test perhaps?
  14. Hi! I love your work Houb and I’ve been using it since the start. However the latest version was a bit of a let down. It is way over bloomed here. In the old versions there was a slider to turn down blooming but i found no way of doing that in the latest one? I tried it on 198x and the title screen and other darks scenes just looked blurred out. All details gone and they are way too bright. Can something be done about this?
  15. Is it possible to make it work with dead heat and wangan 3? they just got added to teknoparrot.
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