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  • Hardware
    playstation 4

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Apprentice (3/14)

  • Reacting Well Rare
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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. cyhnmrv

    hummer extreme edition rev D

    hello i have original install iso
  2. when will the real credit function be fixed for house of dead scarlet dawn now you can give a maximum of 9 credits with the service button
  3. Will there be a fully working coin fix for house of dead sd?
  4. Are there ffb effects for supercars for Teknoparrot
  5. cyhnmrv

    GUN Aliens Extermination

    For the technoparrot, is the forceback working exactly so for the ffb plugin?
  6. cyhnmrv

    Output Blaster

    Could you please publish a detailed document for the output blaster
  7. Hi Lugis Mansion coin enabler ?
  8. Coin patch link and tutorial please
  9. Coin patch link and tutorial please
  10. Hi triforce netboot image share
  11. disable freeplay not work ?
  12. Hello for transformers, can you get coin enebler as golden gun, so 24 credits can be used instead of 9 credits Do you have any information about this
  13. Coin enabler when will it come out
  14. Hello. my problem Mario Kart DX Jconfig I can not assign gas and brake to the triggers solution assistance help please
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