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À propos de Guisado88

  • Date de naissance 1 mars

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  • hobbies
  • Hardware

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Collaborator (7/14)

  • Conversation Starter Rare
  • Dedicated Rare
  • Reacting Well Rare
  • First Post Rare
  • Collaborator Rare

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. in github are 4 and 8 Feb what version you say?¿
  2. how you play Ollie King? i want to say emulator and bios? for Xemu work Ollie Kin, Maximum Tune 1 and 2 and Sega Golf 2006?
  3. what emulator and bios you have?
  4. work Ollie King, Maximum Tune 1 and 2 and Sega Golf 2006?
  5. are Ollie King playable yet?:S
  6. need CHD of battle gear 3 and tuned
  7. yes same here and chd of Battle Gear 3 and Tuned and Idolmaster Thanks!
  8. how make work Zoids Infinity and Batlle gear 3?
  9. Yuyuhako and Kinnikuman 2 and Netchu pro work¿ Zoids Infinty and EX can launch but then no more, nothing Arcade driver error for me :S
  10. Guisado88

    alien disco safari

    same problem for me
  11. Guisado88

    Bug Busters (PC-Arcade)

    Crash in desktop when launch
  12. I just did it and it works, except that you see the mouse pointer in the crosshairs when you shoot
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