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  • Hardware
    AMD Ryzen 5 3600
    RTX 2060

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Not working on amd cpu..
  2. Nope... Buy it on your local arcade or through chinese online store..
  3. Do you guys know any localserver for T2?
  4. Does it work on amd cpu?
  5. It plays really well on my touchscreen monitor, just use a touchscreen that has 10 touch points. Mines a philips 222b9t 22" its a bit on a heavy side because of the stand and viewing angles are not so great but it gets the job done.
  6. What i did on mine is i extract the rar file copy the contents then paste it on the technika folder, then before it finishes it will say if you want to replace some files press ok. Once you start the game you should see the T3 songs at pop mixing and club mixing or if you want you can use the dmt2 tool to mix and match some songs. You can only edit on star mixing and pop mixing tho.
  7. You need to match the resolution of the game and the monitor you are using. On nvidia control panel find set resolution then change it to 1280x768 i think? Check the technika config file just to be sure, after that it will properly scale once you go full screen
  8. btw how do i properly fullscreen this? i have a 1080p touchscreen monitor and whenever i try to fullscreen it doesn't work. If i set it to 1280x768 which is the default resolution it wont open but if i set it to 720 it will open on fullscreen but not scaled properly *edit nvm i got it
  9. Ok i got it thanks.
  10. Is there a tutorial on how to properly edit those CSV files?
  11. How do i fullscreen?
  12. How do you unlock/add other songs?
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