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Tout ce qui a été posté par Karis

  1. It's based on your version I guess the "black hole" is the disc searching ?
  2. I think MDII was shot under bad weather, which do not help (lower light).
  3. Very nice. To say the truth i've been inspired by your work, but without your talent for remastering. So don't hesitate to share and i will integrate to the game.
  4. Good evening, As promised i've updtated MD, MD2 and LBH to 4:3 aspect ratio with the new aiming system. Enjoy and report any bug.
  5. Yeah, but we can always edit. Tha frames have to stay still for the hitmaps of course.
  6. At least for some games, it would be great to have those video captures straight from the original. We would achieve nicer resutls.
  7. It was more a problem than a secret
  8. Actually in my colored version there are no effects added. Just a treatment of colors. If you want the original (but without black, fitting the new program) i can still make an export for you without any color treatment. As we can clearly see on the image provided by Poiu the image is not totally centered so there's not exactly a leftover of 8 pixels on each side (more on the left, less on the right). Just keep in mind they did'nt had rich colors just because they could not afford a good tech crew and good material
  9. So: Like i said, 2 versions (color and B&W) a lot of bugs fixed (the game is 100% playable) and a few graphic changes (city map, safe). There is also a new aiming system which is more accurate (see below). A bit of discussion about resolution cause that's important and will influence the future. The resolution of the sources for ALG game is normally 720*480. This is 3:2 format. The original overlay is 360*240 (3:2 too). This overlay is really important cause this is how the shots are calculated. Now, and that's where it's getting tricky, the sources have a SAR of 0.91. What does it mean ? It means that the source is DV with pixels that are not squared: for a height of 1 you've got a width of 0.91. A quick calculus 720*0.91 = 655.2 which is in fact 640 plus roughly 8 pixels each side which are generally black. So, even if it's 720 wide it is designed to appear as 640 on a squared pixel monitor (480 does not change). Some softwares like VLC will manage it some other won't. But 640*480 is 4:3. That's a good aspect ratio, but not when your overlay is based on 3:2. Singe can't manage this. Until now, i used to stretch the image a bit to stay in 3:2 cause it was simpler to aim this way, but it was really unfair for the sexy Red, so instead i adapted the aiming system to force it to 4:3 and also to be able to zoom slightly (2%) to get rid of the tiny black bars. The good news is that this system is more precise. I'm actually testing it on more complicated games like MAD2 and LBH and it's way easier to shoot things in motion. The bad news is that i feel obligated to adapt the MD serie to this new resolution and aiming system. Which means new download for those wanting the most accurate version. Enough talking, here are the links (each link has the color and B&W). As usual, the bats, the menu and TP logos are available (links on first page). 1080p: 480p:
  10. Yeah they're really funny But they were not meant to You knoiw, maybe you have a more stable code, but something you could check quickly is the clues. If you always have the same objects (2 antic statues, Vase & Panther) then it's probably the same. There are, i think, 14 objects to choose from. I've played it entirely around 50 times now, so at least i can say it's playable in this version.
  11. For me the original has too much luminance and that's a problem with poorly shot images with bad acting. But of course, it's just an image (and a matter of taste). The light varies so much during the whole thing that it could be less contrasted in the end. I think It may depend from the version of the RDG program you have. I know there are usually several versions turning. But what i noticed from mine for example (among other small things): - Lucky number not stable (depends where you die, but it may change without notice). - Only 4 objects for the combination of the safe. Always both statues, vase and panther. - Bug in the order of the safe combination (not linked to the order of the locations) - Impossible to access both Casino bonus levels - Some random levels (like the window or the corridor) with wrong frames, so impossible to finish them. Affecting the end of the game (4 random levels are played, you need to be lucky). - Same problem in some configurations of the Mansion - Same problem with one death in the casino.
  12. HI Everyone, So, as i said i'm having a look at Johnny Rock and found many bugs in the original code, preventing the game from playing properly. So, coming soon (this week-end probably) a new version of the code with some upgraded images too and a special video (B&W edition). If you want to have a quick preview, i worked the color a bit in order to have both a more technicolor style for the color version and a classic Black and White in order to catch this old PI movie style. Here is a comparison, click to zoom in (on the left is the original version). So stay tuned !
  13. With all due respect to RDG, he started all of this after all, i really don't suggest this. Those old versions are really full of bugs and games are quite impossible to finish. For example, Actually i'm looking at WSJR, and i found many bugs. Some are light (bad death scenes) some are more complicated (some objects for the safe or some bonus scenes will never appear) and some totally bad (half of the random scenes are false, and you've got to be really lucky to finish).
  14. You're very welcome !
  15. Ah, i've got better. function ResHMx(thisMuch) thisMuch = math.floor((resX * thisMuch) / 360) return thisMuch end function ResHMy(thatMuch) thatMuch = math.floor((resY * thatMuch) / 240) return thatMuch end
  16. Yeah thanks that's very clear, thanks! But then what's your solution to make games like WSJR works in 2K ? I mean the point is that those games work with a system of coordinates based on half the original screen resolution (360*240).
  17. Hi, by sheer curiosity what is it ? I've got my own method to ensure the mouse is adapting to any resolution but it's always good to learn new tricks...
  18. Hi, Some novelties for you, In my mind, i had to finish the MAD DOG "Trilogy" and now it is done with the release of Last Bounty Hunter in HD. IMHO this is probably the best installment in the serie. The gameplay has more variations and the movie has more budget. I've corrected many bugs (including the infamous "Capture Harry" bug, but also things that prevented you some actions on the outlaws when the action was freezed). But i also included two new things that i also added to MD1 and MD2: Real Showdown: With this option selected in the menu the showdown phases will be more interesting, as i tried to emulate what happens in a "real" showdown. During the preparation phase your gun has no bullets and a message will invite you to lower your gun. If you don't follow this message, you will die directly when your adversary is ready. When the opponent begins the shooting move, you have to aim at him quickly, which will automaticallky load your gun. Now just shoot the rascal! This option has been tested with Sinden and regular guns and works pretty well in both cases. But of course if you don't like it, you might choose regular Showdowns or no Showdown at all in the menu. As i said, i adapted this system to MAD1 and 2 as well. Those 2 games have way less Showdown than LBH (3 vs 6 vs 18) but it was worth it. I also included the system in one particular phase of MAD2 (3 sleepy Mexicans in the Bonnie level). Compact HUD: The games now default to a more compact HUD, located in the lower left corner. It is possible to resume the previous one with a bit of work (i did not wanted to integrate it in the menu). So, if you want the bigger HUD, you have to open the cfg file of the game (which is conveniently located in the cfg directory) and edit one line with a notepad. dip_HUD = 1 will be the big one dip_HUD = 2 will be the compact one. 480p versions: For all those games i also remade the old 480p versions with those new features (and the removal of the old bugs). So if you have an old monitor or a weaker PC, you can use these versions, they have all the corrected bugs and real showdown (but not the compact HUD, too small) I've also corrected a few bugs on MAD2 (not really a bug, but i let the working version of the train level, which was stopping around 5s for each villain, way too long). You will find some links to download all of this on the first page, and as usual, logos, menus, bats have been updated to include the new game. Enjoy !
  19. Hi, Historically, kangaroo punch has the first versions produced (by me, in the case of TG). But the site can't easily store files so, at some point, i began to do mods to the program (going to 3.22) and to the movies (mostly improving quality) but it was not possible to change them on kangaroo punch so i stored them on my own space. So mixing things from here and kp is generally not a good idea and must be done carefully. But it's really difficult to answer your question. Sometimes a video is just a quality upgrade. Sometimes there are adaptations to fit the program. TG was a standalone for a long time and now benefits from the 3.22 version. Did i made some changes to the TG video reflecting this ? I can't recall but that's likely. If things are messed up it's probably because the frames are different. That said,, the singe.exe versions are exactly the same on both sites. So, if you download singe from here you will have different things in the structure (bats, menu) but not the exe. Singe is Scott's design and i don't have the ability to change it in any way. Mostly i ask people to take singe from here if they want to take advantage of the new menu and also to have the 3.22 script (which is now included inside Singe/Singe/Script instead of being inside the games directories. Now for the script: it is just..a script so it does not have a direct effect on the sound or video quality. Mostly i went the long way to 3.22 to add things like like new moves, new game modes (percent or lifebar) or confort (change overlay resolution dynamically). The movies on both sites were produced the same way on my computer so i'd say if one is crackling the other one should too. IMHO the best process would be to understand why things are crackling on your computer and at least to try basic tweaks on a fresh install with the files from this site. In that order: - Launch singe as admin (right click on the exe. Properties. Compatibility tab. Tick the "launch as admin" line) - Ensure that your video card is not in 5.1 instead of stereo. For example lot of things based on the Realtek audio drivers default on 5.1 and Singe does not like this. Forcing it to stereo solves the problem directly. - Switch your sound drivers for a more generic Windows High Def audio driver. They are stereo by default. I hope i was complete. I assure you the best way for you would be to solve that stuttering and i'm here to help, so don't hesitate.
  20. In fact no error. It's just an option in the menu (key 9). If "Play Prectice" is set to "Yes", this sequence is played.
  21. Actually, the initial code was made by RDG years ago and, it's true, he chose to place the gun shots on release. But that's something i changed when i made the HD conversions. On Mad Dog and MD2 HD, shots are recorded On Press. So, maybe you can try those versions and tell me if it works better for you, cause i think this might be the cause of your problem. If HD versions are too big for your own resolution i suggest you copy the code of both functions (onInputPressed and onInputReleased, and paste them in the non HD version. Also i did not asked buit do you use Daphne/Singe or Singe 2 directly ?
  22. Strange but i'll check. I just reuploaded everything, including framework.
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