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Tout ce qui a été posté par Karis

  1. No new game, but maybe i found a movie motivating me. We'll see. The file is mainly for new games. It won't change anything for you if you don't plan to change the extra movie settings for the existing games (normally, they are ok by default, as no-one really wants to have Normal Death+Extra Death+Get ready in between failures). That said, if you really want to be updated, just paste the file in each script dir, except DL2. There's only one line changing so it won't make any mess.
  2. So i found the (small) bug pointed by gig and corrected it : - strange behavior of the game when death rewind is on "Last Move" and Extra Movie on "Ready/Death" or "All". Sorry about this, but there are so many options in the script that it's difficult to test all of them I've updated the main script to 2.21a (and also the games, DL2e is not impacted, but it's not a very important to upgrade if you don't plan to mess with the extra movie options) If you're currently developping a Singe Game you're strongly encouraged to replace your main.singe with this 2.21a file. Thank you gig for pointing this problem!
  3. I'd say that probably you had a 2.20 template for the game file and not 2.21 (not talking about the big script, but the game script). To be sure, you can still download the blank. singe and check that all the lines in there are well included in your game script (PERFECTBONUS was added in 2.21).
  4. I'll have a look. I thought you said it was when you set extra movie to "all", not "ready/death" IF you need to send me things, yes you can.
  5. Yeah you can ask anything (i also speak french) I'm here to help. Please report any bug. I think (only my memory) random is by level. Can you explain the extra movies behavior in your case please ?
  6. Yeah probably. Do you have this line in the game script ? PERFECTBONUS = 10000 Should be line 66 You can still send me the game for testing.
  7. Hello, Someone reported this to me. Apparently it is linked to 2.21 version cause 2.2 doesn't do this. On the other hand i can't reproduce this bug at home. EDIT: Ok, i've got it. It has to do with the trophy system. So for a quick fix please open trophy.singe in script and change : BeatLevelWithOneLife(3) AND BeatLevelWithOneLife(5) with BeatLevelWithOneLife(1) Actually the reason is simple. This file is looking level 3 and 5 and don't find them...
  8. Thank you. I will watch it. it's always ggod to learn new things. But first we don't really "work" for Singe. It's just a hobby for all of us and i'm not better than anyone at it. Actually i made the tutorial to make it possible for anyone to create its own game (and i encourage you to try it). Second, even if it's easy, time is lacking. As everyone, I've got a day job and also other hobbies (music). I've concentrated all my efforts around Singe 2 for a time and will certainly do it again in the future, but for now i'm having a break cause work is demanding (music too Apart from this, there's not always a Blu-Ray (Titan is a good example).
  9. 480p versions are made for people playing with 4/3 resolution with an old PC (old arcade for example). I won't claim it's a perfect solution but an in-between. This is a hobby so I can't make one version for everyone. But anyone can grab the original file i made and transform it the best way for him. Actually the most important thing in this 4/3 version is the overlay dir which is downsized to fit 480p.
  10. This is a only for the singe version. In the regular version you can't have arrows and words.
  11. Sorry but i don't have those versions anymore. Singe 1 is now deprecated (not my choice) and i don't have those versions anymore. But you should ask; maybe someone has kept them.
  12. There was a version yes.
  13. Thank you. This is a lot of efforts but i don't regret them when i read such comments
  14. Thank you for the info but could you show me a screen capture ? Because i've got several testers for 4:3 and they did not experienced this. For them it's a normal 4:3.
  15. Not sure i'm following you with Daphne. I mean for example Cliffhanger original video is 640*480. You can change the video with, say, 1600*1200, but it won't work. You will only see part of the image cause the rom dictates the screen size to 640*480. Of course this is not a general rule since DL, DL2, and SA does not suffer this limitation, but most of the other games are like this i think. Now for the 4/3 games those versions are 1440*1080 and for the rest it depends on the game. - TG and DL2 are natively 4/3 so no story - Asterix, Cliff, Fire and Ice, Mononoke are cropped from a 16/9 version (meaning that some part of the image left and right are missing). No black at all. - Sucker Punch and Titan are cropped too, but the source is 2.35, so there are still black bars above and below (removing those bars would mean removing too much image left and right)
  16. 1) The 4/3 versions are regular 4/3 with no black added artificially. How it will behave on your monitor, i don't know exactly. It's not a regular resolution and i can't test it. 2) For most Daphne Games, it is not possible to change the resolution of the video (the DL serie being the exception). For most of those games, the resolution is encoded within the rom (so it's not a Daphne limitation but an hardware limitation). So if you feed the game with a 1600*1200 video for example, it will crop it to the regular dimension (640*480).
  17. No. And to be honnest i don't know if we'll do it there are copiright issues about those games. It would be cool yes.
  18. Same answer. Probably a Realtek audio driver issue. Please try to update it.
  19. Singe is closed yes. The purpose here is not to launch Daphne games (Daphne is good for this), but either new games or new features (new rom for DL2, HD for Cliff or TG because the graphics are defined inside the rom and cannot be changed). About the 4:3, 16/9: There are "normal" versions. This is the original resolution of the Singe Game. This is the resolution of the original material. Most are 16/9 or even bigger (Titan AE and Sucker Punch are 2.35). Only TG and DL2 are natively 4/3. There are also alt versions. If the video soiurce is 16/9 then i released a 4/3 version. Sometimes, by demand, i made 2 different conversions, one with cropping (no black bar but missing some parts of image) and one with black bar. I don't know what will be the exact behavior of a 16/9 game launched on a 4/3 monitor (i don't have one), but i think the image will be distorted horizontally. So if you've got a 4/3 monitor, take the 4/3 version. If i'm not clear, please ask for more.
  20. Audio drivers probably. If you've got Realtek audio driver it's probably the reason and you should update it. Some users had the same problem and fixed this with a new driver (please check page 2 or 3 for more informations).
  21. Not for now, as i'm busy with real time job and music, but someday i will make a new one. That said, Fab did them.
  22. Cool ! Moi j'ai un thème Lauchbox en fait et pour un des skins plus précisément.
  23. You are really welcome. Unfortunately i'm not a Mac expert. Cliff has really tight moves, maybe that's the reason. Those games are meant to be played (though some of them are really difficult and i think Cliff is definitely among them) and it's a pleasure to know someone has done it including the new levels, which explains the story a bit more IMHO (or at least why Cliff enters the tower by night and then gets out in the daylight). If you're curious, please try Mononoke and Sucker Punch, which are really the modern interpretation of Laser Disc. Really hard to play of course, but with the new mode you can at least try all the levels without dying, and also experiment new things like the bow.
  24. Oh bien sûr que c'est faisable. Bon généralement je ne programme de telles fonctions que quand on en a besoin dans les faits (c'est le cas pour HOLDBUT dans Esh). Mais oui, n'hésitez pas à me solliciter si vous avez des besoins précis pour un jeu.
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