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Tout ce qui a été posté par Karis

  1. Actually, there is no tutorial for the Gun games. They are converted one by one because they were all made differently (with variants). As the hitbox is still an issue for now, i did not created a generic engine to manage Gun Games. Of course if there is hope i will think about it. For your knowledge, all the HD versions of ALG were done using maths. In order to keep the hitbox as they were (cause there are thousands of hitboxes per game) i use the original 360*240 hitboxes and convert them in realtime to the resolution of the game. The formula is based on a central symmetry and includes the slight zoom i generally apply to remove the tiny black lines. A bit crazy but this is really precise.
  2. Good idea but, generally speaking, characters have several hitboxes to ensure precision. A character who's close from the front will generally have 5 hitboxes (head, torso, both arms, legs) where a character who's far only 1. For example bottles, in the tutorial each have 2 hitboxes: one for the neck and one for the rest. Bottles doesn't move but characters do and it might be difficult with those close guys.
  3. Ben la difficulté pour ce type de jeu c'est surtout les Hitbox. Frame par frame il faut définir des carrés qui sont les zones où il faut toucher. Ce n'est pas difficile en soit, mais excessivement long. Par exemple dans Mad Dog, le niveau de a banque seul représente 2000 lignes à calculer une par une. Et faut pas se tromper. Thx Probably Yes. I mean the order is quite erratic anyway Yes, hard to follow. That said they had physical constraints we have not (i mean they had to read a physical thing, so they probably needed some sequences close to each other). I will find a way. Exactly. 2 ways : - Detecting a Box - Detecting a color (better with anime style but works with ActionMax too) I answered too fast Yeah, the guy is either crazy or he had access to those hitboxes at some point. You are totally right.
  4. I began the analysis and cut (not reasonnable). This video is a mess
  5. En fait pour SKIP c'est inutile puisqu'on ne meurt pas quoiqu'on fasse, donc n'importe quel chiffre va. Mais voici les règles "avancées" de mort pour les autres moves (tout est dans le manuel): - Si tu met 0 alors il va jouer une mort aléatoire parmi les morts (utilisé dans Sucker Punch) - Si tu met -1 alors tu rends le move "optionnel", le joueur ne mourra pas s'il ne le fait pas (il y a quelques moves comme ça dans DL, par exemple quand Dirk s'avance sur le pont). Cela fonctionne en général pour les jeux sans input visuel (flèches), c'est un move "récompense morale". - Si tu met -2 alors tu rends le move "optionnel", le joueur ne mourra pas s'il ne le fait pas et en plus il scorera (l'ascenseur de DL, plus tu attends, plus tu scores) . Il est assez complet ce foutu programme Et avec les actions complexes comme PATH, YESNO, WAY et WAYOUT tu peux faire des choses très complexes (SA est un bon exemple).
  6. Non c'était dû à une ligne plus haut (la définition de son niveau 1 incluait une intro trop longue qui bypassait dans les coups.) Level[1] = {"Un nuevo aventurero", 8043,22102, 4, 0, 0, -1} Ici le 22102 était l'erreur. Ce chiffre ne représente pas la fin de niveau, mais la fin de l'intro de niveau.
  7. If you've got only one level that's normal yes, because the program switch to victory instead of Level Clear.
  8. First let's be sure of this. When you want a level clear you also need to tell it in the game options menu. I don't remember what is the default but probably "clear" is not in it. So in the menu (9) you go to the second page (right) this is "graphic options". The first item is "Extra menus". Here you define which video you show (get ready/Level Clear/ Extra Death and all combinations). You need to set it to "Level Clear". Your choice is saved when you exit so you don't need to make it each time of course. Note that some choice might not be available depending on what you typed on your code (the program will swap any choice if the lenght is too short). Can you check this ?
  9. I hope to have an end of the year like last year. Al those crazy releases, it was fun.
  10. I really would like to take it !!! But... It's probably do-able now with PATH, WAY and WAYOUT but quite a task. What would help would be to have a detailed walkthough.
  11. Mais j'espère bien Pour répondre à une autre de tes questions oui j'ai un autre jeu fini à 70%, mais je manque trop de temps. Fin d'année j'espère Vieux dessin animé classique, pas trop difficile cette fois C'est vrai que ça marchherai oui. C'est un peu matheux pour beaucoup mais c'est ok
  12. In fact you're not supposed to begin with SKIP as a first move, because the program has another way to do this. It should work but it's normal if it doesn't work here. The problem is above: Level[1] = {"Un nuevo aventurero", 8043,9220, 4, 0, 0, -1} The bold number above is NOT the end of the level. It is the end of the intro of the level By entering 22102 the program wil play the intro between 8043 et 22102, thus ignoring the moves. 9220 is the correct figure to include your skip at the beginning of the level and then you can begin the move list with UP If you press he will skip and then you will have the moves. So you SKIP as move 1 is not repsponsible, but anyway, each level has an included SKIP. So try it my way. Oui c'est un bon exemple
  13. MULTI c'est exactement ça oui en 1 le début du move en 2 la fin du move en 3 le type de MOVE (MULTI) en 4 la mort si échec en 5 sur quelle touche on fait MULTI en 6 le nombre de fois move[2] = {169, 185, MULTI, 1, LEFT, 3} icii c'est bien 3 fois à gauche
  14. Cool au moins, mais MEGA est zarb parfois oui Je regarderai pour les agrandir oui En fait si: la mort est en position 4 toujours.
  15. Ah une nouvelle recherche à faire. Ils fonctionnent ici. Quel est le comportement du jeu ? Et MULTI ? Au passage MULTI est bien mieux que DOUBLE Edit j'ai fait des tests dans une config rechargé. Tout semble fonctionner (MULTI et LOOP). Ne pas oublier que pour loop il faut: -La commande dip_HoldtoLoop = 0 en fin de fichier game.cfg et default.cfg (normalement ils y sont mais peuvent avoir été effacés par une version 3.31 du programme). Cette commande, accessible par le menu options un peu comme pour celle de run, permet de remplacer le LOOP par un HOLD pour les gens qui jouent au clavier (même si le LOOP est jouable au clavier, c'est tricky) -Un PNG pour LOOPLEFT et LOOPRIGHT (ils sont dans le blank) a mettre dans Overlay:
  16. Ok maybe i found something. There was a problem with the globals file on Mega (i don't know why but those problems already occured in the past). So try this Script : I also corrected the big link: It should correct the problem.
  17. Really don't know. Maybe i don't have the right Singe exe ? Where did you took it ? Also what is the behavior ? Could you capture pics of your folder ?
  18. Yes it works. No problem at all Are you in 3.32 ? Is your script in Singe/Script ?
  19. I think that's the best way yes. Games on Kangaroo (at least mine) are not up to date i think. All the links on the first page are 3.32 (last version) So, for a clean install this link : Note that i also renamed the menu;bat to frontend.bat in order to avoid overlapping with Scott's menu. And then each game link (from the first page of the thread. Try one and tell me if it works (note that gun games are different, not unified, so please try something else) You will have all the things i added (Survivor Mode, Percent Mode, Life Bar Mode). New moves and updated Options Menu for all games. I there's any problem, i will figure it with Scott.
  20. The files on Kangaroo are, to my knowledge not up to date. My script has changed a lot of things (new gaming modes, new moves, new features) and those features are not included. Also most imporrtant :script is the same for all the games now and is normaly located in Singe/Script All the games call globals from here and then global calls all the other files in Singe/Script So normally you should have this : in Singe/Script and there is no reason it should not work. If you want to check versions. main should be 3.32a and the rest 3.32. I would love it. Not sure i have time now. More like end of year (like last year) when the job is less demanding. It should work if you install this (last Singe exe from Scott + my script in 3.32, manual, blank files, bat... eveything is at the right place) And then download the links on the first page (which are all 3.32) for the games. Each game directory has just to be placed inside the Directory above. Since version 3, all the games use exactly the same script and benefit from all the features (new gaming modes, advanced menus,...)
  21. Yeah i don't understand why it's not working. I've taken the new singe.exe from Scott and installed it, and everything works perferct (including DOUBLE). I've contacted Scott and am waiting for an answer. I need more information to figure the problem. Also i need to understand the karisframework story. I've made a diff between the framework generated by the singe.exe and mine and there's only one slight difference (not important). I suspect the problem has something to do with the controls.cfg. Or maybe. Are you in 3.32 ? (open any file in Singe/Script to check this) And just to be sure, where is the new singe.exe (maybe i took an old one) ? About the 10 frames, i'd say it's quick but still ok in 23,976 fps but a bit short in 29,97 fps (especially if difficulty is set hiigher than normal because it removes frames) I used as low as 8 frames in some cases but it's exceptionnal. Not frequent. That said, we don't pay for playing anymore so people can afford a bit more difficulty i think.
  22. Hello i'm back. Sorry but the real job was demanding, plus vacations. apparently i've got some things to read. I can't remember changing the framework though. EDIT after checking closely my framework, i only found 1 minor difference with the actual one in line 429. This is only a value (and i don't remember changint it) so it shouldn't cause any problem. Don't understand the problem. Probably we need to discuss we Scott to align starts a bit It's nice to have Scott here by the way So can someone update me with the actual situation ? I downloaded the new singe and tried it and everything seems to work fine here (including double moves). I probably missed something
  23. I've got one to finish anyday. Need to find some time.
  24. As you guessed addons is per game. It allows me to add special rules for one game without affecting the other. First let's check your download (cause sometimes there are problems with Mega). On the first lines of main.singe you should read 3.32a Second i'll say maybe the conditions: To earn an additional life, there are several conditions : - Scoring more than required (ok, you've got this one) - Game Type : Normal (probably, you'vee got this one too). Logical because we don't want to award extra lives in Life bar mode (at least not this way) Percent or Survivor mode. - At least one life lost (maybe the problem is there): you can't (at least for now) have more life than the starting value. So if you start with 5 lives, do not die and score 50000, nothing happens. That's how it was designed because in some games, the bonus is calculated with lost lives and having more life at the end than at the start might cause troubles. If you want to test this fast, change the 50000 value in the file you showed above to 5000 (or even less), lose a life early and then score 5000: you will hear a special sound and your life should come back (or at least it woks here). Please Let me know.
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