In fact you're not supposed to begin with SKIP as a first move, because the program has another way to do this. It should work but it's normal if it doesn't work here.
The problem is above:
Level[1] = {"Un nuevo aventurero", 8043,9220, 4, 0, 0, -1}
The bold number above is NOT the end of the level. It is the end of the intro of the level
By entering 22102 the program wil play the intro between 8043 et 22102, thus ignoring the moves. 9220 is the correct figure to include your skip at the beginning of the level and then you can begin the move list with UP
If you press he will skip and then you will have the moves. So you SKIP as move 1 is not repsponsible, but anyway, each level has an included SKIP.
So try it my way.
Oui c'est un bon exemple