Start screen and level select look good. Once game starts, screen goes black but I can hear the game. Gun fires and reloads, it sounds like. Not using reshade. Happens whether using windowed or full screen, custom res or native.
I'm struggling to get v3.0.2 working in TP. v2.0.6 works well. If I use the v3.0.2 from link above and change quon2.exe to quon2_en.exe and change data folder same way, it says to add the BepInEx folder. So, I take the v2 folder and place it into v3. Game then loads but says I/O error see attendant or something like that. I then took any file from v2 and copied it to v3 without overwriting anything that was already there. Same issue. Is there something obvious I'm messing up? Is there a complete v3 dump somewhere that doesn't require anything from the v2 dump?
Since each release includes the courses from previous releases, 2008 isn't really necessary. Have 2007 loaded to include 2007 and 2006 courses and have 2009 loaded to have 2009 and 2008 courses. You can select which courses appear via settings but by default the 5 courses from previous release show up.
Can someone post a link to Golden Tee 2009? Or better yet, is there a link that has all IT Games by year (Golden Tee, Power Putt, Silver Strike, Bags, Target Toss)?